Kerusakan lingkungan hidup akibat
populasi manusia dan perkembangan zaman pada awal abad 21 ini. Populasi manusia
mempengaruhi keadaan alam. Semakin banyak manusia tinggal di suatu daerah maka
kebutuhan hidup juga bertambah. Dengan bertambahnya manusia yang berperan
sebagai konsumen, para produsen memproduksi produk mereka agar memenuhi
kebutuhan konsumen mereka. Sedangkan semakin banyak produk yang dikeluarkan
oleh industri mengeluarkan limbah yang dibuang ke lingkungan. Limbah inilah
yang mengakibatkan kerusakan alam khususnya pada lingkungan hidup.
Dari latar belakang di atas maka
dapat diambil kesimpulan atau rumusan masalah sebagai berikut :
pengertian lingkungan hidup ?
Apa yang
menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan hidup ?
Siapa yang
menanggung akibat kerusakan lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh ulah manusia ?
manusia mulai merusak lingkungan hidup ?
bentuk-bentuk kerusakan lingkungan hidup dan faktor-faktor penyebabnya ?
usaha untuk melestarikan lingkungan hidup ?
Lingkungan Hidup
Hamparan laut biru yang luas,
dataran, bukit-bukit, pegunungan, langit yang biru yang disinari matahari,
semuanya merupakan lingkungan alam. Lingkungan hidup mencakup lingkungan alam
yang meliputi lingkungan fisik, biologi, dan budaya.
Undang-Undang Lingkungan Hidup No. 4
tahun 1982 yang disempurnakan dengan Undang-Undang Lingkungan Hidup No. 23
tahun 1997 pasal 1 menyebut pengertian lingkungan hidup sebagai berikut.
“Lingkungan hidup adalah kesatuan
ruang dengan semua benda, daya, keadaan, dan makhluk hidup, termasuk manusia
dan perilakunya, yang mempengaruhi perikehidupan dan kesejahteraan manusia
serta makhluk hidup lain.”
Lingkungan hidup sebagaimana yang
dimaksud dalam undang-undang tersebut merupakan suatu sistem yang meliputi
lingkungan alam hayati, lingkungan alam nonhayati, lingkungan buatan, dan
lingkungan sosial. Semua komponen-komponen lingkungan hidup seperti benda,
daya, keadaan, dan makhluk hidup berhimpun dalam satu wadah yang menjadi tempat
berkumpulnya komponen itu disebut ruang.
Pada ruang ini berlangsung
ekosistem, yaitu suatu susunan organisme hidup dimana diantara lingkungan
abiotik dan organisme tersebut terjalin interaksi yang harmonis dan stabil,
saling memberi dan menerima kehidupan.
Interaksi antara berbagai komponen
tersebut ada kalanya bersifat positif dan tidak jarang pula yang bersifat
negatif. Keadaan yang bersifat positif dapat terjadi apabila terjadi keadaan
yang mendorong dan membantu kelancaran berlangsungnya proses kehidupan
Cara mengambil hasil hutan agar tetap
terjaga kelesteriannya misalnya dengan sistem tebang pilih yaitu pohon yang
ditebang hanya pohon yang besar dan tua, agar pohon-pohon kecil yang sebelumnya
terlindungi oleh pohon besar, akan cepat menjadi besar menggantikan pohon yang
ditebang tersebut.
Interaksi yang bersifat negatif
terjadi apabila proses interaksi lingkungan yang harmonis terganggu sehingga
interaksi berjalan saling merugikan.
Adanya gangguan terhadap satu
komponen di dalam lingkungan hidup, akan membawa pengaruh yang negatif bagi komponen-komponen
lainnya karena keseimbangan terhadap komponen-komponen tersebut tidak harmonis
Arti Penting
Lingkungan Hidup Bagi Kehidupan
Bumi ini diwariskan dari nenek
moyang kita dalam keadaan yang sangat berkualitas dan seimbang. Nenek moyang
kita telah menjaga dan memeliharanya bagi kita sebagai pewaris bumi
selanjutnya, sehingga kita berhak dan harus mendapatkan kualitas yang sama
persis dengan apa yang didapatkan nenek moyang kita sebelumnya. Bumi adalah
anugerah yang tidak ternilai harganya dari Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena menjadi
sumber segala kehidupan. Oleh karena itu, menjaga alam dan keseimbangannya
menjadi kewajiban kita semua secara mutlak tanpa syarat.
Masyarakat jaman dahulu telah
menyadari benar bahwa lingkungan hidup merupakan bagian kehidupannya. Dari
catatan sejarah diketahui bahwa pada abad ke-7, masyarakat di Indonesia sudah
membentuk suatu bagian yang bertugas mengawasi hutan, yang hampir sama
fungsinya dengan jabatan sekarang yang disebut dengan Perlindungan Hutan dan
Pelestarian Alam (PHPA). Masyarakat seperti ini sering kita sebut masyarakat
Kawasan hutan mereka bagi menjadi
beberapa bagian, ada yang boleh digarap yang disebut hutan rakyat, ada pula
yang boleh diambil hasil hutannya dengan syarat harus terlebih dahulu
menggantinya. Kawasan hutan ini sering disebut hutan masyarakat yang berfungsi
sebagai hutan produksi. Akan tetapi, ada pula hutan yang tidak boleh digarap
sama sekali. Hutan yang tidak boleh digarap ini merupakan hutan adat. Kawasan
hutan adat ini sangat tertutup, dan masyarakatnya percaya bahwa hutan inilah
yang menjaga wilayah mereka dari segala bencana alam.
Pada hutan masyarakat, pohon boleh
ditebang untuk keperluan masyarakat, akan tetapi sebelum ditebang harus menanam
terlebih dahulu pohon yang sama jenisnya di samping pohon yang akan ditebang
sehingga mereka tetap mewariskan lingkungan alam yang sama terhadap anak
cucunya. Hal ini menunjukkan betapa baiknya mereka menjaga lingkungan untuk
diteruskan kepada generasi yang akan datang.
Perkembangan jumlah penduduk yang
cepat serta perkembangan teknologi yang makin maju, telah mengubah pola hidup
manusia. Bila sebelumnya kebutuhan manusia hanya terbatas pada kebutuhan primer
dan sekunder, kini kebutuhan manusia telah meningkat kepada kebutuhan tersier
yang tidak terbatas. Kebutuhan manusia tidak hanya sekedar kebutuhan primer
untuk dapat melangsungkan kehidupan seperti makan dan minum, pakaian, rumah,
dan kebutuhan sekunder seperti kebutuhan terhadap pendidikan, kesehatan, akan
tetapi telah meningkat menjadi kebutuhan tersier yang memungkinkan seseorang
untuk memilih kebutuhan yang tersedia. Kebutuhan tersier telah menyebabkan
perubahan yang besar terhadap pola hidup manusia menjadi konsumtif.
Bagi yang mampu, semua kebutuhan
dapat dipenuhi sekaligus, dan bagi yang memiliki kemampuan terbatas harus
memilih sesuai kemampuannya. Akan tetapi, semua orang yang telah tersentuh oleh
kemajuan jaman akan berusaha mendapatkannya.
Kebutuhan-kebutuhan tersebut tidak
sekedar terpenuhi akan tetapi selalu berubah-ubah sesuai dengan perkembangan.
Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup dan Faktor Penyebabnya
Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk serta
kebutuhan tersier yang semakin banyak sebagai akibat perkembangan teknologi
yang pesat, telah menyebabkan tekanan terhadap sumber daya alam dan lingkungan
semakin berat. Jumlah penduduk dunia yang sekarang telah lebih dari 6 miliar
jiwa, tidak hanya memerlukan kebutuhan primer dan sekunder, akan tetapi juga
memerlukan kebutuhan tersier dalam jumlah besar. Pertumbuhan penduduk dalam
jumlah besar, telah banyak mengubah lahan hutan menjadi lahan permukiman,
pertanian, industri, dan sebagainya. Hal ini mengakibatkan luas lahan hutan
terus mengalami penyusutan dari tahun ke tahun, terutama di negara-negara
miskin dan negara berkembang. Demikian pula kebutuhan tersier yang terus
mengalami peningkatan, baik dalam jumlah maupun kualitasnya, menyebabkan
industri-industri berkembang dengan pesat. Perkembangan industri yang pesat,
membutuhkan sumber daya alam berupa bahan baku dan sumber energi yang sangat
besar pula. Sebagai akibatnya, sumber-sumber bahan baku dan energi terus
dikuras dalam jumlah besar. Cadangan sumber daya alam di alam semakin merosot,
hutan-hutan semakin rusak karena banyaknya pohon yang diambil untuk kebutuhan
bahan baku industri, apalagi bila tidak diimbangi dengan usaha reboisasi akan
menimbulkan bencana pencemaran terhadap udara, air, dan tanah, yang akhirnya
menganggu kehidupan manusia.
Konferensi PBB tentang Lingkungan
Hidup Manusia tahun 1972 di Stockholm (Swedia), telah mengangkat masalah
lingkungan hidup tidak hanya menyangkut masalah suatu negara akan tetapi
merupakan masalah dunia. Konferensi yang diadakan pada tanggal 5-16 Juni 1972
di Stockholm, diikuti oleh 113 negara dan puluhan peninjau, merupakan pertemuan
besar dan sangat penting bagi masa depan lingkungan hidup manusia. Dari salah
satu hasil konferensi Stockholm itu, dibentuklah satu badan PBB yang menangani
masalah-masalah lingkungan yang disebut “United Nations Environment Programme” atau
UNEF. Konferensi juga menetapkan tanggal 5 Juni sebagai “Hari Lingkungan Hidup
Pencemaran lingkungan yang terjadi
di suatu negara, akan berdampak pula pada negara lain bahkan dunia. Untuk itu
selalu diperlukan kerja sama yang baik antara negara-negara di dunia untuk
menangani masalah lingkungan. Kerusakan hutan di Indonesia tidak hanya
berpengaruh terhadap keadaan iklim di Indonesia, akan tetapi berakibat pula
terhadap perubahan iklim global (dunia secara menyeluruh).
Peningkatan karbon dioksida (CO2)
di udara menyebabkan efek rumah kaca. Efek rumah kaca adalah alih bahasa dari
Greenhouse effect. Greenhouse adalah rumah atau bangunan yang atap dan
dindingnya terbuat dari kaca, hanya rangkanya terbuat dari besi atau kayu.
Rumah ini bukan untuk tempat tinggal tetapi digunakan oleh petani di daerah
dingin atau subtropik untuk bercocok tanam. Walaupun suhu di luar sangat dingin
pada musim gugur dan musim dingin, tetapi di dalam rumah kaca udaranya tetap
hangat sehingga tanaman di dalamnya tetap hijau. Suhu udara yang hangat di
dalam rumah kaca walaupun pada musim gugur dan musim dingin dapat dijelaskan
sebagai berikut.
Radiasi sinar matahari pada siang
hari menembus kaca masuk ke dalam rumah kaca. Radiasi sinar matahari yang
diterima benda dan permukaan rumah kaca dipantulkan kembali berupa sinar infra
merah. Tetapi pantulan tersebut tertahan oleh dinding dan atap kaca sehingga
panas yang dapat keluar dari rumah kaca itu hanya sebagian kecil sedangkan
sebagian besar terkurung di dalam rumah kaca. Akibatnya udara di dalam rumah
kaca menjadi hangat walaupun di luar udaranya sangat dingin.
Di permukaan bumi yang berfungsi
sebagai atap kaca adalah gas-gas yang ada di atmosfer. Atmosfer bumi mengandung
berbagai macam gas dan partikel-partikel berupa benda-benda padat seperti debu.
Di antara berbagai gas di udara, yang berfungsi sebagai gas rumah kaca antara
lain karbon dioksida (CO2), metana (CH4), gas nitrogen,
ozon (O3), Klorofluorokarbon (CFC), dan lain-lain. Di antara gas-gas
tersebut yang paling dominan berfungsi sebagai rumah kaca adalah karbon
dioksida (CO2) yang disebut pula dengan gas rumah kaca.
Perkembangan industri yang begitu
pesat, telah mengganggu keseimbangan gas karbon dioksida di udara. Pembakaran
minyak tanah, bensin, solar, batu bara, untuk menggerakkan pabrik-pabrik.
Demikian pula kendaraan bermotor yang menggunakan bensin atau solar sebagai
bahan bakar, pembakaran lahan dan kebakaran hutan, dan tain-lain, telah
menambah jumlah karbon dioksida di udara.
Gas rumah kaca sebenarnya sangat diperlukan
dalam mengatur suhu di permukaan bumi, yaitu menyerap dan memantulkan kembali
sinar matahari. Bila gas ini tidak ada di udara beserta dengan gas-gas lainnya
yang berfungsi sebagai gas rumah kaca maka sinar matahari yang diterima bumi
akan di pantulkan semuanya ke ruang angkasa sehingga pada malam hari suhu di
permukaan bumi sangat dingin, dan pada siang hari sangat panas sekali seperti
di bulan sehingga tidak dapat dijadikan tempat tinggal.
Masalah gas rumah kaca muncul karena
kegiatan manusia semakin banyak menghasilkan gas rumah kaca, terutama karbon
dioksida. Menurut hasil penelitian para ahli, semakin banyak gas karbon
dioksida dilepaskan ke udara dari hasil kegiatan manusia, akan semakin
mempercepat kenaikan suhu di permukaan bumi. Kenaikan suhu di permukaan bumi
akan mempengaruhi iklim di bumi, dan akan berdampak negatif pada kehidupan di
muka bumi.
Suhu global (secara keseluruhan)
rata-rata meningkat 0,6 °C. Hal ini berpengaruh pula terhadap iklim global
yaitu iklim di seluruh permukaan bumi.
Kenaikan suhu di permukaan bumi
menyebabkan lapisan es yang berada di kutub banyak yang mencair, dan pada
akhirnya dapat menenggelamkan kawasan-kawasan yang rendah seperti
dataran-dataran pantai, dan pulau-pulau yang rendah.
Peningkatan gas karbon dioksida yang
terus berlangsung, dan tanpa ada tindakan manusia untuk menguranginya,
diramalkan 100 tahun yang akan datang suhu bumi akan naik antara 3°-4°C.
Kenaikan suhu sebesar ini akan menyebabkan perubahan iklim yang cukup berarti,
dan akan disertai pula dengan berbagai bencana alam seperti angin badai,
naiknya permukaan laut, mencairnya es di puncak-puncak gunung dan es di kutub,
punahnya flora dan fauna yang tidak tahan terhadap perubahan, dan sebagainya.
Permasalahan pemanasan global
seperti diuraikan di atas, tentunya sangat mengkhawatirkan dunia Internasional.
Untuk membicarakan hal ini, diadakan “Konvensi Perubahan Iklim” (United Nations
Frame Work Convention on Climate Change) di Kota Kyoto (Jepang) pada tahun 1997
yang dihadiri oleh 170 negara untuk membahas pembatasan-pembatasan gas-gas
penyebab efek rumah kaca. Pada sidang tersebut, para ilmuwan PBB melaporkan
bahwa pemanasan global akan meningkatkan penyakit, mengakibatkan kegagalan
panen, dan meningginya permukaan laut.
Pada waktu kebakaran hutan secara
meluas di Indonesia beberapa waktu yang lalu telah terjadi emisi gas karbon
dioksida terbesar yang dihasilkan dari kebakaran tersebut.
Kita harus ingat istilah “Hanya Satu
Bumi”, yang berarti bumi tidak membedakan apakah emisi gas karbon dioksida itu
berasal dari negara A atau B, dari negara maju atau negara berkembang, tetapi
yang jelas peningkatan gas karbon dioksida terjadi di bumi.
Pertemuan Kyoto merupakan langkah
awal untuk mengurangi polusi karbon dioksida di udara dengan mengurangi penggunaan
bahan bakar seperti minyak bumi, gas alam, batu bara, yang disebut dengan bahan
bakar fosil dan menggantikannya dengan bahan bakar yang dapat diperbarui,
misalnya sumber energi yang berasal dari tenaga surya dan angin. Selain itu,
pabrik-pabrik yang menggunakan energi fosil perlu diganti dengan pabrik-pabrik
baru yang berteknologi tinggi, yang lebih bersih terhadap lingkungan.
Permasalahannya sekarang adalah biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk melakukan
pengurangan gas rumah kaca tersebut sangat besar sekali, mencapai ratusan
bahkan ribuan miliar dollar. Suatu nilai yang sangat menakjubkan.
Untuk mengurangi gas rumah kaca,
diperlukan dana yang sangat besar. Kendaraan-kendaraan bermotor yang selama ini
menggunakan bahan bakar minyak atau gas, bila diganti dengan energi lain
menyebabkan harga kendaraan menjadi sangat mahal sehingga konsumen akan
keberatan. Hal ini merupakan kendala utama untuk menuju program langit biru,
yaitu program yang menjadikan udara bersih dari polusi, masih jauh dari
Masalah lingkungan hidup sebenarnya
tidak hanya pada emisi gas karbon dioksida. Permasalahan lingkungan hidup cukup
kompleks. Penebangan hutan yang menyebabkan banjir, pencemaran terhadap air
oleh limbah-limbah industri, pembuangan sampah ke dalam sungai (termasuk sampah
rumah tangga), pencemaran terhadap tanah, dan sebagainya, merupakan ancaman
bagi kehidupan manusia.
Ancaman banjir setiap musim hujan di
berbagai belahan dunia termasuk di Indonesia, adalah akibat dari perbuatan
manusia sendiri yang menebang hutan untuk mengejar keuntungan sesaat. Berbagai
wilayah di Indonesia setiap musim hujan dilanda banjir dan tanah longsor, baik
kota maupun luar kota.
Penataan ruang kota yang kurang
memperhatikan dampak lingkungan, serta kehancuran hutan-hutan di daerah tangkapan
air, menjadi penyebab utama banjir di Jakarta.
Penanggulangan banjir seperti di
Jakarta dan kota-kota lainnya, tidak hanya diperlukan penataan di dalam kota
seperti pembuatan saluran pembuangan air dan tempat penampungan air, akan
tetapi daerah tangkapan air hujan di daerah hulu sungai perlu di tata kembali,
hutan-hutan yang rusak perlu direhabilitasi.
Luas hutan di Pulau Jawa telah
berada jauh di bawah luas hutan yang ideal yaitu ± 40% dari luas wilayah. Luas
hutan di Jawa Barat (termasuk Provinsi Banten) hanya tinggal 21%, Jawa Tengah
20%, Jawa Timur 28%, rata-rata luas hutan di Pulau Jawa tinggal 23%. Demikian
pula halnya hutan di pulau-pulau lainnya seperti di Sumatera, Kalimantan,
Sulawesi, dan lain-lain, kerusakan hutan terus bertambah luas karena faktor
manusia. Satwa-satwa yang ada di dalam hutan hidupnya semakin terancam dan
merana karena habitat mereka yang merupakan tempat hidupnya telah dirusak oleh
manusia untuk memperoleh keuntungan.
Indonesia memiliki hutan mangrove
terluas di dunia yaitu sekitar 3,5 juta hektar dari total luas hutan mangrove
dunia sebesar 15 juta hektar. Tetapi luasnya terus mengalami kemerosotan karena
telah berubah fungsi. Hutan mangrove yang berfungsi sebagai benteng terhadap
abrasi (kikisan air laut), serta tempat hidup dan bertelur berbagai jenis ikan
laut, banyak yang telah berubah fungsi menjadi tambak-tambak ikan, dan
kepentingan-kepentingan lainnya. Kayu-kayu di hutan mangrove ditebangi untuk
dijual dan dijadikan kayu arang. Akibatnya kerusakan hutan bakau yang terus
meningkat tidak terhindarkan. Di pantai utara Pulau Jawa diperkirakan 90% telah
rusak, demikian pula halnya pada pantai-pantai lainnya walaupun belum seberat
kerusakan hutan bakau di Pantai Utara Jawa.
Malapetaka alam seperti intrust
(penyusupan) air laut ke daratan, abrasi dan banjir sulit dihindari. Demikian
pula kegiatan masyarakat pantai yang menangkap udang, ikan, kepiting, dan
lain-lain, akan semakin sulit akibat rusaknya lingkungan hutan mangrove.
Tindakan-tindakan manusia di atas
telah menimbulkan dampak yang sangat buruk bagi lingkungan, dan pada akhirnya
akan memberikan dampak buruk pula terhadap manusia sendiri.
Kerusakan lingkungan yang disebabkan
berbagai faktor sebagaimana yang telah diuraikan sebelumnya, akan menimbulkan
berbagai dampak yang sangat merugikan dan mengganggu kehidupan manusia. Flora
dan fauna akan banyak yang punah, meningkatnya penyakit pada manusia, penurunan
hasil panen, kemarau yang berkepanjangan. Atau sebaliknya, curah hujannya
sangat tinggi yang menimbulkan banjir besar, kekeringan air pada musim kemarau,
rusaknya terumbu karang, dan sebagainya.
Manusia harus sadar betapa
pentingnya arti lingkungan hidup bagi kehidupan. Keserakahan yang menyebabkan
rusaknya lingkungan hidup harus dibayar dengan sangat mahal.
Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup yang Disebabkan oleh Proses Alam dan Kegiatan
Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup oleh Faktor Alam
Kerusakan lingkungan yang disebabkan
faktor alam pada umumnya merupakan bencana alam seperti letusan gunung api,
banjir, abrasi, angin puting beliung, gempa bumi, tsunami, dan sebagainya.
Indonesia sebagai salah satu zona gunung api dunia, sering mengalami letusan
gunung api akan tetapi pada umumnya letusannya tidak begitu kuat sehingga
kerusakan lingkungan yang ditimbulkannya terbatas di daerah sekitar gunung api
tersebut, seperti flora dan fauna yang tertimbun arus lumpur (lahar), awan
panas yang mematikan, semburan debu yang menimbulkan polusi udara, dan
Banjir yang disebabkan oleh curah
hujan yang sangat tinggi, diikuti pula dengan kerusakan hutan yang semakin
meluas. Banjir yang sering pula disertai dengan tanah longsor telah menimbulkan
kerusakan terhadap lingkungan kehidupan.
Kerusakan lingkungan hidup di tepi
pantai disebabkan oleh adanya abrasi yaitu pengikisan pantai oleh air laut yang
terjadi secara alami. Untuk menyelamatkan pantai dari kerusakan akibat abrasi,
perlu dibangun tanggul-tanggul pemecah ombak yang berfungsi sebagai penahan
abrasi di tepi pantai.
Angin tornado di Amerika Serikat,
akan menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan seperti tumbangnya pohon-pohonan, banyak
rumah-rumah dan tanaman yang rusak, jaringan listrik yang putus, dan
Gempa bumi adalah kekuatan alam yang
berasal dari dalam bumi, menyebabkan getaran terjadi di permukaan bumi. Gempa
bumi sering terjadi di berbagai belahan dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Gempa
bumi yang lemah tidak menimbulkan kerusakan pada lingkungan, tetapi bila gempa
yang terjadi sangat kuat, akan menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan yang besar.
Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup yang Disebabkan oleh Kegiatan Manusia
Kerusakan lingkungan yang disebabkan
kegiatan manusia jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kerusakan lingkungan yang
disebabkan oleh proses alam. Kerusakan lingkungan yang disebabkan oleh kegiatan
manusia berlangsung secara terus menerus dan makin lama makin besar pula
kerusakan yang ditimbulkannya. Kerusakan lingkungan yang disebabkan kegiatan
manusia terjadi dalam berbagai bentuk seperti pencemaran, pengerukan,
penebangan hutan untuk berbagai keperluan, dan sebagainya.
Limbah-limbah yang dibuang dapat
berupa limbah cair maupun padat, bila telah melebihi ambang batas, akan
menimbulkan kerusakan pada lingkungan, termasuk pengaruh buruk pada manusia.
Salah satu contoh kasus pencemaran terhadap air yaitu “Kasus Teluk Minamata” di
Jepang. Ratusan orang meninggal karena memakan hasil laut yang ditangkap dari
Teluk Minamata yang telah tercemar unsur merkuri (air raksa). Merkuri tersebut
berasal dari limbah-limbah industri yang dibuang ke perairan Teluk Minamata
sehingga kadar merkuri di teluk tersebut telah jauh di atas ambang batas.
Kasus-kasus pencemaran perairan
telah sering terjadi karena pembuangan limbah industri ke dalam tanah, sungai,
danau, dan laut. Kebocoran-kebocoran pada kapal-kapal tanker dan pipa-pipa
minyak yang menyebabkan tumpahan minyak ke dalam perairan, menyebabkan
kehidupan di tempat itu terganggu, banyak ikan-ikan yang mati, tumbuh-tumbuhan
yang terkena genangan minyak pun akan musnah pula.
Pengerukan yang dilakukan oleh
perusahaan pertambangan seperti pertambangan batu bara, timah, bijih besi, dan
lain-lain telah menimbulkan lubang-lubang dan cekungan yang besar di permukaan
tanah sehingga lahan tersebut tidak dapat digunakan lagi sebelum direklamasi.
Penebangan-penebangan hutan untuk
keperluan industri, lahan pertanian, dan kebutuhan-kebutuhan lainnya telah
menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan kehidupan yang luar biasa. Kerusakan
lingkungan kehidupan yang terjadi menyebabkan timbulnya lahan kritis, ancaman
terhadap kehidupan flora, fauna dan kekeringan.
Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup
Beberapa usaha yang dilakukan untuk
pelestarian lingkungan hidup antara lain yaitu sebagai berikut.
1. Bidang
Kerusakan hutan yang semakin parah
dan meluas, perlu diantisipasi dengan berbagai upaya. Beberapa usaha yang perlu
dilakukan antara lain :
a. Penebangan pohon dan penanaman kembali agar
dilakukan dengan seimbang sehingga hutan tetap lestari.
b. Memperketat pengawasan terhadap
penebangan-penebangan liar, dan memberikan hukuman yang berat kepada mereka
yang terlibat dalam kegiatan tersebut.
c. Penebangan pohon harus dilakukan secara
bijaksana. Pohon yang ditebang hendaknya yang besar dan tua agar pohon-pohon
yang kecil dapat tumbuh subur kembali.
d. Melakukan reboisasi (penanaman hutan kembali)
pada kawasan-kawasan yang hutannya telah gundul, dan merehabilitasi kembali
hutan-hutan yang telah rusak.
e. Memperluas hutan lindung, taman nasional, dan
sejenisnya sehingga fungsi hutan sebagai pengatur air, pencegah erosi,
pengawetan tanah, tempat perlindungan flora dan fauna dapat tetap terpelihara
dan lestari.
2. Bidang
a. Mengubah sistem pertanian berladang
(berpindah-pindah) menjadi pertanian menetap seperti sawah, perkebunan,
tegalan, dan sebagainya.
b. Pertanian yang dilakukan pada lahan tidak rata
(curam), supaya dibuat teras-teras (sengkedan) sehingga bahaya erosi dapat
c. Mengurangi penggunaan pestisida yang banyak
digunakan untuk pemberantasan hama tanaman dengan cara memperbanyak predator
(binatang pemakan) hama tanaman karena pemakaian pestisida dapat mencemarkan
air dan tanah.
d. Menemukan jenis-jenis tanaman yang tahan hama
sehingga dengan demikian penggunaan pestisida dapat dihindarkan.
3. Bidang
a. Limbah-limbah industri yang akan dibuang ke
dalam tanah maupun perairan harus dinetralkan terlebih dahulu sehingga limbah
yang dibuang tersebut telah bebas dari bahan-bahan pencemar. Oleh karena itu,
setiap industri diwajibkan membuat pengolahan limbah industri.
b. Untuk mengurangi pencemaran udara yang
disebabkan oleh asap industri yang berasal dari pembakaran yang menghasilkan CO
(Karbon monooksida) dan CO2 (karbon dioksida), diwajibkan melakukan
penghijauan di lingkungan sekitarnya. Penghijauan yaitu menanami lahan atau
halaman-halaman dengan tumbuhan hijau.
c. Mengurangi pemakaian bahan bakar minyak bumi
dengan sumber energi yang lebih ramah lingkungan seperti energi listrik yang
dihasilkan PLTA, energi panas bumi, sinar matahari, dan sebagainya.
d. Melakukan daur ulang (recycling) terhadap
barang-barang bekas yang tidak terpakai seperti kertas, plastik, aluminium,
best, dan sebagainya. Dengan demikian selain memanfaatkan limbah barang bekas,
keperluan bahan baku yang biasanya diambil dari alam dapat dikurangi.
e. Menciptakan teknologi yang hemat bahan bakar,
dan ramah lingkungan.
f. Menetapkan kawasan-kawasan industri yang jauh
dari permukiman penduduk.
4. Bidang
a. Melarang pembuangan limbah rumah tangga,
sampah-sampah, dan benda-benda lainnya ke sungai maupun laut karena sungai dan
laut bukan tempat pembuangan sampah.
b. Perlu dibuat aturan-aturan yang ketat untuk
penggalian pasir di laut sehingga tidak merusak lingkungan perairan laut
c. Pengambilan karang di laut yang menjadi
tempat berkembang biak ikan-ikan harus dilarang.
d. Perlu dibuat aturan-aturan penangkapan ikan di
sungai/laut seperti larangan penggunaan bom ikan, pemakaian pukat harimau di
laut yang dapat menjaring ikan sampai sekecil-kecilnya, dan sebagainya.
5. Flora dan
Untuk menjaga kepunahan flora dan
fauna langka, beberapa langkah yang perlu dilakukan antara lain :
a. Menghukum yang seberat-beratnya sesuai dengan
undang-undang bagi mereka yang mengambil flora dan memburu fauna yang
b. Menetapkan kawasan perlindungan bagi flora dan
fauna langka seperti Taman Nasional, Cagar Alam, Suaka Marga Satwa, dan
6. Perundang-undangan
Melaksanakan dengan konsekuen UU No.
23 Tahun 1997 tentang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, dan memberikan sanksi
hukuman yang berat bagi pelanggar-pelanggar lingkungan hidup sesuai dengan
tuntutan undang-undang.
Kerusakan lingkungan hidup banyak
diakibatkan oleh manusia. Diantaranya kebakaran hutan, penebangan liar yang
mengakibatkan hutan gundul. Majunya teknologi seperti mobil, pabrik, dan sepeda
motor membuat udara tercemar dan lapisan ozon berlubang karena asap kendaraan.
Lapisan ozon yang berlubang membuat sinar matahari langsung ke bumi yang
menyebabkan suhu di bumi naik. Karena suhu di bumi naik es di kutub utara mulai
mencair. Hal tersebut membuat permukaan air laut meningkat. Oleh karena itu,
manusia harus segera menanggulangi kerusakan ini sebelum kerusakan semakin
meluas. Selain menanggulangi manusia harus sadar dan mengintrospeksi diri
mereka agar tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama seperti merusak lingkungan.
Seharusnya pemerintah lebih
memperhatikan kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Karena pada saat ini pemerintah
masih berpangku tangan atas apa yang terjadi dengan lingkungan. Pemerintah
harus tegas dalam menentukan tindakan untuk menanggulangi kerusakan lebih
lanjut seperti kerusakan hutan,
kebakaran, asap pabrik yang membuat lapisan ozon berlubang dan banyak kerusakan
lain yang disebabkan oleh manusia dengan cara reboisasi, penyuluhan tentang
pentingnya lingkungan hidup bagi kehidupan manusia.
A. Background
Environmental damage caused by human population and the times at the beginning of the 21st century. The human population affect the natural state. More and more people live in an area that needs also increase. With increasing human role as consumers, producers produce their products in order to meet the needs of their customers. While a growing number of products issued by issuing industrial waste discharged into the environment. Waste has resulted in the destruction of nature especially on the environment.
B. Problem Formulation
From the above background, it can be concluded or formulation of the problem as follows:
1) What is the meaning of life?
2) What caused the damage to the environment?
3) Who would bear the brunt of environmental degradation caused by human activity?
4) When people begin to damage the environment?
5) What are the forms of environmental damage and contributing factors?
6) How is the effort to preserve the environment?
A. Understanding the Environment
A vast expanse of blue sea, plains, hills, mountains, blue sky, sunny, everything is a natural environment. The environment includes the natural environment includes the physical, biological, and cultural.
Environmental Law No.. 4 of 1982 which enhanced the Environmental Act No.. 23 of 1997 Article 1 mentions the sense of the environment as follows.
"Environment is unity with all things space, power, state, and living things, including human beings and their behavior, which affect the lives and well-being of humans and other living creatures."
Environment as defined in the law is a system that includes the biological, non-biological natural environment, built environment, and social environment. All components of the environment such as objects, power, state, and living things come together in a container that is a gathering place called the space component.
In this space last ecosystem, which is an arrangement in which living organisms and the abiotic environment among these organisms existed a harmonious and stable interaction, mutual give and take life.
The interaction between the various components can sometimes be positive and not infrequently also negative. Circumstances that are positive can occur when there is a state that encourages and helps smooth the process of living environments.
How to take the forest to stay awake kelesteriannya eg selective logging system that felled trees just a big old trees, little trees that were previously protected by a large tree, it will quickly become a great replace the felled trees.
A negative interaction occurs when the environment of a harmonious interaction disrupted the interaction go side effects.
Any interruption to one component in the environment, will bring negative effects to other components because of the balance of the components are no longer harmonious.
B. Environmental Significance To Life
Inherited the earth from our ancestors in a very high quality and balanced. Our ancestors have preserved and maintained for us as the next heir to the earth, so that we are entitled to and should receive the same quality found exactly what our ancestors before. Earth is a priceless gift from God Almighty as the source of all life. Therefore, keeping the balance of nature and the duty of all of us absolutely unconditionally.
Society has realized the true antiquity of the environment is a part of life. From historical records it is known that in the 7th century, people in Indonesia have formed a part of who oversees the forest, which is almost the same function as the position now called Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (PHPA). Such a society is often called traditional societies.
Their forest area is divided into several sections, one should work on the so-called community forests, others may take the results of forest condition must first replace. Forest area is often called community forests that serve as production forest. However, there are also forests should not be cultivated at all. Forests should not be tilled is indigenous forests. Indigenous forest area is very closed, and people believed that the forest is what keep them from all areas of natural disasters.
In the forest, the trees may be felled for public purposes, but before the first cut should plant trees of the same kind next to the trees to be cut down so that they remain the same natural environment bequeathed to his descendants. It shows how well they are protecting the environment to be passed on to future generations.
The rapid development of the population and the development of increasingly advanced technology, has changed the pattern of human life. Whereas in the past people need only limited to primary and secondary needs, human needs has now increased to an unlimited tertiary needs. Human needs not just a primary need to be able to sustain life such as food and drink, clothing, housing, and the secondary needs such as the need for education, health, but has risen to tertiary requirement that allows one to choose the requirement available. Tertiary needs has led to major changes to the pattern of human life to be consumptive.
For those who are able, all needs can be met at once, and for those who have a limited ability to choose according to his ability. However, everyone who has been touched by the progress of time will try to get it.
These needs are not only met but always changing in accordance with the development.
C. Forms of Environmental Damage Causes and Factors
The increasing population and a growing number of tertiary needs as a result of rapid technological developments, has led to pressure on natural resources and the environment harder. The population of the world now has more than 6 billion people, not only requires primary and secondary needs, but also require large amounts of tertiary needs. Population growth in large quantities, have a lot of changing forest into land settlement, agriculture, industry, and so on. This resulted in widespread forest land continues to shrink from year to year, especially in poor countries and developing countries. Similarly tertiary needs continue to increase, both in number and quality, causing industries to grow rapidly. Rapid industrial development, requires natural resources such as raw materials and energy sources was great anyway. As a result, sources of energy and raw materials continue to be drained in large numbers. Reserves of natural resources are declining in nature, the forests are damaged because of the many trees that were taken for industrial raw materials, especially when not balanced by reforestation effort would be catastrophic pollution to air, water, and land, ultimately disrupting people's lives.
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972 in Stockholm (Sweden), has raised environmental concerns not only about the problems of a country but it is a global problem. The conference was held on June 5 to 16, 1972 in Stockholm, attended by 113 countries and dozens of observers, is a large and very important meeting for the future of the human environment. From one of the Stockholm conference was the result, established a UN agency dealing with environmental issues called "United Nations Environment Programme" or UNEF. The conference also set June 5 as a "World Environment Day".
Environmental pollution is happening in a country, it would impact the country and even the world. For it is always required good cooperation between the countries in the world to deal with environmental problems. Deforestation in Indonesia is not only the effect on the climate in Indonesia, but also lead to global climate change (the world as a whole).
The increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air causes the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the translation of the Greenhouse effect. Greenhouse is a house or a building roof and walls are made of glass, only the frame is made of iron or wood. This house is not a place to stay but it is used by farmers in the cold or subtropical areas to grow crops. Although the temperature outside is very cold in the fall and winter, but in the greenhouse air was still warm so the plants stay green in it. Temperatures are warm in the greenhouse in the fall and even winter can be explained as follows.
Solar radiation during the day through the glass into the greenhouse. Solar radiation received by the object and the surface of the glass is reflected back in the form of infrared rays. But reflection is restrained by walls and a glass roof so that the heat can get out of the greenhouse was just a fraction while most confined within the greenhouse. As a result, the air in the greenhouse is warm even though the air is very cold outside.
On the surface of the earth that serves as glass roof are gases in the atmosphere. The Earth's atmosphere contains a wide range of gases and particles in the form of solid objects such as dust. Among the various gases in the air, which serves as a greenhouse gas such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen gas, ozone (O3), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and others. Among these gases serve as the most dominant greenhouse is carbon dioxide (CO2) which is also called the greenhouse gases.
Industrial development is so rapid, has upset the balance of carbon dioxide in the air. Burning kerosene, gasoline, diesel, coal, to power factories. Similarly, vehicles that use gasoline or diesel as fuel, burning the land and forest fires, and other-tain, has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.
Greenhouse gases are actually very necessary to regulate the temperature of the earth, which absorb and reflect sunlight. If there is no gas in the air along with other gases that serves as a greenhouse gas then the sunlight received at the earth will be reflected it all into space so that at night the temperature at the earth's surface is very cold and very hot during the day once like on the moon so can not be a place to stay.
Problems arise greenhouse gases due to human activity produces more greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. According to research experts, the more carbon dioxide is released into the air from the results of human activity, will further accelerate the temperature rise in the earth's surface. The temperature rise in the earth's surface will affect the Earth's climate, and will have a negative impact on life on earth.
Global temperatures (overall) average increased by 0.6 ° C. It also affects the global climate is the climate of the earth.
The temperature rise in the earth's surface causing ice sheets at the poles are melting much, and in the end can sink that low areas such as coastal plains and low islands.
Increased carbon dioxide gas continue, and without any human action to reduce them, predicted the coming 100 years the earth's temperature will rise between 3 ° -4 ° C. The temperature rise of this magnitude will cause significant climate change, and will be accompanied by a variety of natural disasters such as wind storms, rising sea levels, melting ice on mountain peaks and glacier ice, extinction of flora and fauna that are not resistant to change, and so on.
The problem of global warming, as described above, of course, very concerned about the international world. To discuss this, held "Climate Change Convention" (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) in the city of Kyoto (Japan) in 1997, which was attended by 170 countries to discuss the limitations of the gases causing the greenhouse effect. At trial, UN scientists report that global warming will increase the disease, resulting in crop failure, and elevated sea level.
At the time of widespread forest fires in Indonesia some time ago has been the biggest carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the fire.
We must remember the term "Only One Earth", which means the earth does not distinguish whether the carbon dioxide emissions that come from country A or B, from developed or developing countries, but a clear increase in carbon dioxide in the earth occurs.
Kyoto meeting is the first step to reduce carbon dioxide in the air pollution by reducing the use of fuels such as petroleum, natural gas, coal, known as fossil fuels and replace it with renewable fuels, such as energy derived from solar power and wind. In addition, plants that use fossil fuels need to be replaced with new plants are high-tech, which is cleaner for the environment. The problem now is the cost that must be incurred to carry out the reduction of greenhouse gases is so huge, in the hundreds or even thousands of billions of dollars. An amazing value.
To reduce greenhouse gases, required huge funds. Motor vehicles who use fuel oil or gas, when it was replaced with another energy cause vehicle prices to be very expensive so consumers will mind. This is a major obstacle towards the blue sky program, a program that makes the air clean of pollutants, it is still far from expectations.
Environmental issues is not only on carbon dioxide emissions. Environmental issues are quite complex. Deforestation causes floods, pollution of water by industrial wastes, waste disposal into the river (including household waste), pollution of the soil, and so on, is a threat to human life.
The threat of flooding every rainy season in many parts of the world, including in Indonesia, is the result of human actions alone are cutting down forests for profit shortly. Various regions in Indonesia during the rainy season floods and landslides, both the city and outside the city.
Structuring urban space less attention to the environmental impact, as well as the destruction of forests in the catchment area, the main cause of flooding in Jakarta.
Flood mitigation in Jakarta and other cities, it is not only necessary arrangement in the city such as the manufacture of drainage and water reservoirs, but rain in the catchment area upstream areas need to be in order again, damaged forests need to be rehabilitated .
Forest area in Java has been far below the ideal forest is ± 40% of the area. Forest area in West Java (including Banten province) only a 21%, 20% in Central Java, East Java 28%, the average area of forest on the island of Java, lived 23%. Similarly, forests in other islands such as Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and others, continue to grow vast deforestation due to human factors. Animals that exist in the forests and increasingly threatened her life miserable because their habitat is where lives have been destroyed by humans for a profit.
Indonesia has the largest mangrove forest in the world is about 3.5 million hectares of the world's total mangrove forest area of 15 million hectares. But the extent continues to decline as it has changed the function. Mangrove forest which serves as a bulwark against abrasion (scraping sea water), as well as places to live and spawn various types of fish, many of which have been turned into fish ponds, and other interests. The wood in the mangrove forest is cut down to be sold and turned into charcoal. As a result of mangrove forest destruction continues to increase is unavoidable. On the north coast of Java island approximately 90% has been damaged, as well as on other beaches, although not as heavy destruction of mangrove forests on the North Coast of Java.
Natural catastrophes such as Intrust (incursions) inland sea water, erosion and flooding are difficult to avoid. Similarly, coastal community activities that capture shrimp, fish, crabs, etc., will be more difficult due to the destruction of mangrove forest environment.
Human actions above have a very bad impact on the environment, and will ultimately adversely also the man himself.
Environmental damage caused by various factors as described earlier, will cause many adverse impacts on human life and disturbing. The flora and fauna will become extinct many, increased disease in humans, decreased crop yields, prolonged drought. Or conversely, very high rainfall leading to floods, droughts water in the dry season, the destruction of coral reefs, and so on.
Man must realize how important the environment for life. Greed causes environmental damage should be paid to the very expensive.
D. Forms of Environmental Damage Caused by Natural Processes and Human Activities
1. Environmental Damage by Natural Factors
Environmental damage caused by natural factors in general are natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, floods, erosion, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and so on. Indonesia as one of the world's volcanic zones, frequent volcanic eruptions but that the eruption is not so strong that it causes environmental damage is limited in the area around the volcano, such as the flora and fauna are buried in mud flows (lahars), heat clouds deadly bursts of dust that pollutes the air, and so on.
Flooding caused by high rainfall, followed by widespread deforestation. Floods are often accompanied by landslides have caused damage to the environment of life.
Environmental damage caused by beach erosion is the erosion of the beach by the sea water that occurs naturally. To save the coast from damage due to abrasion, need to build a breakwater embankments which serves as a barrier abrasion on the waterfront.
Tornadoes in the United States, will cause damage to the environment such as the fall of the trees, many houses and crops were damaged, power lines were broken, and so on.
Earthquakes are a force of nature that comes from the earth, causing vibrations occur on the surface of the earth. Earthquakes are common in many parts of the world, including in Indonesia. Weak earthquakes do not cause damage to the environment, but when a powerful earthquake, would cause huge environmental damage.
2. Environmental Damage Caused by Human Activities
Environmental damage caused by human activities is much greater than the environmental damage caused by natural processes. Environmental damage caused by human activity continues over time and the longer the greater the damage caused. Environmental damage caused by human activity occurs in various forms such as pollution, dredging, deforestation for various purposes, and so on.
Wastes that can be disposed of liquid and solid waste, when it exceeds the threshold, it will cause damage to the environment, including adverse effects on humans. One example of water pollution case against the "Case of Minamata Bay" in Japan. Hundreds of people have died from eating seafood caught from the Minamata Bay contaminated elemental mercury (mercury). Mercury comes from industrial wastes dumped into Minamata Bay waters so that the levels of mercury in the bay has been far above the threshold.
Water pollution cases have often occurred due to discharge of industrial waste into the soil, rivers, lakes, and seas. Leaks on tankers and oil pipelines leading to oil spills into waters, causing disrupted life in that place, a lot of dead fish, plants were exposed to oil slick would be destroyed anyway.
Dredging is done by mining companies such as mining coal, tin, iron ore, and others have led to the pits and a large basin in the ground so that the land can not be used again before it is reclaimed.
-Illegal deforestation for industrial, agricultural, and other necessities have caused environmental damage extraordinary life. Environmental damage occurs causing life critical areas, the threat to the life of flora, fauna and drought.
E. Attempts Environment Preservation
Some efforts were made to preserve the environment, among others, as follows.
1. Forestry Sector
Forest damage more severe and widespread, should be anticipated with various efforts. Some effort needs to be made include:
a. Tree felling and replanting to be done with a balance so that forests remain sustainable.
b. Tighten oversight of illegal-logging, and severe punishment to those involved in these activities.
c. Tree felling should be done wisely. Felled trees should be large and old that small trees can flourish again.
d. Reforestation (reforestation) in areas where the forest has been deforested, and rehabilitate forest regrowth that has been damaged.
e. Expanding forests, national parks, forests and the like so that the function as a regulator of the water, preventing erosion, preservation of soil, flora and fauna sanctuary can be maintained and sustainable.
2. Agricultural Sector
a. Changing agricultural farming systems (move) to settled agriculture such as rice, oil, moor, and so on.
b. Farming is done on the land is not flat (steep), so that made terraces (swales) so that erosion is minimized.
c. Reducing the use of pesticides that are widely used to eradicate pest plants reproduce by predators (animal eaters) crop pests because pesticides can pollute water and soil.
d. Finding the types of pest-resistant crops and thus the use of pesticides can be avoided.
3. Industry Sector
a. Industrial wastes to be dumped into the soil and water must be neutralized in advance so that the waste has been disposed of free of pollutants. Therefore, every industry is required to make industrial waste treatment.
b. To reduce air pollution caused by industrial smoke from combustion of which produces CO (Carbon monooksida) and CO2 (carbon dioxide), are required to carry out reforestation in the surrounding environment. Afforestation is planting land or pages with green plants.
c. Reduce the use of petroleum fuels with energy sources and environmentally friendly electrical energy generated hydropower, geothermal energy, sunlight, and so on.
d. Recycling (recycling) of used goods unused like paper, plastic, aluminum, best, and so on. Thus, in addition to utilizing waste scrap, raw material needs are usually taken from nature can be reduced.
e. Creating fuel-efficient technology and environmentally friendly.
f. Establish industrial areas away from residential areas.
4. Water Sector
a. Prohibit disposal of household waste, trash, and other objects into the river because the river and the sea and the sea is not a landfill.
b. It should be made strict rules for extracting sand in the sea so not to damage the surrounding marine environment.
c. Decision-sea corals in the breeding grounds of fish should be prohibited.
d. It needs to make the rules of fishing in the river / sea like a ban on the use of fish bombs, use trawling in the sea to catch fish to the letter, and so on.
5. Flora and Fauna
To keep the extinction of flora and fauna, some of the steps that need to be done include:
a. Punishes severely according to the law for those who took the flora and fauna are protected hunting.
b. Establish protected areas for flora and fauna such as National Parks, Nature Reserves, Wildlife Sanctuary Marga, and others.
6. Legislation
Implement the consequent Law. 23 of 1997 on Environmental Management, and provides a heavy penalty for violators of the environment in accordance with the demands of the law.
A. Conclusion
Much environmental damage caused by humans. These include forest fires, illegal logging resulting in deforestation. Technological advances such as cars, factories, and the bike makes the air polluted and the ozone hole due to fumes. Holes in the ozone layer making direct sunlight to the earth causing the earth temperature rises. Because the Earth's temperature rise in the Arctic ice melts. It is making sea levels rise. Therefore, man must be overcome before the damage is more widespread damage. In addition to tackling the human need to be aware and introspective them not to repeat the same mistake as damaging to the environment.
B. Suggestion
The government should pay more attention to environmental sustainability. Because at this time the government is doing nothing for what happens to the environment. The government should be firm in determining actions to address any further damage such as deforestation, fires, smoke factory that makes the ozone hole and a lot of other damage caused by humans by means of reforestation, education about the importance of the environment for human life.
A. Background
Environmental damage caused by human population and the times at the beginning of the 21st century. The human population affect the natural state. More and more people live in an area that needs also increase. With increasing human role as consumers, producers produce their products in order to meet the needs of their customers. While a growing number of products issued by issuing industrial waste discharged into the environment. Waste has resulted in the destruction of nature especially on the environment.
B. Problem Formulation
From the above background, it can be concluded or formulation of the problem as follows:
1) What is the meaning of life?
2) What caused the damage to the environment?
3) Who would bear the brunt of environmental degradation caused by human activity?
4) When people begin to damage the environment?
5) What are the forms of environmental damage and contributing factors?
6) How is the effort to preserve the environment?
A. Understanding the Environment
A vast expanse of blue sea, plains, hills, mountains, blue sky, sunny, everything is a natural environment. The environment includes the natural environment includes the physical, biological, and cultural.
Environmental Law No.. 4 of 1982 which enhanced the Environmental Act No.. 23 of 1997 Article 1 mentions the sense of the environment as follows.
"Environment is unity with all things space, power, state, and living things, including human beings and their behavior, which affect the lives and well-being of humans and other living creatures."
Environment as defined in the law is a system that includes the biological, non-biological natural environment, built environment, and social environment. All components of the environment such as objects, power, state, and living things come together in a container that is a gathering place called the space component.
In this space last ecosystem, which is an arrangement in which living organisms and the abiotic environment among these organisms existed a harmonious and stable interaction, mutual give and take life.
The interaction between the various components can sometimes be positive and not infrequently also negative. Circumstances that are positive can occur when there is a state that encourages and helps smooth the process of living environments.
How to take the forest to stay awake kelesteriannya eg selective logging system that felled trees just a big old trees, little trees that were previously protected by a large tree, it will quickly become a great replace the felled trees.
A negative interaction occurs when the environment of a harmonious interaction disrupted the interaction go side effects.
Any interruption to one component in the environment, will bring negative effects to other components because of the balance of the components are no longer harmonious.
B. Environmental Significance To Life
Inherited the earth from our ancestors in a very high quality and balanced. Our ancestors have preserved and maintained for us as the next heir to the earth, so that we are entitled to and should receive the same quality found exactly what our ancestors before. Earth is a priceless gift from God Almighty as the source of all life. Therefore, keeping the balance of nature and the duty of all of us absolutely unconditionally.
Society has realized the true antiquity of the environment is a part of life. From historical records it is known that in the 7th century, people in Indonesia have formed a part of who oversees the forest, which is almost the same function as the position now called Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (PHPA). Such a society is often called traditional societies.
Their forest area is divided into several sections, one should work on the so-called community forests, others may take the results of forest condition must first replace. Forest area is often called community forests that serve as production forest. However, there are also forests should not be cultivated at all. Forests should not be tilled is indigenous forests. Indigenous forest area is very closed, and people believed that the forest is what keep them from all areas of natural disasters.
In the forest, the trees may be felled for public purposes, but before the first cut should plant trees of the same kind next to the trees to be cut down so that they remain the same natural environment bequeathed to his descendants. It shows how well they are protecting the environment to be passed on to future generations.
The rapid development of the population and the development of increasingly advanced technology, has changed the pattern of human life. Whereas in the past people need only limited to primary and secondary needs, human needs has now increased to an unlimited tertiary needs. Human needs not just a primary need to be able to sustain life such as food and drink, clothing, housing, and the secondary needs such as the need for education, health, but has risen to tertiary requirement that allows one to choose the requirement available. Tertiary needs has led to major changes to the pattern of human life to be consumptive.
For those who are able, all needs can be met at once, and for those who have a limited ability to choose according to his ability. However, everyone who has been touched by the progress of time will try to get it.
These needs are not only met but always changing in accordance with the development.
C. Forms of Environmental Damage Causes and Factors
The increasing population and a growing number of tertiary needs as a result of rapid technological developments, has led to pressure on natural resources and the environment harder. The population of the world now has more than 6 billion people, not only requires primary and secondary needs, but also require large amounts of tertiary needs. Population growth in large quantities, have a lot of changing forest into land settlement, agriculture, industry, and so on. This resulted in widespread forest land continues to shrink from year to year, especially in poor countries and developing countries. Similarly tertiary needs continue to increase, both in number and quality, causing industries to grow rapidly. Rapid industrial development, requires natural resources such as raw materials and energy sources was great anyway. As a result, sources of energy and raw materials continue to be drained in large numbers. Reserves of natural resources are declining in nature, the forests are damaged because of the many trees that were taken for industrial raw materials, especially when not balanced by reforestation effort would be catastrophic pollution to air, water, and land, ultimately disrupting people's lives.
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972 in Stockholm (Sweden), has raised environmental concerns not only about the problems of a country but it is a global problem. The conference was held on June 5 to 16, 1972 in Stockholm, attended by 113 countries and dozens of observers, is a large and very important meeting for the future of the human environment. From one of the Stockholm conference was the result, established a UN agency dealing with environmental issues called "United Nations Environment Programme" or UNEF. The conference also set June 5 as a "World Environment Day".
Environmental pollution is happening in a country, it would impact the country and even the world. For it is always required good cooperation between the countries in the world to deal with environmental problems. Deforestation in Indonesia is not only the effect on the climate in Indonesia, but also lead to global climate change (the world as a whole).
The increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air causes the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the translation of the Greenhouse effect. Greenhouse is a house or a building roof and walls are made of glass, only the frame is made of iron or wood. This house is not a place to stay but it is used by farmers in the cold or subtropical areas to grow crops. Although the temperature outside is very cold in the fall and winter, but in the greenhouse air was still warm so the plants stay green in it. Temperatures are warm in the greenhouse in the fall and even winter can be explained as follows.
Solar radiation during the day through the glass into the greenhouse. Solar radiation received by the object and the surface of the glass is reflected back in the form of infrared rays. But reflection is restrained by walls and a glass roof so that the heat can get out of the greenhouse was just a fraction while most confined within the greenhouse. As a result, the air in the greenhouse is warm even though the air is very cold outside.
On the surface of the earth that serves as glass roof are gases in the atmosphere. The Earth's atmosphere contains a wide range of gases and particles in the form of solid objects such as dust. Among the various gases in the air, which serves as a greenhouse gas such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen gas, ozone (O3), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and others. Among these gases serve as the most dominant greenhouse is carbon dioxide (CO2) which is also called the greenhouse gases.
Industrial development is so rapid, has upset the balance of carbon dioxide in the air. Burning kerosene, gasoline, diesel, coal, to power factories. Similarly, vehicles that use gasoline or diesel as fuel, burning the land and forest fires, and other-tain, has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.
Greenhouse gases are actually very necessary to regulate the temperature of the earth, which absorb and reflect sunlight. If there is no gas in the air along with other gases that serves as a greenhouse gas then the sunlight received at the earth will be reflected it all into space so that at night the temperature at the earth's surface is very cold and very hot during the day once like on the moon so can not be a place to stay.
Problems arise greenhouse gases due to human activity produces more greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. According to research experts, the more carbon dioxide is released into the air from the results of human activity, will further accelerate the temperature rise in the earth's surface. The temperature rise in the earth's surface will affect the Earth's climate, and will have a negative impact on life on earth.
Global temperatures (overall) average increased by 0.6 ° C. It also affects the global climate is the climate of the earth.
The temperature rise in the earth's surface causing ice sheets at the poles are melting much, and in the end can sink that low areas such as coastal plains and low islands.
Increased carbon dioxide gas continue, and without any human action to reduce them, predicted the coming 100 years the earth's temperature will rise between 3 ° -4 ° C. The temperature rise of this magnitude will cause significant climate change, and will be accompanied by a variety of natural disasters such as wind storms, rising sea levels, melting ice on mountain peaks and glacier ice, extinction of flora and fauna that are not resistant to change, and so on.
The problem of global warming, as described above, of course, very concerned about the international world. To discuss this, held "Climate Change Convention" (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) in the city of Kyoto (Japan) in 1997, which was attended by 170 countries to discuss the limitations of the gases causing the greenhouse effect. At trial, UN scientists report that global warming will increase the disease, resulting in crop failure, and elevated sea level.
At the time of widespread forest fires in Indonesia some time ago has been the biggest carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the fire.
We must remember the term "Only One Earth", which means the earth does not distinguish whether the carbon dioxide emissions that come from country A or B, from developed or developing countries, but a clear increase in carbon dioxide in the earth occurs.
Kyoto meeting is the first step to reduce carbon dioxide in the air pollution by reducing the use of fuels such as petroleum, natural gas, coal, known as fossil fuels and replace it with renewable fuels, such as energy derived from solar power and wind. In addition, plants that use fossil fuels need to be replaced with new plants are high-tech, which is cleaner for the environment. The problem now is the cost that must be incurred to carry out the reduction of greenhouse gases is so huge, in the hundreds or even thousands of billions of dollars. An amazing value.
To reduce greenhouse gases, required huge funds. Motor vehicles who use fuel oil or gas, when it was replaced with another energy cause vehicle prices to be very expensive so consumers will mind. This is a major obstacle towards the blue sky program, a program that makes the air clean of pollutants, it is still far from expectations.
Environmental issues is not only on carbon dioxide emissions. Environmental issues are quite complex. Deforestation causes floods, pollution of water by industrial wastes, waste disposal into the river (including household waste), pollution of the soil, and so on, is a threat to human life.
The threat of flooding every rainy season in many parts of the world, including in Indonesia, is the result of human actions alone are cutting down forests for profit shortly. Various regions in Indonesia during the rainy season floods and landslides, both the city and outside the city.
Structuring urban space less attention to the environmental impact, as well as the destruction of forests in the catchment area, the main cause of flooding in Jakarta.
Flood mitigation in Jakarta and other cities, it is not only necessary arrangement in the city such as the manufacture of drainage and water reservoirs, but rain in the catchment area upstream areas need to be in order again, damaged forests need to be rehabilitated .
Forest area in Java has been far below the ideal forest is ± 40% of the area. Forest area in West Java (including Banten province) only a 21%, 20% in Central Java, East Java 28%, the average area of forest on the island of Java, lived 23%. Similarly, forests in other islands such as Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and others, continue to grow vast deforestation due to human factors. Animals that exist in the forests and increasingly threatened her life miserable because their habitat is where lives have been destroyed by humans for a profit.
Indonesia has the largest mangrove forest in the world is about 3.5 million hectares of the world's total mangrove forest area of 15 million hectares. But the extent continues to decline as it has changed the function. Mangrove forest which serves as a bulwark against abrasion (scraping sea water), as well as places to live and spawn various types of fish, many of which have been turned into fish ponds, and other interests. The wood in the mangrove forest is cut down to be sold and turned into charcoal. As a result of mangrove forest destruction continues to increase is unavoidable. On the north coast of Java island approximately 90% has been damaged, as well as on other beaches, although not as heavy destruction of mangrove forests on the North Coast of Java.
Natural catastrophes such as Intrust (incursions) inland sea water, erosion and flooding are difficult to avoid. Similarly, coastal community activities that capture shrimp, fish, crabs, etc., will be more difficult due to the destruction of mangrove forest environment.
Human actions above have a very bad impact on the environment, and will ultimately adversely also the man himself.
Environmental damage caused by various factors as described earlier, will cause many adverse impacts on human life and disturbing. The flora and fauna will become extinct many, increased disease in humans, decreased crop yields, prolonged drought. Or conversely, very high rainfall leading to floods, droughts water in the dry season, the destruction of coral reefs, and so on.
Man must realize how important the environment for life. Greed causes environmental damage should be paid to the very expensive.
D. Forms of Environmental Damage Caused by Natural Processes and Human Activities
1. Environmental Damage by Natural Factors
Environmental damage caused by natural factors in general are natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, floods, erosion, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and so on. Indonesia as one of the world's volcanic zones, frequent volcanic eruptions but that the eruption is not so strong that it causes environmental damage is limited in the area around the volcano, such as the flora and fauna are buried in mud flows (lahars), heat clouds deadly bursts of dust that pollutes the air, and so on.
Flooding caused by high rainfall, followed by widespread deforestation. Floods are often accompanied by landslides have caused damage to the environment of life.
Environmental damage caused by beach erosion is the erosion of the beach by the sea water that occurs naturally. To save the coast from damage due to abrasion, need to build a breakwater embankments which serves as a barrier abrasion on the waterfront.
Tornadoes in the United States, will cause damage to the environment such as the fall of the trees, many houses and crops were damaged, power lines were broken, and so on.
Earthquakes are a force of nature that comes from the earth, causing vibrations occur on the surface of the earth. Earthquakes are common in many parts of the world, including in Indonesia. Weak earthquakes do not cause damage to the environment, but when a powerful earthquake, would cause huge environmental damage.
2. Environmental Damage Caused by Human Activities
Environmental damage caused by human activities is much greater than the environmental damage caused by natural processes. Environmental damage caused by human activity continues over time and the longer the greater the damage caused. Environmental damage caused by human activity occurs in various forms such as pollution, dredging, deforestation for various purposes, and so on.
Wastes that can be disposed of liquid and solid waste, when it exceeds the threshold, it will cause damage to the environment, including adverse effects on humans. One example of water pollution case against the "Case of Minamata Bay" in Japan. Hundreds of people have died from eating seafood caught from the Minamata Bay contaminated elemental mercury (mercury). Mercury comes from industrial wastes dumped into Minamata Bay waters so that the levels of mercury in the bay has been far above the threshold.
Water pollution cases have often occurred due to discharge of industrial waste into the soil, rivers, lakes, and seas. Leaks on tankers and oil pipelines leading to oil spills into waters, causing disrupted life in that place, a lot of dead fish, plants were exposed to oil slick would be destroyed anyway.
Dredging is done by mining companies such as mining coal, tin, iron ore, and others have led to the pits and a large basin in the ground so that the land can not be used again before it is reclaimed.
-Illegal deforestation for industrial, agricultural, and other necessities have caused environmental damage extraordinary life. Environmental damage occurs causing life critical areas, the threat to the life of flora, fauna and drought.
E. Attempts Environment Preservation
Some efforts were made to preserve the environment, among others, as follows.
1. Forestry Sector
Forest damage more severe and widespread, should be anticipated with various efforts. Some effort needs to be made include:
a. Tree felling and replanting to be done with a balance so that forests remain sustainable.
b. Tighten oversight of illegal-logging, and severe punishment to those involved in these activities.
c. Tree felling should be done wisely. Felled trees should be large and old that small trees can flourish again.
d. Reforestation (reforestation) in areas where the forest has been deforested, and rehabilitate forest regrowth that has been damaged.
e. Expanding forests, national parks, forests and the like so that the function as a regulator of the water, preventing erosion, preservation of soil, flora and fauna sanctuary can be maintained and sustainable.
2. Agricultural Sector
a. Changing agricultural farming systems (move) to settled agriculture such as rice, oil, moor, and so on.
b. Farming is done on the land is not flat (steep), so that made terraces (swales) so that erosion is minimized.
c. Reducing the use of pesticides that are widely used to eradicate pest plants reproduce by predators (animal eaters) crop pests because pesticides can pollute water and soil.
d. Finding the types of pest-resistant crops and thus the use of pesticides can be avoided.
3. Industry Sector
a. Industrial wastes to be dumped into the soil and water must be neutralized in advance so that the waste has been disposed of free of pollutants. Therefore, every industry is required to make industrial waste treatment.
b. To reduce air pollution caused by industrial smoke from combustion of which produces CO (Carbon monooksida) and CO2 (carbon dioxide), are required to carry out reforestation in the surrounding environment. Afforestation is planting land or pages with green plants.
c. Reduce the use of petroleum fuels with energy sources and environmentally friendly electrical energy generated hydropower, geothermal energy, sunlight, and so on.
d. Recycling (recycling) of used goods unused like paper, plastic, aluminum, best, and so on. Thus, in addition to utilizing waste scrap, raw material needs are usually taken from nature can be reduced.
e. Creating fuel-efficient technology and environmentally friendly.
f. Establish industrial areas away from residential areas.
4. Water Sector
a. Prohibit disposal of household waste, trash, and other objects into the river because the river and the sea and the sea is not a landfill.
b. It should be made strict rules for extracting sand in the sea so not to damage the surrounding marine environment.
c. Decision-sea corals in the breeding grounds of fish should be prohibited.
d. It needs to make the rules of fishing in the river / sea like a ban on the use of fish bombs, use trawling in the sea to catch fish to the letter, and so on.
5. Flora and Fauna
To keep the extinction of flora and fauna, some of the steps that need to be done include:
a. Punishes severely according to the law for those who took the flora and fauna are protected hunting.
b. Establish protected areas for flora and fauna such as National Parks, Nature Reserves, Wildlife Sanctuary Marga, and others.
6. Legislation
Implement the consequent Law. 23 of 1997 on Environmental Management, and provides a heavy penalty for violators of the environment in accordance with the demands of the law.
A. Conclusion
Much environmental damage caused by humans. These include forest fires, illegal logging resulting in deforestation. Technological advances such as cars, factories, and the bike makes the air polluted and the ozone hole due to fumes. Holes in the ozone layer making direct sunlight to the earth causing the earth temperature rises. Because the Earth's temperature rise in the Arctic ice melts. It is making sea levels rise. Therefore, man must be overcome before the damage is more widespread damage. In addition to tackling the human need to be aware and introspective them not to repeat the same mistake as damaging to the environment.
B. Suggestion
The government should pay more attention to environmental sustainability. Because at this time the government is doing nothing for what happens to the environment. The government should be firm in determining actions to address any further damage such as deforestation, fires, smoke factory that makes the ozone hole and a lot of other damage caused by humans by means of reforestation, education about the importance of the environment for human life.
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Oleh: Haniful Kamal
Mahasiswa STIK Semester II
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