Segala puji
bagi Allah yang telah memilih jamaah haji sekalian sebagai tamu-tamuNya.Ini
merupakan karunia Allah yang sangat besar, dimana jutaan umat Islam yang ingin
datang ke tanah suci menunaikan ibadah haji tapi masih belum dapat izin dari Allah,
ada saja halangan yang datang. Adapun jamaah sekalian telah mendapatkan
kemudahan dari Allah sehingga dapat merampungkan seluruh manasik haji dari
mulai umrah sampai tawaf wada’, semoga Allah mencatatnya sebagai haji yang
mabrur diampuni segala dosa kita dan agar jamaah haji diberi perlindungan dan
keselamatan dalam perjalanan pulang ke tanah air, amin!
Terhadap Dunia
Para ulama
kita menyebutkan tanda-tanda haji yang mabrur, diantaranya Imam Hasan Al Bashri
rahimahullah berkata: (Haji yang mabrur adalah agar ia pulang dari ibadah haji
menjadi orang yang zuhud dalam kehidupan dunia dan cinta akhirat). Allah
berfirman yang artinya: “Dan carilah (pahala) negeri akhirat dengan apa yang
telah dianugerahkan Allah kepadamu, tetapi janganlah kamu lupa bagianmu di
dunia”. (Surat Al-Qashash: 77)
Orang yang
zuhud bukan berarti orang yang hanya beribadah di masjid dan tidak mau bekerja
mencari harta untuk nafkah anak dan isteri tapi orang yang zuhud orang yang
tidak diperbudak oleh hartanya, dunia boleh berada di tangannya tidak di
hatinya, aktifitasnya dalam kehidupan dunia tidak melalaikannya dari ingat
kepada Allah, melaksanakan shalat yang lima waktu tepat pada waktunya, tidak
memutuskan silaturahmi, tetap rajin menuntut ilmu islam lalu mengamalkan dan
menda’wahkannya, tidak melupakan tanggung jawab mendidik isteri dan anak-anak.
Orang yang zuhud adalah orang yang penghasilannya dari yang halal, bukan dari
hasil renten, riba, suap, korupsi, mencuri, judi, pungli, memeras, menipu,
memakan hak orang lain. Semoga Allah mengaruniakan kita semua rezeki yang
halal, baik dan berkah serta dijauhkan dari segala pendapatan yang haram, amin!
Baik Dari Sebelumnya Dalam Segala Hal
Ada lagi yang
mengatakan diantara tanda haji yang mabrur adalah setelah pulang dari
menunaikan ibadah haji, ia menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya .
Dalam Hal Tauhid
Menjadi lebih
baik dalam hal tauhid. Jika ada diantara jamaah haji yang sebelum hajinya masih
suka pergi ke dukun untuk minta kekayaan, anak, jodoh, cepat naik pangkat dan
lain-lain maka setelah kita haji hendaklah kita tinggalkan hal
tersebut dan bertaubat kepada Allah karena
Rasulullah bersabda yang artinya, “Barangsiapa mendatangi
tukang ramal atau dukun lalu membenarkan apa yang dikatakannya, maka ia telah
kafir dengan apa yang telah diturunkan kepada Muhammad”. (HR. Abu Dawud,
At-Tirmidzi, Ibnu Majah, dishahihkan oleh Al-Albani dalam Al-Irwa` no. 2006)
yang sebelum ia haji, suka menyembelih sapi atau lainnya untuk dijadikan
sebagai tumbal atau sesajen maka sekarang harus meninggalkannya dan menyembelih
kurban hanya untuk Allah karena Allah berfirman yang artinya: “Maka dirikanlah
shalat karena Rabbmu dan berkorbanlah” (Surat Al- Kautsar 2).
sesungguhnya shalatku, sesembelihanku, hidup dan matiku hanya untuk Allah
Rabbul Alamin tidak ada sekutu baginya” (Surat Al-An’aam: 162)
yang sebelum ia haji, masih mempercayai ramalan bintang maka tinggalkanlah dan
bertawakallah kepada Allah semata.
yang sebelum hajinya masih mengkeramatkan keris dan jimat-jimat, maka sekarang
musnahkanlah segala jimat yang kita miliki.
yang sebelum hajinya masih suka meruwat bumi untuk menghindarkan bencana, maka
sekarang bertaubatlah dan tinggalkan upacara syirik itu, bergantunglah kepada
Allah karena yang dapat menghindarkan bencana hanya Allah semata.
yang sebelum hajinya masih mengkeramatkan sapi yang dikeluarkan setiap tanggal
sepuluh Muharram bahkan berebut untuk memperoleh kotorannya yang dianggap dapat
memberikan berkah, maka ketahuilah itu adalah perbuatan syirik.
yang sebelum hajinya masih meyakini bahwa nasib sial akan menimpanya jika
bepergian hari Selasa atau Sabtu juga untuk menentukan waktu pernikahan harus
dihitung secara cermat karena kalau tidak pas harinya akan menimbulkan
kesialan, maka itu semua adalah syirik. Allah tidak mengampuni dosa syirik
kecuali jika pelakunya bertaubat, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Penerima taubat.Allah
mengharamkan surga bagi orang yang berbuat syirik.Adapun orang-orang yang
beriman dan tidak mencampur adukkan keimanan mereka dengan kesyirikan maka
mereka mendapatkan keamanan dan hidayah dari Allah Taala.
Dalam Hal Ibadah
jamaah haji memperbaiki ibadahnya kepada Allah, shalat yang lima waktu jangan sampai
ditinggalkan, zakat maal harus dikeluarkan dan shaum di bulan Ramadhan harus
dijalankan. Segala ibadah kita laksanakan dengan penuh rasa cinta kepada Allah
yang telah memberikan kepada kita nikmat yang tidak terhingga.Kita siap
korbankan harta, tenaga dan waktu kita demi menggapai ridha Allah.
Dalam Hal Muamalah
Hendaklah kita
perbaiki muamalah kita dengan orang tua yang telah melahirkan dan mendidik kita
sejak kecil.Jangan sampai kita menyakiti hati mereka dan hendaklah selalu
berbakti dan memperlakukan mereka dengan sebaik-baiknya.Jika orang tua kita
telah meninggal dunia hendaklah kita selalu mendoakan untuk mereka.
Suami Isteri
Bagi para
suami hendaklah perbaiki muamalah dengan isterinya jangan mudah marah dan
membentak isterinya jika berbuat kesalahan.Lakukanlah hal-hal yang menyenangkan
isteri selama tidak bertentangan dengan syariat.Didiklah isteri dengan nasehat,
membawanya ke majelis ta’lim, membelikannya buku dan kaset ceramah yang
bermanfaat.Juga didiklah isteri dengan memberi keteladanan.
Rasulullah bersabda: “Sebaik-baik kalian adalah yang terbaik terhadap
keluarganya dan saya adalah orang yang paling baik diantara kalian terhadap
Bagi para
isteri perbaikilah muamalah dengan suami jadilah isteri yang taat. Rasulullah
bersabda: “Apabila wanita shalat yang lima waktu, berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan,
taat kepada suaminya dan memelihara kemaluannya, maka ia masuk surga dari
pintu-pintu mana saja yang ia mau”.
kepada suami dalam hal yang makruf saja adapun dalam hal maksiat tidak ada
ketaatan kepada makhluk dalam hal maksiat kepada Allah Al-Khaliq.Ketika suami
baru datang dari pekerjaan janganlah disambut dengan berbagai macam problem dan
hal-hal yang tidak menyenangkan tetapi sambutlah dengan senyum, sediakanlah makan
dan minum serta biarkanlah suami untuk istirahat dulu setelah itu barulah
sampaikan segala problem yang ada niscaya suami sudah lebih siap untuk
Orang Tua dan Anak
Bagi para
orang tua perbaikilah dalam pendidikan terhadap anak-anak, mereka merupakan
amanat yang kelak kita akan diminta pertanggungjawabannya di hari akhir.
Didiklah mereka dengan memberikan contoh yang baik, sekolahkanlah mereka di
tempat yang baik, awasilah pergaulan mereka. Selalulah berdoa kepada Allah agar
melindungi dan menjaga mereka dari segala kejahatan dan keburukan karena doa
orang tua untuk anaknya insya Allah mustajab.
Kaum Muslimah
Bagi kaum
muslimah perbaikilah dalam hal berbusana, tutuplah aurat anda dan jangan
diperlihatkan kepada laki-laki yang bukan mahramnya. Allah berfirman: “Hai Nabi
katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu, anak-anak perempuanmu, dan isteri-isteri
orang mukmin, (Hendaklah mereka mengulurkan jilbabnya ke seluruh tubuh mereka).
Yang demikian itu supaya mereka lebih mudah untuk dikenal, karena itu mereka
tidak diganggu.Dan Allah adalah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang”. (Surat
Al-Ahzab: 59)
kepada wanita yang beriman, hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya, dan
memelihara kemaluannya, dan janganlah mereka menampakkan perhiasannya, kecuali
yang (biasa) nampak dari padanya. Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain kudung
ke dadanya, dan janganlah menampakkan perhiasannya, kecuali kepada suami
mereka, atau ayah mereka, atau ayah suami mereka, atau putera-putera mereka,
atau putera-putera suami mereka, atau saudara-saudara laki-laki mereka, atau
putera-putera saudara laki-laki mereka, atau putera-putera saudara perempuan
mereka, atau wanita-wanita Islam atau budak-budak yang mereka miliki, atau
pelayan-pelayan laki-laki yang tidak mempunyai keinginan (terhadap wanita) atau
anak-anak yang belum mengerti tentang aurat wanita. Dan janganlah mereka
memukulkan kakinya agar diketahui perhiasan yang mereka sembunyikan.Dan
bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, hai orang-orang yang beriman supaya
kamu beruntung”. (Surat An-Nuur: 31)
bersabda: “Ada dua golongan dari penduduk neraka yang belum pernah saya lihat
keduanya (sebelum ini), (pertama) suatu kaum yang memiliki cambuk bagaikan ekor
sapi yang digunakannya untuk memukul manusia dan (kedua) wanita yang berpakaian
tapi telanjang berjalan berlenggak lenggok, kepala mereka seperti punuk unta,
mereka tidak masuk surga dan tidak mencium bau surga padahal bau surga itu
tercium dari jarak yang sekian dan sekian jauhnya”. (Hadits Shahih, Riwayat
Masih banyak
diantara jamaah haji wanita yang berpakaian tapi telanjang, belum sempurna
menutup auratnya, masih ada yang terlihat lehernya, terlihat lengannya, menutup
aurat dengan pakaian yang ketat sehingga membentuk lekak lekuk tubuhnya,
berpakaian dengan bahan yang tipis dan transparan sehingga terlihat kulitnya,
pada hakekatnya mereka masih telanjang dan diancam tidak masuk surga. Hendaklah
jamaah haji wanita menjadi sadar setelah menangis dan memohon ampun kepada
Allah pada saat wuquf di Arafah, apakah kita ulangi kembali dosa-dosa kita?
jamaah haji wanita menjadi teladan bagi kaum muslimah di tanah air yang sedang
dilanda dekadensi akhlak dan moral, didiklah puteri-puteri kita agar berbusana
muslimah, nasehatilah mereka agar tidak keluar rumah dengan menggunakan celana
pendek, celana panjang lebih-lebih celana yang sangat ketat dan perutnya
terlihat, innaalillahi wa innaa ilaihi rajiuun.
jamaah haji wanita berdandan dan bersolek mempercantik diri, tetapi untuk
siapa? Bukan untuk orang-orang diluar rumah tapi untuk suami di rumah,
kenyataan yang ada banyak dari kaum muslimah berdandan ketika keluar rumah
padahal dilarang oleh Allah yang kita cintai, Allah berfirman: “Dan hendaklah
kamu (isteri-isteri nabi) tetap di rumahmu dan janganlah kamu berhias dan
bertingkah laku seperti orang-orang jahiliyah yang dahulu”. (Surat Al-Ahzab:
Ayat ini
berlaku juga untuk segenap kaum muslimah dan mukminah.
bersabda bahwa seorang wanita yang pergi keluar rumah dengan menggunakan parfum
sehingga tercium oleh laki-laki lain, maka sesungguhnya ia itu pelacur. Setiap
hari kita berdoa memohon hidayah kepada Allah, maka sudah menjadi kewajiban
bagi kita untuk mempelajari jalan-jalan hidayah berupa ilmu yang bermanfaat karena
masih banyak diantara jalan-jalan hidayah yang belum kita ketahui dibandingkan
yang sudah kita ketahui.Jangan kita menganggap ini adalah hal yang baru kita
dengar, kami sudah terbiasa dengan adat kami dan dalih-dalih lainnya yang tidak
bisa diterima oleh syariat. Allah berfirman: “Dan apabila dikatakan kepada
mereka: lkutilah apa yang telah diturunkan Allah mereka menjawab: Tidak, tetapi
kami hanya mengikuti apa yang telah kami dapati dari (perbuatan) nenek moyang
kami. (Apakah mereka akan mengikuti juga), walaupun nenek moyang mereka itu
tidak mengetahui suatu apapun, dan tidak mendapat petunjuk?” (Surat Al-Baqarah:
Dan firmanNya:
“Dan tidaklah boleh bagi laki-laki yang mukmin dan tidak (pula) bagi perempuan
yang mukmin, apabila Allah dan RasulNya telah menetapkan suatu ketetapan, akan
ada bagi mereka pilihan (yang lain) tentang urusan mereka. Dan barangsiapa
mendurhakai Allah dan RasulNya maka sungguhlah dia telah sesat, sesat yang
nyata”. (Surat Al-Ahzab: 36)
Secara Umum
Hendaklah kita
semua memperbaiki diri dalam hal tanggung jawab kita memperbaiki
masyarakat.Bentengi aqidah umat dengan menyebarkan ilmu yang bermanfaat, dengan
saling nasehat menasehati untuk menepati kebenaran dan nasehat menasehati untuk
menetapi kesabaran, dengan saling bekerjasama dalam hal kebaikan dan
taqwa.Tidak sedikit umat Islam di Indonesia murtad dari agamanya disebabkan
kelengahan dan kelalaian kita.Benar sebab mereka murtad adalah karena lemah
iman ditambah lagi dengan lemah ekonomi, tapi apakah boleh kita diam dan
berpangku tangan?Tidak, kita harus berbuat sesuai dengan kemampuan kita.Apabila
kita tidak bisa mendidik mereka karena keterbatasan ilmu kita, ajaklah mereka
untuk menghadiri majelis-majelis ilmu, bagikan buletin dan buku-buku Islam,
pinjamkan kaset-kaset ceramah yang bermanfaat.Jika mereka malas bekerja berilah
motivasi, jika mereka nganggur carikanlah pekerjaan untuk mereka, jika
puteri-puteri kita sudah dewasa carikanlah untuk mereka suami yang baik
keislamannya jangan kita biarkan mereka menikah dengan laki-laki kafir.
Apabila anda
sebagai pejabat janganlah anda menghalangi dan mempersulit orang-orang yang
ikhlas mengajak manusia untuk mentauhidkan Allah dan tidak berbuat syirik,
untuk mengikuti sunnah Nabi dan tidak berbuat bid’ah.
Bagi orang tua
yang mempunyai anak puteri memakai jilbab atau cadar dukunglah mereka dan
banggalah terhadap anak anda yang taat kepada Allah, semoga Allah menghiasi
puteri anda dengan akhlak yang baik pula.
Bagi jamaah
haji yang memiliki kelebihan harta dapat beramal jariyah dengan membelikan
kitab-kitab yang bermanfaat untuk ustadz-ustadz yang ada di tanah air.Dan masih
banyak amal-amal lainnya yang dapat kita lakukan dalam upaya kita memperbaiki
diri dan masyarakat.
Praise be to God who has chosen all pilgrims as his guests . This is a very great gift of God , where millions of Muslims who want to come to the holy land pilgrimage but still not able to permission from Allah , there is any obstacle that comes . The pilgrims have to get all the ease of God so as to complete the entire Umrah Hajj rituals to begin tawaf of Farewell ' , may Allah writes it down as pilgrims Mabrur forgiven all our sins and that pilgrims were given protection and safety on the way back to their homeland , amen !
Signs sanctuary Haji Mabrur
Ascetic Against The World
The scholars we mention signs Mabrur hajj , including Imam Hasan Al Basri rahimahullah said : ( Hajj Mabrur is that he came home from the pilgrimage into the ascetic in the world and love life hereafter ) . Allah says which means : " And seek ( reward ) in the Hereafter with what Allah has given to you , but do not neglect your share in the world " . ( Surat al - Qasas : 77 )
People who ascetic does not mean people who only worship in mosques and do not want to work for a living treasure for children and the wife of the ascetic but people who are not enslaved by their wealth , the world may be at hand is not in his heart , his activities in the life of the world will not relent from recall to God , praying five times a timely manner , not to decide the relationship , remain diligent in studying and practicing Islam and menda'wahkannya , not forgetting the responsibility of educating his wife and children . Ascetic person who is the person from the lawful income , instead of the results renten , usury , bribery , corruption , stealing , gambling , extortion , blackmail , cheat , take the rights of others . May Allah grant us all lawful sustenance , good and blessing and kept away from any illicit income , amen !
Better Than Ever in All Things
There is another sign that said between Mabrur pilgrimage is after returning from a pilgrimage , he became better than ever .
1 . In the Matter of Tawheed
Be better in terms of monotheism . If there is among Hajj pilgrims before still like to go to the witch doctor to ask for wealth , children , marriage , quickly climbed the ranks and others after our Haj then let us leave it to God and repent because that means the Prophet said , " Whoever came soothsayer or healer and justify what he said , then he is a disbeliever in what has been revealed to Muhammad " . ( Narrated by Abu Dawud , At- Tirmidhi , Ibn Majah , classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al - Irwa ` no. 2006)
Whoever before he Hajj , like slaughtering cows or other to serve as the scapegoat or the current offerings and sacrificed sacrifices had to leave only to Allah because Allah says which means : " And establish regular prayers as your Lord and Take one " (Al - Kauthar 2 ) .
" Say my prayers indeed , life and my death for Allah the Lord of Alamin no partner for him " (al - An'am : 162 )
Whoever before he Hajj , still believes horoscope then leave and put thy trust in Allah alone .
Whoever before Hajj still sacred dagger and amulets , talisman so now Destroy everything that we have.
Anyone who still likes before Hajj earth to avoid disaster , so now repent and leave the ceremony shirk it , Depend to God because that will avoid disaster only God alone .
Whoever still sacred cows before Hajj issued every tenth day of Muharram even fighting to get their droppings which are considered to give a blessing , then know it is shirk .
Anyone who still believes that before Hajj bad luck would befall him if traveling on Tuesday or Saturday as well to determine the time of marriage should be calculated carefully because if it does not fit will cause bad luck day , then it all is shirk . God does not forgive sins except shirk if the perpetrator repentance , Allah is Oft repentance . God forbid a haven for those who commit shirk . As for those who believe and do not mix their belief with shirk confused then they get the security and guidance from Allah Ta'ala .
2 . In the Matter of Worship
Let the repair pilgrims worship to God , prayer five times a day should not be abandoned , zakat maal must be removed and sawm in the month of Ramadan should be run . All the worship we conducted with a sense of love to God who has given us countless favors . We are ready to sacrifice possessions , our time and energy in order to reach the pleasure of Allah .
3 . In This Tenets
Let us fix our muamalah with parents who have given birth and educate us since childhood . Lest we offend them , and be always dutiful and treat them as well as possible . If our parents had died let us always pray for them .
Tenets Spouse
For the husband let his wife do not fix muamalah irritable and snapping at his wife when making mistakes . Do fun things that do not conflict with the wife of the Shari'a . Educate wife with counsel , took him to the house of study groups , bought books and tapes useful lecture . Also educate the wife with an ex-ample . Prophet said : " The best of you is the best to his family and I was the best among you to my family " .
For muamalah amend your wife with a husband and wife be obedient . Prophet said : " If the woman is five time prayers , fasting in Ramadan , obedient to her husband and maintains his cock , then he entered the gates of heaven wherever he wants " .
Obedience to their husbands in the kindness just as for the immoral thing no obedience to a creature in immoral to God Al - Khaliq . When the new husband comes from work should not be greeted with a variety of problems and things that are not pleasant but welcome with a smile , and prepare a meal and a drink and let the husband to take a break after that then convey all the problems that exist husband undoubtedly been more ready to listen .
Tenets of Parents and Children
To amend your parents in the education of children , their future is a mandate that we will be held accountable in the end . Educate them with a good example ,teach them in a good place , Take heed their association . Always pray to God to protect and preserve them from all evil and evil as prayers of parents for their children , God willing efficacious .
The Muslim Tenets
For Muslim women mend in terms of dress , cover your nakedness and should not be shown to men who are not mahram . Allah says : " O Prophet tell your wives , your daughters , and the wives of the believers , ( Let them stretch out their scarf around the body ) . That is so that they are easier to be known , because they are not disturbed . And Allah is Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful " . (al - Ahzab : 59 )
" Say to the believing women , let their gaze , and maintaining his cock , and they do not show her jewelry , except for the ( usual ) appear thereof . Cover with a cloth and let them crippled to his chest , and not to show off her jewelry , except to their husbands , or their fathers , or their husband's fathers , or their sons , or the sons of their husbands , or their brothers, their men , or the sons of their brothers , or the sons of their sisters , or Muslim women , or the slaves that they have, or the servants of men who do not have the desire ( for women ) or children who do not understand about women's genitalia . And let them not strike their feet so that they are known to hide jewelry . And repent to Allah all of you , O believers that you prosper " . (An - Nuur : 31 )
Prophet said : " There are two classes of the population of hell that I have not seen both of them ( before this ) , ( the first ) of a people who have whips like the tails of cattle he used to hit people and ( secondly ) women who dressed but naked walking sway , their heads like a camel's hump , they do not go to heaven and not smell the smell of paradise when paradise was wafted from so and so distance away " . ( Hadith Sahih , Reported by Muslim )
There are still many pilgrims among women who dressed but naked , nakedness is not perfect close , there is still a visible neck , arm visible , close the genitals with tight clothing so as to form her curves , dressed with a thin and transparent material so that skin looks , in fact they were still naked and threatened not go to heaven . Let the pilgrims became unconscious after the woman cried and begged forgiveness of Allah at the time of wuquf at Arafat , if we repeat our sins ?
Let the women pilgrims became a role model for Muslim women in this country who are being hit by the decadence and morality , educate our daughters that Muslim dress , admonish them not to leave the house by using a pair of shorts , trousers especially very tight pants and belly visible , innaalillahi wa innaa ilaihi rajiuun .
Let the pilgrims dress and primp women beautify themselves , but for whom ? Not for the people outside the home but for the husband at home , the fact that there are a lot of Muslim women dress up when going out though forbidden by God that we love , Allah says : " And be ye ( wives of the Prophet ) and do not stay in your house you ornate and behave like people who formerly ignorance " . (al - Ahzab : 33 )
This paragraph applies also to all the Muslim and mukminah .
Prophet said that a woman who went out of the house by using a perfume that smelled by another man , then indeed she was a prostitute . Every day we pray for God 's guidance , then it is an obligation for us to learn the streets of guidance in the form of useful knowledge because there are many of the streets of the guidance that we do not know than what we already know . Do we assume this is a new thing we hear , we are familiar with our customs and other excuses are not acceptable by law . Allah says : " And when it is said unto them : what Allah has revealed their answer : No, but we just follow what we found from the ( deeds ) of our ancestors . ( Are they going to follow too ) , even though their ancestors were not aware of any one , and have no clue ? " (al - Baqara : 170 )
And his words : " And it is not permissible for a believing man and not ( also ) for a believing woman , when Allah and His Messenger have set a statute , there will be a choice for those ( other ) about their affair . And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then indeed he has gone astray , misguided real " . (al - Ahzab : 36 )
Tenets General
Let us all improve ourselves in terms of our responsibility for improving society . Aqeedah fortify the people by spreading useful knowledge , to advise counsel each other to keep the truth and advised counsel to fulfill patience , cooperate with each other in goodness and piety . Not a few Muslims in Indonesia apostate from his religion inadvertence and negligence caused us . True because they are apostates because of weak faith coupled with a weak economy , but whether we should shut up and sit on my hands ? No, we must act according to our ability . If we can not educate them because of the limitations of our knowledge , invite them to attend the assemblies of science , distribute bulletins and Islamic books , tapes lend useful lecture . If they give motivation lazy to work , if they work for their idle , if our daughters were grown good husband to their Islamic faith do we let them marry pagan men .
If you as an officer you do not impede and complicate the people who sincerely invite people to mentauhidkan God and do not shirk , to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet and do not heresy .
For parents who have children daughter wear the hijab or veil to support them and be proud of your child's obedience to Allah , may Allah adorn your daughter with good morals anyway .
For those pilgrims who have excess property can be as perpetual charity by buying books useful for ustadzs existing in the country . And there are many other good deeds we can do in our efforts to improve themselves and society .
Praise be to God who has chosen all pilgrims as his guests . This is a very great gift of God , where millions of Muslims who want to come to the holy land pilgrimage but still not able to permission from Allah , there is any obstacle that comes . The pilgrims have to get all the ease of God so as to complete the entire Umrah Hajj rituals to begin tawaf of Farewell ' , may Allah writes it down as pilgrims Mabrur forgiven all our sins and that pilgrims were given protection and safety on the way back to their homeland , amen !
Signs sanctuary Haji Mabrur
Ascetic Against The World
The scholars we mention signs Mabrur hajj , including Imam Hasan Al Basri rahimahullah said : ( Hajj Mabrur is that he came home from the pilgrimage into the ascetic in the world and love life hereafter ) . Allah says which means : " And seek ( reward ) in the Hereafter with what Allah has given to you , but do not neglect your share in the world " . ( Surat al - Qasas : 77 )
People who ascetic does not mean people who only worship in mosques and do not want to work for a living treasure for children and the wife of the ascetic but people who are not enslaved by their wealth , the world may be at hand is not in his heart , his activities in the life of the world will not relent from recall to God , praying five times a timely manner , not to decide the relationship , remain diligent in studying and practicing Islam and menda'wahkannya , not forgetting the responsibility of educating his wife and children . Ascetic person who is the person from the lawful income , instead of the results renten , usury , bribery , corruption , stealing , gambling , extortion , blackmail , cheat , take the rights of others . May Allah grant us all lawful sustenance , good and blessing and kept away from any illicit income , amen !
Better Than Ever in All Things
There is another sign that said between Mabrur pilgrimage is after returning from a pilgrimage , he became better than ever .
1 . In the Matter of Tawheed
Be better in terms of monotheism . If there is among Hajj pilgrims before still like to go to the witch doctor to ask for wealth , children , marriage , quickly climbed the ranks and others after our Haj then let us leave it to God and repent because that means the Prophet said , " Whoever came soothsayer or healer and justify what he said , then he is a disbeliever in what has been revealed to Muhammad " . ( Narrated by Abu Dawud , At- Tirmidhi , Ibn Majah , classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al - Irwa ` no. 2006)
Whoever before he Hajj , like slaughtering cows or other to serve as the scapegoat or the current offerings and sacrificed sacrifices had to leave only to Allah because Allah says which means : " And establish regular prayers as your Lord and Take one " (Al - Kauthar 2 ) .
" Say my prayers indeed , life and my death for Allah the Lord of Alamin no partner for him " (al - An'am : 162 )
Whoever before he Hajj , still believes horoscope then leave and put thy trust in Allah alone .
Whoever before Hajj still sacred dagger and amulets , talisman so now Destroy everything that we have.
Anyone who still likes before Hajj earth to avoid disaster , so now repent and leave the ceremony shirk it , Depend to God because that will avoid disaster only God alone .
Whoever still sacred cows before Hajj issued every tenth day of Muharram even fighting to get their droppings which are considered to give a blessing , then know it is shirk .
Anyone who still believes that before Hajj bad luck would befall him if traveling on Tuesday or Saturday as well to determine the time of marriage should be calculated carefully because if it does not fit will cause bad luck day , then it all is shirk . God does not forgive sins except shirk if the perpetrator repentance , Allah is Oft repentance . God forbid a haven for those who commit shirk . As for those who believe and do not mix their belief with shirk confused then they get the security and guidance from Allah Ta'ala .
2 . In the Matter of Worship
Let the repair pilgrims worship to God , prayer five times a day should not be abandoned , zakat maal must be removed and sawm in the month of Ramadan should be run . All the worship we conducted with a sense of love to God who has given us countless favors . We are ready to sacrifice possessions , our time and energy in order to reach the pleasure of Allah .
3 . In This Tenets
Let us fix our muamalah with parents who have given birth and educate us since childhood . Lest we offend them , and be always dutiful and treat them as well as possible . If our parents had died let us always pray for them .
Tenets Spouse
For the husband let his wife do not fix muamalah irritable and snapping at his wife when making mistakes . Do fun things that do not conflict with the wife of the Shari'a . Educate wife with counsel , took him to the house of study groups , bought books and tapes useful lecture . Also educate the wife with an ex-ample . Prophet said : " The best of you is the best to his family and I was the best among you to my family " .
For muamalah amend your wife with a husband and wife be obedient . Prophet said : " If the woman is five time prayers , fasting in Ramadan , obedient to her husband and maintains his cock , then he entered the gates of heaven wherever he wants " .
Obedience to their husbands in the kindness just as for the immoral thing no obedience to a creature in immoral to God Al - Khaliq . When the new husband comes from work should not be greeted with a variety of problems and things that are not pleasant but welcome with a smile , and prepare a meal and a drink and let the husband to take a break after that then convey all the problems that exist husband undoubtedly been more ready to listen .
Tenets of Parents and Children
To amend your parents in the education of children , their future is a mandate that we will be held accountable in the end . Educate them with a good example ,teach them in a good place , Take heed their association . Always pray to God to protect and preserve them from all evil and evil as prayers of parents for their children , God willing efficacious .
The Muslim Tenets
For Muslim women mend in terms of dress , cover your nakedness and should not be shown to men who are not mahram . Allah says : " O Prophet tell your wives , your daughters , and the wives of the believers , ( Let them stretch out their scarf around the body ) . That is so that they are easier to be known , because they are not disturbed . And Allah is Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful " . (al - Ahzab : 59 )
" Say to the believing women , let their gaze , and maintaining his cock , and they do not show her jewelry , except for the ( usual ) appear thereof . Cover with a cloth and let them crippled to his chest , and not to show off her jewelry , except to their husbands , or their fathers , or their husband's fathers , or their sons , or the sons of their husbands , or their brothers, their men , or the sons of their brothers , or the sons of their sisters , or Muslim women , or the slaves that they have, or the servants of men who do not have the desire ( for women ) or children who do not understand about women's genitalia . And let them not strike their feet so that they are known to hide jewelry . And repent to Allah all of you , O believers that you prosper " . (An - Nuur : 31 )
Prophet said : " There are two classes of the population of hell that I have not seen both of them ( before this ) , ( the first ) of a people who have whips like the tails of cattle he used to hit people and ( secondly ) women who dressed but naked walking sway , their heads like a camel's hump , they do not go to heaven and not smell the smell of paradise when paradise was wafted from so and so distance away " . ( Hadith Sahih , Reported by Muslim )
There are still many pilgrims among women who dressed but naked , nakedness is not perfect close , there is still a visible neck , arm visible , close the genitals with tight clothing so as to form her curves , dressed with a thin and transparent material so that skin looks , in fact they were still naked and threatened not go to heaven . Let the pilgrims became unconscious after the woman cried and begged forgiveness of Allah at the time of wuquf at Arafat , if we repeat our sins ?
Let the women pilgrims became a role model for Muslim women in this country who are being hit by the decadence and morality , educate our daughters that Muslim dress , admonish them not to leave the house by using a pair of shorts , trousers especially very tight pants and belly visible , innaalillahi wa innaa ilaihi rajiuun .
Let the pilgrims dress and primp women beautify themselves , but for whom ? Not for the people outside the home but for the husband at home , the fact that there are a lot of Muslim women dress up when going out though forbidden by God that we love , Allah says : " And be ye ( wives of the Prophet ) and do not stay in your house you ornate and behave like people who formerly ignorance " . (al - Ahzab : 33 )
This paragraph applies also to all the Muslim and mukminah .
Prophet said that a woman who went out of the house by using a perfume that smelled by another man , then indeed she was a prostitute . Every day we pray for God 's guidance , then it is an obligation for us to learn the streets of guidance in the form of useful knowledge because there are many of the streets of the guidance that we do not know than what we already know . Do we assume this is a new thing we hear , we are familiar with our customs and other excuses are not acceptable by law . Allah says : " And when it is said unto them : what Allah has revealed their answer : No, but we just follow what we found from the ( deeds ) of our ancestors . ( Are they going to follow too ) , even though their ancestors were not aware of any one , and have no clue ? " (al - Baqara : 170 )
And his words : " And it is not permissible for a believing man and not ( also ) for a believing woman , when Allah and His Messenger have set a statute , there will be a choice for those ( other ) about their affair . And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then indeed he has gone astray , misguided real " . (al - Ahzab : 36 )
Tenets General
Let us all improve ourselves in terms of our responsibility for improving society . Aqeedah fortify the people by spreading useful knowledge , to advise counsel each other to keep the truth and advised counsel to fulfill patience , cooperate with each other in goodness and piety . Not a few Muslims in Indonesia apostate from his religion inadvertence and negligence caused us . True because they are apostates because of weak faith coupled with a weak economy , but whether we should shut up and sit on my hands ? No, we must act according to our ability . If we can not educate them because of the limitations of our knowledge , invite them to attend the assemblies of science , distribute bulletins and Islamic books , tapes lend useful lecture . If they give motivation lazy to work , if they work for their idle , if our daughters were grown good husband to their Islamic faith do we let them marry pagan men .
If you as an officer you do not impede and complicate the people who sincerely invite people to mentauhidkan God and do not shirk , to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet and do not heresy .
For parents who have children daughter wear the hijab or veil to support them and be proud of your child's obedience to Allah , may Allah adorn your daughter with good morals anyway .
For those pilgrims who have excess property can be as perpetual charity by buying books useful for ustadzs existing in the country . And there are many other good deeds we can do in our efforts to improve themselves and society .
nama: Akhmad Mualifin
semester: 3
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