haji adalah rukun (tiang agama) Islam yang kelima setelah
syahadat, salat, zakat dan puasa. Menunaikan ibadah haji adalah bentuk ritual
tahunan yang dilaksanakan kaum muslim sedunia yang mampu (material, fisik, dan
keilmuan) dengan berkunjung dan melaksanakan beberapa kegiatan di beberapa
tempat di Arab Saudi pada suatu waktu yang dikenal sebagai musim haji (bulan
Zulhijah). Hal ini berbeda dengan ibadah umrah yang bisa dilaksanakan
Kegiatan inti ibadah haji dimulai pada tanggal 8 Zulhijah
ketika umat Islam bermalam di Mina, wukuf (berdiam diri) di Padang Arafah pada
tanggal 9 Zulhijah, dan berakhir setelah melempar jumrah (melempar batu
simbolisasi setan) pada tanggal 10 Zulhijah. Masyarakat Indonesia lazim juga
menyebut hari raya Idul Adha sebagai Hari Raya Haji karena bersamaan dengan
perayaan ibadah haji ini.
pengertian haji
Secara lughawi, haji berarti menyengaja atau menuju dan
mengunjungi. Menurut etimologi bahasa Arab, kata haji mempunyai arti qashd,
yakni tujuan, maksud, dan menyengaja. Menurut istilah syara', haji ialah menuju
ke Baitullah dan tempat-tempat tertentu untuk melaksanakan amalan-amalan ibadah
tertentu pula. Yang dimaksud dengan temat-tempat tertentu dalam definisi
diatas, selain Ka'bah dan Mas'a(tempat sa'i), juga Arafah, Muzdalifah, dan
Mina. Yang dimaksud dengan waktu tertentu ialah bulan-bulan haji yang dimulai
dari Syawal sampai sepuluh hari pertama bulan Zulhijah. Adapun amal ibadah
tertentu ialah thawaf, sa'i, wukuf, mazbit di Muzdalifah, melontar jumrah,
mabit di Mina, dan lain-lain.
Latar belakang ibadah haji
Orang-orang Arab pada zaman jahiliah telah mengenal ibadah
haji ini yang mereka warisi dari nenek moyang terdahulu dengan melakukan
perubahan disana-sini. Akan tetapi, bentuk umum pelaksanaannya masih tetap ada,
seperti thawaf, sa'i, wukuf, dan melontar jumrah. Hanya saja pelaksanaannya
banyak yang tidak sesuai lagi dengan syariat yang sebenarnya. Untuk itu, Islam
datang dan memperbaiki segi-segi yang salah dan tetap menjalankan apa-apa yang
telah sesuai dengan petunjuk syara' (syariat), sebagaimana yang diatur dalam
al-Qur'an dan sunnah rasul. Latar
belakang ibadah haji ini juga didasarkan pada ibadah serupa yang dilaksanakan
oleh nabi-nabi dalam agama Islam, terutama nabi Ibrahim (nabinya agama Tauhid).
Ritual thawaf didasarkan pada ibadah serupa yang dilaksanakan oleh umat-umat
sebelum nabi Ibarahim. Ritual sa'i, yakni berlari antara bukit Shafa dan Marwah
(daerah agak tinggi di sekitar Ka'bah yang sudah menjadi satu kesatuan Masjid
Al Haram, Makkah), juga didasarkan untuk mengenang ritual istri kedua nabi
Ibrahim ketika mencari susu untuk anaknya nabi Ismail. Sementara wukuf di
Arafah adalah ritual untuk mengenang tempat bertemunya nabi Adam dan Siti Hawa
di muka bumi, yaitu asal mula dari kelahiran seluruh umat manusia.
Hajj is the pillars ( pillar of Islam) is the fifth after the creed ,
prayer , charity and fasting . Pilgrimage is a form of an annual ritual
performed Muslims worldwide are capable of ( material , physical , and science
) to visit and carry out some activities in some places in Saudi Arabia at a
time known as the Hajj season ( the month of Dhul-Hijjah ) . It is different
from the worship Umrah can be performed at any time .
Core activities pilgrimage starts on the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah when Muslims spend the night in Mina , wukuf ( silent ) in Padang Arafah on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah , and ends after throwing Pebbles ( throwing stones symbolizing the devil) on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah . Indonesian society is also commonly called the Eid al-Adha as Hari Raya Haji because it coincides with the celebration of this pilgrimage .
understanding Hajj
In lughawi , Hajj means menyengaja or go and visit . According to the Arabic etymology , the word has a meaning qashd Hajj , the purpose , intent , and menyengaja . According to the terms of Personality ' , Hajj is headed to the House and certain places to carry out specific deeds-deeds of worship anyway . What is meant by temat certain points in the above definition , in addition to the Kaaba and Mas'a ( sa'i place ) , also Arafat , Muzdalifah , and Mina . What is meant by a certain time is month - month pilgrimage which starts from the first ten days of Shawwal month of Dhul-Hijjah . The particular deeds is tawaf , sa'i , before staying , mazbit in Muzdalifah , throwing Pebbles , mabit in Mina , and others .
Background Hajj
Arabs in the days of ignorance have known this pilgrimage which they inherited from ancestors previous to making changes here and there. However , the general shape of its implementation remain, such as tawaf , sa'i , before staying , and throwing Pebbles . It's just practice a lot that does not comply anymore with the actual law . To that end , Islam came and fix the wrong aspects and keep running anything that has been in accordance with the instructions of Personality ' ( Shari'a ) , as stipulated in the Qur'an and Sunnah apostles . Background Hajj is also based on a similar worship conducted by the prophets in Islam , especially the prophet Ibrahim ( the prophet religion Tawheed ) . Tawaf ritual is based on a similar worship conducted by the followers of the prophet Ibarahim before . Sa'i ritual , which ran between the hills of Safa and Marwah ( rather high area around the Kaaba which has become an integral Masjid Al Haram , Makkah ) , also based rituals to commemorate the prophet Abraham 's second wife while searching for his son Prophet Ismail milk . While before staying at Arafat is a ritual to commemorate the meeting place of Adam and Eve on earth , namely the origin of the birth of all mankind .
Core activities pilgrimage starts on the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah when Muslims spend the night in Mina , wukuf ( silent ) in Padang Arafah on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah , and ends after throwing Pebbles ( throwing stones symbolizing the devil) on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah . Indonesian society is also commonly called the Eid al-Adha as Hari Raya Haji because it coincides with the celebration of this pilgrimage .
understanding Hajj
In lughawi , Hajj means menyengaja or go and visit . According to the Arabic etymology , the word has a meaning qashd Hajj , the purpose , intent , and menyengaja . According to the terms of Personality ' , Hajj is headed to the House and certain places to carry out specific deeds-deeds of worship anyway . What is meant by temat certain points in the above definition , in addition to the Kaaba and Mas'a ( sa'i place ) , also Arafat , Muzdalifah , and Mina . What is meant by a certain time is month - month pilgrimage which starts from the first ten days of Shawwal month of Dhul-Hijjah . The particular deeds is tawaf , sa'i , before staying , mazbit in Muzdalifah , throwing Pebbles , mabit in Mina , and others .
Background Hajj
Arabs in the days of ignorance have known this pilgrimage which they inherited from ancestors previous to making changes here and there. However , the general shape of its implementation remain, such as tawaf , sa'i , before staying , and throwing Pebbles . It's just practice a lot that does not comply anymore with the actual law . To that end , Islam came and fix the wrong aspects and keep running anything that has been in accordance with the instructions of Personality ' ( Shari'a ) , as stipulated in the Qur'an and Sunnah apostles . Background Hajj is also based on a similar worship conducted by the prophets in Islam , especially the prophet Ibrahim ( the prophet religion Tawheed ) . Tawaf ritual is based on a similar worship conducted by the followers of the prophet Ibarahim before . Sa'i ritual , which ran between the hills of Safa and Marwah ( rather high area around the Kaaba which has become an integral Masjid Al Haram , Makkah ) , also based rituals to commemorate the prophet Abraham 's second wife while searching for his son Prophet Ismail milk . While before staying at Arafat is a ritual to commemorate the meeting place of Adam and Eve on earth , namely the origin of the birth of all mankind .
Muhammad Arif
semester III
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