Sunday, March 3, 2013
Human life can not be separated from its environment . Both the natural environment and social environment . We need to breathe air from the surrounding environment . We eat , drink , health, environment all require .
Understanding the environment is everything that is around humans that affect the development of human life , either directly or indirectly . Environment can be divided into biotic and abiotic environment . If you are in school , a neighborhood biotiknya school friends , teachers and employees of the father's mother , and all the people in the school , as well as various types of plants in the school garden and the animals around him . The abiotic environment such as air , tables, chairs , blackboards , school buildings , and various inanimate objects that are around .
Often an environment consisting of a fellow human being referred to as a social environment . The social environment is what form the system of socially large role in shaping one's personality .
In particular , we often use the term environment to mention everything that affects the survival of all living creatures on earth .
As based on Law no. 23 In 1997 , the environment is unity with all things space and unity of living beings including human beings and their behavior hold livelihood and well-being of humans and other living creatures .
The elements of the environment can be divided into three , namely :
Elements of Conservation ( biotic )
Socio-Cultural Elements
Elements of Physical ( abiotic ) ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE
Based on the causes , forms of environmental damage can be divided into two types , namely :
1 . Forms of Environmental Damage Due to Natural Events
Various forms of natural disasters lately much struck Indonesia has resulted in environmental damage . The enormity of the tsunami that devastated the earth Veranda of Mecca and Nias , as well as 5 on the Richter scale earthquake that leveled DIY and surrounding areas , is an example of a natural phenomenon in a flash able to change the shape of the face more natural bumi.Peristiwa impact on environmental degradation , among others :
a. Volcanic eruptions
Volcanic eruptions occur because of the activity of magma in the earth's crust which lead to strong pressure out through the top of the mountain berapi.Bahaya caused by volcanic eruptions such as:
Volcanic ash , causing respiratory problems .
Lava hot , destructive , and deadly anything passed .
Hot clouds , can turn off the living creatures that pass.
Toxic gases .
Solid material ( rocks , gravel , sand ) , can override the housing , and another - lain.b . earthquake
An earthquake is the vibration of the earth's crust that can be caused by several things , including the activities of magma ( volcanic activity ) , the soil down , and because the movement of the plates on the ocean floor . Humans can measure how the intensity of an earthquake , but the man is utterly unable to predict when an earthquake .
Therefore , the danger posed by an earthquake more powerful than the volcanic eruption . When the earthquake occurred a few events taking place as a result , directly or indirectly , including :
Various buildings collapsed .
Broke ground on the earth's surface , the road to be broken .
Landslides due to shocks .
Flooding , due to damage to the embankment .
An earthquake on the ocean floor can cause a tsunami ( tidal wave ) . C . hurricane
Hurricanes occur due to air flow from areas of high pressure toward areas of low pressure .
This air pressure difference occurs because the air temperature differences are striking . Typhoons for countries in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic region is a common thing . For regional areas in California , Texas , until in Asia such as Korea and Taiwan , the danger of a catastrophic hurricane season. But for Indonesia only be felt in the middle of 2007 . This suggests that climate change has occurred in Indonesia, which was caused by the phenomenon of global warming .
Dangers of hurricanes can be predicted through satellite photos that illustrate the state of the Earth's atmosphere , including the formation of hurricanes picture , direction , and speed. Attacks hurricanes ( cyclones ) can cause environmental damage in the form of :
Knock down the building .
Damage to agriculture and plantation areas .
Endanger the flight .
Give rise to large waves that can sink kapal.2 . Environmental damage due to Human Factors
Man as ruler of the earth's environment plays a major role in determining the environmental sustainability . Humans as creatures of God who understands the world is able to change the face of the simple life style of modern life forms to what it is today .
But unfortunately , what do humans often not matched by the thought of a future life of the next generation . Much progress was achieved by humans a bad impact on environmental sustainability .
Some forms of environmental degradation due to human factors , among others :
Pollution ( air, water , soil , and sound ) as the impact of the industrial area .
Flooding , as a result of poor drainage or sewerage system and failure to maintain watersheds and the impact of forest destruction .
Landslides , as a direct result of human activity hutan.Beberapa damage that may directly or indirectly have an impact on environmental degradation , among others :
Illegal logging ( deforestation) .
Poaching .
Damaging mangroves .
Hoarding swamps for settlement .
Disposal of litter .
Illegal buildings in the watershed ( DAS ) .
Utilization of natural resources excessively out of bounds.
Read more : # ixzz2MXFPVWnL
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