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Sunday, 16 June 2013

Sukses Jadi Konsultan Perkawinan Setelah Tiduri 1.000 Lelaki

Rebecca Dakin: Sukses Jadi Konsultan Perkawinan Setelah Tiduri 1.000 Lelaki

Siapa yang mengira jika konselor perkawinan yang telah menerbitkan sebuah buku berjudul The Girlfriend Experience adalah mantan seorang perempuan penghibur? Rebecca Dakin, perempuan berusia 37 tahun ini bekerja sebagai perempuan penghibur selama 9 tahun hingga akhirnya ia berhenti dan memulai karir sebagai Relationship and Sex & Intimacy Expert sekitar 3 tahun lalu.
Rebecca mengaku selama 9 tahun bekerja sebagai perempuan penghibur, ia telah tidur bersama hampir 1.000 orang laki-laki. Rebecca mulai bekerja sebagai perempuan penghibur ketika ia berusia 25 tahun. Gagal menyelesaikan kuliah, putus asa bekerja dengan bayaran kecil, dan Rebecca pun berpikir bahwa menjual diri adalah jalan satu-satunya yang bisa ia tempuh untuk mendapatkan uang banyak dalam waktu singkat. Rebecca pun mengatakan semuanya pada orangtuanya. Bahkan, orangtuanya mengantar Rebecca saat ia akan menemui klien pertamanya.
“Saya mengatakan apa yang ingin saya lakukan orangtua saya. Mereka kecewa dan putus asa menghadapi saya namun mereka tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa karena menganggap saya telah dewasa,” ujar Rebecca pada sebuah media.
Dari sekian banyak pengalamannya tidur dengan laki-laki, Rebecca mengaku bahwa klien yang paling ia sukai adalah seorang lelaki berusia 70 tahun. “Ia adalah seorang pengusaha London yang bisa menghabiskan ribuan poundsterling untuk membelikan perhiasan dan baju untuk saya. Sebenarnya saya dan lelaki itu jarang berhubungan intim, dia hanya perlu teman karena istrinya menolak tidur seranjang dengannya dengan alasan ia selalu mendengkur setiap tidur,” Rebecca bercerita.
Akhirnya, setelah 9 tahun berpetualang dari satu lelaki ke lelaki lain, Rebecca bertekad untuk berhenti dan ia yakin ada pekerjaan lain yang bisa menghasilkan uang selain menjual diri. Rebecca pun menjadikan pengalamannya sebagai perempuan penghibur sebagai modal utama untuk memulai karir sebagai penasihat pernikahan. Karena, menurut Rebecca sekitar 60% kliennya adalah lelaki yang telah berkeluarga atau memiliki pasangan dengan alasan tidak mendapatkan kepuasan seksual di rumah.
“Saya hanya ingin membantu orang mempertahankan hubungan mereka. Pengetahuan yang saya miliki datang dari pengalaman saya. Sekitar 60% klien saya sudah berumah tangga dan ini tentunya memberikan saya pengalaman dan sudut pandang berbeda tentang ‘cara kerja dan apa yang diinginkan oleh laki-laki’. Bertahun-tahun saya mendengarkan para lelaki itu bercerita tentang penyebab kegagalan hubungan mereka dan mengapa mereka akhirnya tidur dengan perempuan lain. Memang ada berbagai alasan seorang laki-laki selingkuh dengan perempuan lain, tapi tentu ada satu alasan yang menjadi alasan paling umum,” Rebecca menjelaskan.
Kini, Rebecca telah menjalani profesi sebagai konsultan perkawinan sekitar 3 tahun. Kamu harus merogoh kocek sekitar Rp2.000.000,-/ jam atau Rp11.200.000,-/ sesi jika ingin melakukan konsultasi dengan penulis buku Why Husbands Stray. Rebecca mengatakan kehidupan seksual adalah faktor umum yang membuat lelaki mencari perempuan lain.
“Berbeda dengan perempuan yang bisa memisahkan cinta dan seks, laki-laki adalah makhluk seksual. Kebanyakan laki-laki yang tidur dengan saya mengatakan bahwa mereka masih mencintai kekasih dan istri mereka, mereka mencari perempuan lain hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang tidak bisa mereka dapatkan dari pasangan mereka. Mayoritas dari mereka merasa tidak diinginkan dan ditolak saat pasangan mereka menolak untuk berhubungan seksual. Jadi, ketika pasanganmu tidak mengeluh saat kalian sudah tidak berhubungan seksual dalam waktu cukup lama, itu artinya kamu harus berhati-hati,” perempuan yang mengaku terinspirasi oleh tokoh Vivian dalam Pretty Woman menjelaskan.
Sembilan tahun tidur dengan berbagai macam lelaki pun mengajari Rebecca untuk berpikir sebagai lelaki. Karena itulah Rebecca tidak sepenuhnya menyalahkan para lelaki yang berselingkuh dengan perempuan lain. Rebecca mengatakan bahwa umumnya para lelaki mengatakan rasa ketidakpuasan mereka pada pasangan, namun sayang pasangan mereka tidak memberikan respon positif. Dan inilah yang menjadi pemicu terjadinya perselingkuhan.
“Apa yang membuat saya mencintai pekerjaan saya saat ini? Karena saya bisa menyelamatkan banyak hubungan dari perselingkuhan. Bahkan, saya bisa mencegah terjadinya perselingkuhan,” ujar mantan karyawan travel agent ini. Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang teori perselingkuhan dalam pernikahan yang diutarakan oleh Rebecca, Fimelova?

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Bayi Prematur Lima Kali Berpeluang Derita Autisme

Bayi Prematur Lima Kali Berpeluang Derita Autisme

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON - Bayi yang lahir lebih cepat dari waktu yang ditentukan dan bertubuh kecil memiliki peluang untuk menderita autisme lima kali lebih besar daripada bayi normal, demikian sebuah penelitian Amerika Serikat selama dua dasawarsa ini.
Bayi-bayi prematur telah lama dikenal memiliki sejumlah risiko masalah kesehatan dan penundaan kognitif, tetapi penelitian dalam jurnal Pediatrics itu adalah yang pertama kali mengaitkan hubungan antara berat badan di bayi di saat dilahirkan dengan autisme.
Peneliti AS mengamati 862 anak sejak lahir sampai usia dewasa muda. Mereka yang ada dalam penelitian itu lahir antara 1984 dan 1987 di tiga kawasan di New Jersey. Bayi-bayi itu memiliki berat antara 500 dan 2.000 gram (1,1-4,4 pon) pada saat lahir. Seiring waktu, lima persen dari bayi yang lahir dengan berat badan rendah didiagnosis menderita autisme, dibandingkan dengan prevalensi satu persen pada populasi umum.
"Pada saat kemampuan bertahan bayi-bayi dengan berat badan rendah membaik, gangguan terhadap mereka yang selamat memberikan tantangan baru di bidang kesehatan masyarakat," kata penulis utama Jennifer Pinto-Martin, direktur Pusat Autisme, Cacat Tubuh dan Epidemiologi di Sekolah Ilmu Keperawatan University of Pennsylvania.
"Masalah kognitif pada anak-anak autisme boleh jadi menutupi penyakit autisme," katanya. Ia mendesak orang tua untuk membawa anak mereka ke rumah sakit guna mendapatkan tes autisme apabila dicurigai mengalami gangguan spektrum autisme. "Intervensi dini meningkatkan hasil jangka panjang dan dapat membantu anak-anak baik di sekolah maupun di rumah."
Autisme adalah istilah untuk berbagai kondisi mulai dari miskinnya interaksi sosial hingga ke perilaku repetitif dan sikap diam yang berlebihan. Kondisi itu langka, terutama menjangkiti anak-anak laki-laki, dan penyebabnya masih sengit diperdebatkan.

Sembuhkan Berbagai Penyakit Dengan Suara

Sembuhkan Berbagai Penyakit Dengan Suara

Dalam rentang frekuensi tertentu, suara ternyata memiliki efek menyembuhkan. Kini, terapi suara telah menjadi salah satu pengobatan alternatif yang bisa dipilih. Metode ini telah menjamur di masyarakat di luar negeri.

Diddi Agephe adalah seorang terapis suara di Indonesia. Ia telah menekuni bidang musik sejak tahun 1987, namun baru memperkenalkan suara sebagai terapi di indonesia empat tahun yang lalu.

Diddi, demikian sapaan akrabnya, memang dekat dengan dunia musik. Selain sebagai terapis, ia juga berprofesi sebagai komposer. Indra Lesmana dan Titi DJ adalah beberapa musisi yang juga pernah bekerja sama dengannya.

Namun Diddi ingin talenta musiknya juga berguna bagi orang lain, terutama untuk menyembuhkan. Ia pun mulai meramu musik-musik yang bersifat meditasi.

"Sejak kelahiran anak pertama, saya merasakan kebahagiaan yang sesungguhnya. Tapi saya melihat, masih banyak orang lain yang tidak seberuntung saya. Saat itulah inspirasi saya membuat musik yang sifatnya meditasi muncul," ujar Diddi saat diwawancara Yahoo! Indonesia.

Setelah itu, Diddi mulai menekuni ilmu terapi suara. Dalam frekuensi yang sesuai, suara dapat menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit, terutama yang bersumber dari perasaan dan pikiran. Tak hanya itu, menurut penelitian, berbagai virus penyakit juga mati jika diberi suara dengan frekuensi khusus.

Metode yang paling sering digunakan Diddi adalah mencari satu nada yang tepat untuk menyembuhkan pasiennya. Nada itu dapat ditentukan oleh berbagai hal, tergantung kasus yang dialami. Kemudian Diddi akan meramu suara dan musik meditasi untuk pasiennya tersebut.

Diddi sadar, metode pengobatan alternatif ini masih terbilang baru di tanah air. Tak mudah juga membuat orang langsung percaya dengan metode pengobatan yang dipakainya.

"Mengingat metode ini sudah dilaksanakan di banyak negara, saya biasanya menampilkan video-video yang bisa dicari di Internet mengenai pengobatan ini ke pasien saya untuk meyakinkannya,"

Yang paling menarik dari terapi suara, para pasien tak akan tergantung pada terapisnya. Setelah mereka menemukan frekuensi dan nada yang tepat untuk menyembuhkan penyakitnya, maka mereka bebas mempraktikkannya sendiri tanpa bantuan terapis.

"Jadi mereka bisa menyembuhkan dirinya sendiri," ujar Diddi lagi.

Ingin tahu mengenai terapi suara lebih lanjut, silakan datang ke festival Namaste pada tanggal 2,3,4 Desember 2011. Diddi Agephe akan menjadi salah satu healer di festival tersebut.

Benarkah Anak Autis Bisa Disembuhkan?

Benarkah Anak Autis Bisa Disembuhkan? - Para peneliti mengungkapkan bahwa banyak anak yang menderita autis saat usia masih kecil, tak lagi menunjukkan gejala autisnya saat mereka tumbuh dewasa.
Dalam survei yang dipimpin oleh Dr Andrew Zimmerman dari Massachussetts General Hospital for Children, menunjukkan sepertiga anak yang dulunya pernah didiagnosis mengalami gangguan spektrum autism dilaporkan tidak lagi memiliki diagnosa tersebut saat mereka beranjak dewasa, dan mereka dianggap tidak lagi menderita autis.
Temuan yang dipublikasikan dalam journal Pediatrics ini sebelumnya mempelajari data dari survei telepon terhadap 92.000 orangtua yang anaknya berusia 17 tahun atau lebih muda antara rentan waktu 2007-2008 di Amerika Serikat.
Sebanyak 1.366 orangtua mengatakan bahwa anaknya menderita gangguan spektrum autis pada masa lalu hingga saat ini. Sekitar 453 dari kasus tersebut, anak yang didiagnosa dokter mengalami gangguan tetapi orangtuanya mengatakan anaknya kini tak menderita autis lagi.
Para peneliti menemukan anak-anak dengan ketidakmampuan belajar atau terlambat berkembangnya lebih mungkin untuk mengalami autis. Hal ini juga berlaku bagi anak yang lebih tua yang menderita epilepsi dan kecemasan. Namun, anak-anak atau remaja dengan masalah pendengaran di awalnya kurang mungkin dianggap autis di kemudian hari.
Tim mencatat bahwa autisme cenderung berkembang seiring dengan berbagai gangguan mental dan perilaku lainnya. Mereka berspekulasi ini bisa mempersulit diagnosis, atau memperlambat perkembangan pada anak-anak yang didiagnosa dan diobati sejak dini.
Namun meskipun begini, masih banyak ahli yang kurang sependapat dengan hasil penelitian ini. Mereka berpendapat, meskipun gejala autis pada anak terlihat semakin membaik, anak dengan autis harus tetap mendapatkan perawatan dan berusaha mempertahankan kemajuan tersebut.
"Autisme adalah sebuah kondisi serius, melumpuhkan dan diidap seumur hidup. Anak yang menderita autis di masa kecil akan tumbuh menjadi dewasa dengan autis. Meskipun tidak ada obat untuk autis, memberikan dukungan, membuat strategi untuk mengelola perilaku dan menciptakan lingkungan baik, dapat membantu anak mengelola kecemasannya dan kesulitan sensoriknya yang berhubungan dengan kondisi autisme," ungkap Dr Georgina Gomez-de-la-Cuestan, selaku pimpinan penelitian aksi dari The National Autistic Society, seperti dilansir melalui dailymail, Kamis (26/1).

Punya Anak Agresif? Mungkin ini Penyebabnya!

Punya Anak Agresif? Mungkin ini Penyebabnya!

Tubuh manusia merupakan mekanisme kompleks yang dapat memberikan sinyal saat mengalami kejadian tertentu. Salah satunya adalah keringat.
Jika Anda mengamati lebih jeli, keringat tidak hanya muncul saat seseorang berolahraga, tetapi juga pada kondisi lain seperti cemas, stres, dan ketakutan, kondisi yang juga dialami bayi berumur kurang dari 3 tahun.
Studi terbaru mengungkap bahwa bayi yang sedikit berkeringat saat merasa ketakutan akan menunjukkan agresifitas fisik dan verbal yang lebih tinggi saat menginjak tahun ketiga.
Untuk memastikan hal ini, tim peneliti dari School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Inggris, memasang elektroda perekam pada kaki beberapa bayi berusia satu tahun sekaligus mengukur skin conductance activity (SCA), untuk mengetahui berapa banyak keringat yang dihasilkan bayi-bayi tersebut saat ketakutan.
Hasilnya, bayi dengan SCA yang rendah saat tidur dan ketakutan, cenderung lebih agresif baik secara fisik dan verbal saat mereka menginjak usia 3 tahun. Hasil ini didapat dari para ibu yang diminta untuk mencatat perkembangan anak-anak mereka hingga tahun ketiga pasca penelitian.
Salah satu peneliti bernama Stephanie van Goozen mengatakan bahwa temuan ini membuka peluang untuk mengidentifikasi anak-anak yang berisiko memiliki perilaku agresif seiring pertumbuhan mereka.
Sekaligus membuka peluang untuk membuat program pencegahan agar sifat agresif tersebut tidak menjadi perilaku antisosial di masa mendatang, seperti dilansir Health24.
Studi ini telah dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Psychological Science. (dan)

Mengenali Gejala Autisme Pada Anak

Mengenali Gejala Autisme Pada Anak

Oleh | Yahoo! SHE – Jum, 17 Mei 2013 11:22 WIB
Autisme adalah gangguan perkembangan yang timbul sebelum usia anak 3 tahun. Gangguan tersebut meliputi beberapa hal berikut:

Gangguan interaksi sosial
Penyandang autisme sering tidak bisa melakukan kontak mata atau hanya bisa sekelebat, tidak bisa bersosialisasi dengan baik seakan tidak peduli dengan sekitarnya, dan tidak bisa ‘bermain pura-pura’ (contoh: bermain masak-masakan).

Gangguan komunikasi
- Tidak dapat berkomunikasi 2 arah
- Tidak ada komunikasi nonverbal (gerakan tubuh), seperti mengangguk untuk mengatakan ‘ya’
- Sebagian penyandang autisme tidak bisa berbicara. Kalau pun bisa, biasanya isi pembicaraannya tidak jelas, berulang-ulang, dan tidak memperhatikan lawan bicaranya.
- Sudah berusia 16 bulan tapi belum bisa mengucapkan 1 kata pun.
- Tidak bisa melihat benda yang ditunjuk dari jauh.
- Terjadi penurunan kemampuan perkembangan (dalam bidang apa pun), misalnya, tadinya anak sudah bisa berbicara tapi tiba-tiba terjadi regresi.

Minat khusus atau gerakan berulang
Penyandang autisme biasanya hanya menyukai satu benda dan akan fokus dengan benda itu terus, umumnya benda yang berputar, seperti roda mobil-mobilan. Mereka juga biasanya melakukan suatu gerakan tertentu secara terus menerus dan tanpa ada tujuan, atau disebut juga dengan gerakan stereotipik. Contoh gerakan lainnya yaitu mengepak-ngepakkan tangan atau melompat-lompat.

Sampai sekarang, belum bisa dipastikan apa penyebab autisme. Diduga penyebabnya mengacu pada faktor genetik, karena sebagian penyandang autisme rata-rata bersaudara atau ada link genetik pada keluarga besarnya. Misalnya, ada anggota keluarga yang menderita ADHD atau keterbelakangan mental.

Pemicu lainnya adalah janin terpapar penyakit dari ibu dan kekurangan oksigen di dalam kandungan, sehingga otak tidak berkembang. Proses kelahiran yang lama juga bisa membuat bayi kekurangan oksigen, sedangkan polusi bisa memperburuk kondisi.

Sebaiknya, terapi sudah diberikan sebelum anak berusia 3 tahun, agar hasil lebih optimal. Ragam terapi yang diberikan yaitu terapi wicara, sensori-integrasi, juga okupasi.

“Bila perlu, obat akan diberikan untuk mengendalikan emosi dan perilaku anak, sehingga bisa menjalankan terapi dengan baik, bukan untuk menyembuhkan atau membuat anak tidur”, ujar dr. Ika Widyawati, SpKJ(K).

Dalam memilih tempat terapi, perhatikan kemampuan tenaga terapisnya. Sebaiknya yang memiliki kemampuan sesuai, juga yang menyediakan dokter atau psikiater. Mengenai terapi alternatif yang bisa menyembuhkan autisme, belum ada penelitian yang baku.

dr. Ika Widyawati, SpKJ(K)Autisme tidak terkait dengan imunisasi MMR. Anggapan tersebut muncul bermula dengan waktu pemberian imunisasi MMR (usia 15 bulan) yang bersamaan dengan waktu terjadinya regresi (penurunan kemampuan), yang biasanya muncul saat anak dibawah usia 2 tahun. Jika anak tidak diberi imunisasi, efeknya akan lebih berbahaya bahkan mematikan, karena penyakit tersebut bisa mengganggu kesehatan organ penting lainnya.

Oleh Stephanie F.
Direview oleh dr. Ika Widyawati, SpKJ(K) yang berpraktik di RS Pondok Indah.

Mengolah Daging Bebek Agar Emp

Mengolah Daging Bebek Agar Empuk - Bebek goreng yang empuk pasti sulit dilewatkan.

Namun, terkadang saat ingin mencoba membuat sendiri di rumah, seringkali daging bebek menjadi liat dan kurang sedap.

Cara mengolah daging bebek agar menjadi daging empuk, gurih dan renyah sebetulnya sederhana saja dan tidak ada rahasia khusus.

Daging bebek yang sudah dipotong-potong, dimasak, lalu dibumbui dengan bumbu dapur biasa seperti juga bumbu ungkep ayam.

Hanya saja perlu waktu lebih lama memasak daging bebek yaitu sekitar 5 jam agar dagingnya menjadi empuk dan bumbu bisa meresap ke dalam daging.

Anda juga harus rajin membalik tumpukan daging bebek yang dimasak setiap 1 jam sehingga panas dan adonan bumbu bisa tersebar merata.

Anda juga bisa memakai cara tradisional untuk melunakkan daging dengan menggunakan daun pepaya untuk membungkus dan merebus daging, atau nanas muda untuk memasak daging. Harap diberikan takaran secukupnya agar daging bebek tidak menjadi pahit atau asam saat dikonsumsi.

Ketika mengolah daging bebek dengan cara pan fried (didengan minyak sedikit), ada beberapa tips yang bisa Anda terapkan. Pertama, menggunakan sedikit minyak zaitun atau minyak canola untuk mematangkan daging di atas wajan anti lengket.

Untuk menjaga agar daging bebek tidak mudah hancur, matangkan dulu daging di salah satu sisinya terlebih dahulu. Setelah matang dan berubah kecoklatan, daging bisa dibalik dan dimatangkan pada sisi lainnya.

Semoga bermanfaat.

9 Tip Memasak Makanan Lebih Sehat Lagi

9 Tip Memasak Makanan Lebih Sehat Lagi

Memasak makanan diet tidak perlu serumit yang Anda bayangkan. Dengan trik sederhana yang bisa dilakukan siapa saja, Anda sudah mendapatkan sajian diet yang lebih sehat.
9-Tip-Memasak-Makanan-Lebih-Sehat-LagiBerikut ini adalah beberapa cara mudah untuk mendapatkan masakan diet yang rendah lemak, garam, dan gula namun bernutrisi tinggi:

Gorengan Tiruan

Jika Anda tergoda makan gorengan, tiru saja rasanya. Celupkan bahan masakan yang ingin dimakan ke dalam campuran tepung, bumbu, telur, dan cornflake. Lalu panggang dalam oven toaster atau microwave. Anda akan mendapatkan rasa renyah dan gurih yang bebas lemak.

Gunakan Lebih Sedikit Keju Bercita Rasa Kuat

Keju jenis blue cheese, Parmigiano-Reggiano, atau smoked gouda memiliki rasa yang lebih kuat dari keju jenis lain. Karena itu Anda bisa menggunakannya dalam jumlah yang lebih sedikit hingga separuhnya saja.

Tiriskan Makanan Kalengan

Makanan kalengan memang praktis, tetapi kandungan sodiumnya sangat tinggi sehingga tidak sehat untuk tekanan darah Anda. Rendam dan tiriskan makanan kalengan Anda dengan air untuk mengurangi kandungan sodiumnya. Ganti bumbunya dengan bumbu dapur yang segar dan alami.

Campuran Minyak Canola dan Cuka

Ingin makan salad tapi dressing atau mayonaise Anda terlalu berlemak dan bersodium? Gunakan campuran minyak canola dan cuka anggur merahsebagai dressing agar bebas dari sodium tetapi kaya asam lemak sehat.

Gunakan Wajan Teflon Anti Lengket

Meski harganya lebih mahal, namun wajan teflon atau anti wajan anti lengket memungkinkan Anda bisa memasak dengan hanya sedikit atau tanpa minyak dan mentega sama sekali.

Mengukus Lebih Baik daripada Merebus

Kukuslah sayur-sayuran favorit Anda daripada merebusnya untuk menjaga agar kandungan gizi dan rasa tetap utuh. Proses merebus dapat menghancurkan kandungan gizi dan merusak rasanya.

Potong Kecil-kecil Makanan Kurang Sehat

Jika Anda terpaksa harus memakai bahan makanan kurang sehat misalnya untuk taburan, gunakanlah lebih sedikit dari seharusnya dan potonglah kecil-kecil bahan makanan tersebut agar lebih merata dalam masakan. Prinsipnya, lebih sedikit tetapi merata dan tetap terasa enak.

Masak dengan Aluminium Foil

Saat memanggang masakan Anda, bungkuslah dengan aluminium foil daripada melumasinya dengan mentega atau kecap manis. Selain lebih sehat, panggangan Anda juga bebas dari kotoran sisa memanggang.

Gunakan Tepung Gandum Utuh

Jika Anda sudah rutin makan roti gandum utuh, maka memasak roti atau kue pun sebaiknya menggunakan tepung gandum utuh. Selain kaya protein kandungan seratnya akan menurunkan kolesterol dan membuat Anda kenyang lebih lama.
Selamat memasak dan menikmati makanan sehat Anda! (aan)

Cara Membuat Analisa SWOT Untuk Online Shop

Cara Membuat Analisa SWOT Untuk Online Shop

Cara melakukan analisis SWOT - Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats adalah sesuatu yang banyak dipelajari terutama oleh mahasiswa S2. Sayangnya, Bisnis sering memperlakukan analisis SWOT seperti geometri –  Anda harus pelajari, tetapi tidak akan pernah menggunakannya lagi. Namun, analisis SWOT memberikan hal yang kongkret, mengingatkan terhadap kondisi yang sebenarnya (real-world audit) dan memberikan hal relatif yang ada di dalam industri.
Strengths and weaknesses bersifat internal, Mereka Diukur pada patokan komparatif.  Opportunities and threats berasal dari hal external - hubungannya Anda dengan industri di luar perusahaan Anda. Demikian juga, threats yang datang dari kompetisi. Oleh karena itu memantau pesaing Anda secara berkelanjutan adalah sebuah kebutuhan.
Tujuan dari analisis SWOT adalah untuk membangun Kekuatan Anda dan meminimalkan kelemahan. Anda harus cepat untuk mengambil keuntungan dari peluang yang ada dan mencoba untuk mengurangi ancaman dari luar. Di dalam dunia ecomerce, di mana perubahan berlangsung sangat cepat, Anda harus sering melakukannya, setidaknya setahun sekali.
Sebuah analisis SWOT membutuhkan banyak waktu. Meskipun Anda dapat melakukannya sendiri, sering lebih baik untuk membawa konsultan dari luar yang memiliki perspektif yang lebih obyektif. Pelanggan Anda dapat menjadi sumber informasi yang baik. Cobalah untuk mendapatkan feedback dari mereka.
Pengusaha e-commerce online shop harus dapat membandingkan hasil kerja mereka dengan penjual online lainnya dan juga dengan retailer offline.
Situasi pasar sangat mudah untuk berubah yang 5 tahun lalu dianggap sebagai “opportunity” sekarang mungkin sudah bukan lagi. Misalnya, sepuluh tahun yang lalu salah satu keuntungan dari situs e-commerce adalah bisa berbelanja 24/7 sementara toko offline tidak. Sekarang hampir semua retailer offline tradisional di US memiliki website yang bersaing dengan seller yang hanya menjual di online selama 24 jam sehari.
Apa yang Anda telah lakukan untuk menjadi lebih baik dibanding yang lain dalam industri Anda? Untuk e-commerce biasanya adalah pilihan produk yang lebih besar, atau lebih cepat dan lebih murah dalam hal pengiriman dibanding e-commerce lainnya. Apakah Anda membuat perbandingan harga dengan lebih mudah dan cepat? Apakah Anda menyarankan pilihan produk lain (product discovery) untuk pelanggan Anda? Ini adalah keunggulan kompetitif.
Apa yang membuat bisnis anda unik? Apakah Anda menawarkan produk niche yang tidak tersedia di tempat lain? Apakah barang Anda homemade atau tidak ? Apakah posisi keyword yang Anda target di Google sudah berada di posisi yang bagus dan menjadi kekuatan Anda ?
Kelemahan Khas E-commerce / online shop
Karena proses shipping yang memakan waktu, customer satisfaction tidak terjadi dengan segera dalam e-commerce / online shop. Barang berat, besar dan tidak tahan lama adalah barang yang mahal untuk dikirim. Biaya kirim selalu menimbulkan kesulitan.
Keamanan dan penipuan membuat banyak orang khawatir dan enggan untuk menggunakan kartu kredit mereka dalam transaksi online.
Anda Harus menanyakan “teknologi baru apa yang dapat membantu saya mengembangkan bisnis saya dan untuk mencapai keuntungan lebih dari pesaing saya?” dan “Di mana kelemahan pesaing saya ?”
E-commerce berubah setiap hari. Teknologi baru dan fitur telah membuat  banyak lokasi playground baru dibandingkan seller offline tradisional. Misalnya, perbaikan software shopping cart telah membuat pengalaman belanja pelanggan lebih cepat dan ramah .
Live chat telah meningkatkan layanan pelanggan e-commerce (Baca artikel tentang live chat provider di Startupbisnis) Menggunakan analisis Big Data bisa menjadi kesempatan bagi perusahaan e-commerce untuk lebih memahami preferensi pelanggan.
Situs media sosial Memberikan promosi gratis atau murah apalagi jika dikombinasikan dengan viral marketing.
Munculnya bisnis model “content based commerce” membuka peluang baru untuk online shop untuk membangun brand value dengan lebih baik dan menghindari komoditisasi di internet (di mana online shop satu dan yang lain dianggap sama)
Tapi itu terserah kepada Anda, sebagai merchant online, untuk tertinggal atau mengadopsi fitur baru.
Anda harus selalu mencari pergeseran industri yang dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan bisnis Anda. Ini termasuk perubahan hukum dan peraturan. Misalnya, undang-undang yang dibuat kongres USA terkait internet sales tax dan aturan domain .id untuk penyelenggara ecommerce di Indonesia.
Entry barrier yang rendah dalam membuat e-commerce juga merupakan ancaman. Sangat mudah untuk membuat e-commerce untuk bisnis, bahkan di garasi. Orang bisa menjual barang melalui Facebook atau eBay tanpa memiliki website.
Ecommerce besar seperti Amazon selalu bisa lebih unggul dibanding penjual kecil pada sisi harga. Baca : Cara bersaing dengan ecommerce besar.

Menggunakan analisis SWOT secara teratur, mungkin sekali atau dua kali setahun, akan memberikan gambaran yang luas tentang tren industri e-commerce, menunjukkan di mana Anda berdiri dalam kaitannya dengan pesaing Anda, dan Memberikan wawasan untuk mengurangi kelemahan Anda dan membangun Kekuatan Anda.

25 Tips Cara Menggunakan Twitter Untuk usaha kecil

25 Tips Cara Menggunakan Twitter Untuk usaha kecil

Banyak pemilik toko online / e-commerce menggunakan media sosial seperti Twitter untuk berhubungan dengan pelanggan, membangun hubungan personal, melakukan penjualan, membangun personal brand dan untuk mencapai suatu tujuan bisnis.
Merchant / toko online bisa belajar apa yang pelanggan katakan tentang merek dan produk mereka, memberikan layanan pelanggan dengan proaktif, dan menciptakan campaign promosi yang mendorong penjualan.
Keberhasilan penggunaan Twitter mengharuskan Anda untuk mengerti bagaimana memanfaatkan platform ini untuk membuat respon yang diinginkan. Berikut  ini 25 tips cara menggunakan Twitter untuk bisnis kecil.
1. Pilih Nama yang Tepat
Username Anda (@ username) adalah URL Twitter Anda. Jika akun Anda akan terkait dengan perusahaan Anda, coba gunakan nama bisnis Anda atau variasinya. Twitter memungkinkan maksimum 15 karakter untuk username. Salah satu tips adalah menggunakan nama yang brandable (sesuai dengan brand Anda) atau menggunakan nama yang mudah diingat (misalnya : TipsFashion).
2. Buat Profil yang Relevan dengan Merek
Profil Anda terdiri dari bio, avatar, dan background. Ini semua harus mendeskripsikan merek Anda dalam sekejap, pilih elemen-elemen visual yang paling mewakili.
Tulis jelas, bio – deskripsi perusahaan Anda dalam 160 karakter atau kurang – yang menggambarkan merek Anda, produk, dan jasa, termasuk link yang bisa di-track ke situs Web atau landing page tertentu. Logo bisnis Anda dapat berfungsi sebagai avatar. Pilih warna dan gambar yang konsisten dengan situs web Anda dan branding.
Berikut adalah dua profil yang sesuai dengan pedoman ini: (online marketplace di US) dan Bass Pro Shops (retailer peralatan outdoor).
3. Menjadi Pendengar yang baik
Listen first and tweet later adalah motto yang baik untuk menggunakan Twitter dalam konteks e-commerce. Gunakan Twitter advanced search atau tools seperti HootSuite dan Sprout social untuk mencari tweet yang mencakup nama perusahaan, produk atau layanan yang ditawarkan, serta tweet tentang pesaing Anda dalam kategori bisnis Anda. Kemudian, responlah dengan  tepat. Ikuti dan amati mercant lain dalam industri Anda untuk melihat apa yang mereka lakukan. Kontributor kami, Stephanie Wiriahardja berbagi tentang bagaimana cara ia melakukan “listening” sebelum datang ke event di artikel : #Vanstartup experience part 1 : Preparation to  networking.
4. Gunakan Style Anda
Jangan terlalu formal dalam posting Anda dan Tweet Anda haruslah mencerminkan kepribadian bisnis Anda. Penggunaan humor adalah praktek umum, menyuntikkan anekdot lucu dari waktu ke waktu juga bagus jika audiens Anda cocok.
Meskipun tone suara Anda tidak harus berubah, tone yang Anda gunakan haruslah dapat beradaptasi dengan situasi tertentu. Misalnya, jika seseorang mengeluh tentang layanan pelanggan Anda, tone Anda harus lebih meyakinkan dan hormat. Jika seseorang memuji produk yang Anda tawarkan balas dengan semangat dan rasa terima kasih.
5. Berinteraksi dan Menjawab
Anda harus membalas tweet tentang bisnis Anda, apakah itu tentang hal positif atau negatif. Anda harus membalas pesan positif tweet, berterima kasih kepada mereka yang memuji Anda dan tetap menjaga manner jika ada yang men tweet hal negatif tentang perusahaan Anda.
6. Cari Influencer
Gunakan tools pengukuran seperti Klout untuk mencari follower Anda yang sering terlibat, dan berikanlah apresiasi untuknya.
7. Gunakan Twitter dengan strategi
Meskipun banyak interaksi Anda yang mungkin terjadi dalam waktu dekat secara real-time – tanggapilah pertanyaan pelanggan, misalnya, karena ini merupakan salah satu cara menggunakan Twitter dengan strategi.
Buat kalender konten dan jadwal beberapa tweet yang konsisten selama beberapa hari atau minggu. Sisihkan hari-hari tertentu untuk tweet tertentu . Misalnya, Senin bisa untuk promosi, Selasa untuk foto di belakang layar, Rabu how-to tips, Kamis bisa fokus pada trending topics, dan Jumat untuk menyoroti orang-orang di perusahaan Anda.
8. Pikirkan Tentang Apa yang Pelanggan Anda Ingin Lihat
Orang-orang menghargai informasi yang memecahkan masalah atau menjawab pertanyaan mereka. Mereka juga menanggapi tweet yang menginspirasi dan menghibur, sehingga cakupkanlah kedua jenis konten tersebut pada rencana Anda. Buatlah tweet Anda dengan tujuan untuk menjaga kepentingan bisnis Anda dan kebutuhan follower Anda.
9. Berbagi Media Buzz
Jika bisnis Anda akan diulas di media, share link itu di Twitter.
10. Buatlah Konten Unik
Share konten di Twitter yang follower Anda tidak akan menemukannya tempat lain. Hal ini dapat mencakup penawaran eksklusif, foto di belakang layar, profil karyawan, atau rilis produk baru.
11. Gunakan Hashtags
Hashtag adalah cara untuk mengatur Tweet Anda di sekitar kata kunci atau topik tertentu.
12. Bagikan Deals
Menurut, 94 persen dari orang yang yang memfollow brand di twitter memiliki alasan utama untuk mengetahui diskon dan promo. Berikan follower Anda diskon dan penawaran yang tidak bisa mereka dapatkan di tempat lain.
13. Masukkan Berbagai Jenis Media
Twitter menyatakan bahwa posting dengan link, gambar, dan video mendapatkan retweeted lebih dari akun twitter yang hanya berisi teks, dan tweets dengan foto mendapatkan dua kali respon dari mereka yang tidak mengandung foto.
Mengenai penggunaan video, Twitter baru-baru ini mengakuisisi Vine, sebuah aplikasi iOS yang memungkinkan Anda shoot video dengan durasi 6 detik. Beberapa retailer mulai bereksperimen dengan itu, Anda mungkin bisa juga menggunakannya untuk bisnis Anda.
14. Tweet dengan frekuensi yang sering
Tidak ada angka ajaib berapa banyak tweet yang harus Anda tweet . Sekali per hari adalah jumlah yang baik ketika Anda belajar untuk memulai, dan kemudian Anda dapat menguji frekuensi postingan yang berbeda untuk melihat apa yang terbaik untuk bisnis Anda dalam hal respon.
15. Retweet dan berikan mention
Passing tweet orang lain ke follower Anda adalah cara yang baik untuk membangun sosial capital dan meningkatkan kredibilitas. Hal ini sering dapat membuat orang lain ingin retweet konten Anda. Cobalah juga untuk me-mention orang lain dalam tweet Anda dengan memasukkan username @ mereka. Tweet positif yang relevan, dan materi yang bersifat pribadi dapat membangun goodwill.
16. Gunakan Direct Messages
Sebuah pesan langsung – DM – adalah cara pengguna Twitter untuk dapat berkomunikasi secara pribadi dengan yang lain. Anda mungkin ingin menggunakan Direct Message dalam kasus-kasus di mana pertanyaan atau masalah follower Anda terlalu spesifik. Mintalah follower Anda untuk mengirimkan pesan langsung dengan informasi kontak agar Anda dapat merespon melalui email atau telepon. Perhatikan juga bahwa Anda dapat mengirim dan menerima DM hanya dari follower Anda, dan sebaliknya.
17. Favorit Tweet Positif
Gunakan pilihan ”Favorite tweet” untuk menyoroti tweet dari pengguna yang memuji merek atau produk Anda.
18. Mengintegrasikan Twitter ke Situs Web Anda
Integrasikanlah akun Twitter Anda ke situs web e-commerce atau blog. Twitter menawarkan empat cara untuk melakukan ini :
19. Gunakan yang Tweet Pendek
Meskipun Twitter memiliki batasan 140 karakter, penelitian menunjukkan pada tahun 2012 bahwa tweet pendek kurang dari 100 karakter mendapatkan tingkat engagement 17 persen lebih tinggi. Kemudian cobalah untuk memberikan beberapa karakter – 20 karakter misalnya  - bagi orang lain yang ingin me-retweet posting Anda dan menambahkan konten.
20. Ikuti Minat Anda
Followlah banyak akun untuk menemukan konten yang relevan dan menginspirasi Anda untuk ide-ide tweets berikutnya.
21. Fokus pada Passion orang banyak
Twitter menyediakan fitur untuk Anda yang ingin berkomunikasi dengan orang lain yang memiliki minat yang sama. Daripada berfokus hanya pada produk dan jasa Anda, cobalah untuk membuat konten yang pas untuk passion audience Anda.
22. Gunakan Iklan Twitter
Twitter memiliki dua pilihan iklan yang cocok untuk anggaran usaha kecil :  Promoted Accounts and Promoted Tweets. Fitur ini bisa digunakan untuk menempatkan posting Anda di tempat yang bisa dilihat oleh lebih banyak orang. Di Indonesia fitur ini nampaknya belum dilaunch secara massive, ikutilah perkembangan berita tentang launch fitur ini.
23. Ajukan Pertanyaan
Tanyakan kepada pelanggan Anda jika mereka mengikuti Anda di Twitter dan apa yang mereka pikirkan tentang tweets Anda. Cari tahu apakah ada sesuatu yang dapat Anda lakukan secara berbeda untuk meningkatkan pengalaman mereka atau membuat value yang lebih.
24. Tentukan Metrik
Sangat penting untuk mengukur keterlibatan Twitter Anda dalam hal efektifitas pada tujuan bisnis Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa metrik untuk dipertimbangkan:
  • Pertumbuhan Follower. Berapa banyak Follower baru Anda setiap hari, minggu atau bulan;
  • Keterlibatan Follower. Berapa banyak Follower berinteraksi dengan tweet Anda;
  • Jangkauan. Berapa banyak pengguna yang favorit atau me retweet posting Anda;
  • Traffic. Berapa banyak orang mengunjungi situs Anda dari Twitter;
  • Konversi. Berapa banyak pengguna mendaftar untuk layanan Anda atau membeli produk Anda.
25. Siap-siap untuk hal-hal yang terjadi secara Real-time
Twitter selalu ON 24 jam 7 hari seminggu sehingga memungkinkan Anda untuk berpartisipasi dalam setiap percakapan yang terjadi. Sosial media memiliki banyak kejutan, banyak peluang penjualan mungkin bisa timbul. Cobalah untuk tetap bersiap ketika hal itu datang.
Dengan menggunakan 25 tips diatas, Anda bisa meningkatkan kualitas keterlibatan Twitter Anda dengan cara yang mendukung tujuan pemasaran bisnis Anda dan tujuannya. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Twitter menawarkan dua sumber daya untuk usaha kecil yaitu :  @twittersmallbiz. untuk small business team dan  Twitter for smaller businesses. Situs informasi untuk pengguna small business.

Kemenkop Persilakan UU Perkoperasian Diuji Materi

Kemenkop Persilakan UU Perkoperasian Diuji Materi

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM mempersilakan semua pihak yang ingin mengajukan judicial review atau uji materi atas Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2012 tentang Perkoperasian kepada Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK).
"Kami persilakan pihak manapun untuk mengajukan permohonan uji materi kepada MK atas UU Perkoperasian yang baru, itu hak warga negara," kata Sekretaris Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM Agus Muharram di Jakarta, Jumat.
Menurut dia uji materi terhadap UU tersebut justru akan berdampak baik karena semakin diuji suatu UU maka semakin baik pasal-pasal di dalamnya.
Ia berpendapat pada dasarnya UU Perkoperasian sudah merupakan kebutuhan paling mendasar dari koperasi dan masyarakat yang telah disesuaikan dengan kondisi saat ini hingga masa yang akan datang.
"Kami sendiri sangat yakin UU ini sudah berada pada jalur yang benar dan sama sekali tidak bertentangan dengan UUD 1945," katanya.
Pihaknya memantau sampai saat ini ada sejumlah pihak yang pernah dan sedang mengajukan gugatan uji materi kepada MK atas UU Perkoperasian.
Mereka di antaranya yang telah mendaftarkan nomor perkaranya dengan nomor register. 28/PUU-XI/2013 tanggal 1 Maret 2013 yakni Gabungan Koperasi Pegawai Republik Indonesia (GKPRI) Provinsi Jawa Timur; Pusat Koperasi Unit Desa (PUSKUD) Jawa Timur; Pusat Koperasi Wanita Jawa Timur (Puskowanjati; Pusat Koperasi An-nisa Jawa Timur; Pusat Koperasi BUEKA Assakinah Jawa Timur; Gabungan Koperasi Susu Indonesia; Agung Haryono; dan Mulyono.
Pihaknya lain yang juga mengajukan uji materi dengan nomor register 47/PUU-XI/2013 tanggal 22 April 2013 yakni Perkumpulan Pancur Kasih; Koperasi Credit Union Sumber Kasih; Koperasi Kredit Canaga Antutn; dan Koperasi Kredit Gemalaq Kemisiq.
Pemohon uji materi UU Perkoperasian dengan nomor register 60/PUU-XI/2013 tanggal 27 Mei 2013 yakni Yayasan Bina Desa Sadajiwa, Koperasi Karya Insani, Yayasan Pemberdayaan Perempuan Kepala Keluarga, Asosiasi Pendamping Perempuan Usaha Kecil (ASPPUK), Asosiasi Pusat Pengembangan Sumberdaya Wanita (PPSW), Lembaga Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Koperasi (LePPek),Wigatiningsih, Sri Agustin Trisnantari, Sabiq Mubarok, Maya Saphira, S.E., Chaerul Umam.
"Kesemuanya menggugat pasal-pasal yang hampir sama, hanya untuk koperasi di Kalbar menambahkan tidak setuju dengan adanya Dekopin,"
Dalam perkembangannya, permohonan uji materi nomor 47/PUU-XI/2013 perihal pengujian UU Perkoperasian tentang Perkoperasian yang salah satunya diajukan oleh credit union (koperasi kredit) Provinsi Kalbar yang sidang awal dilaksanakan pada 22 Mei 2013 ternyata kini telah dinyatakan dicabut.
"Ternyata permohonan uji materi dimaksud telah dinyatakan dicabut oleh pemohon, kami berterima kasih kepada Credit Union di Kalbar yang telah membatalkan permohonan untuk uji materi UU ini, ini bukti bahwa UU ini tidak bertentangan dengan UUD 1945," katanya.
Namun, meski telah ada pihak yang mencabut permohonan uji materi itu, tapi untuk dua pihak yang lain tetap masih diproses di MK.
"Pada 4 Juni 2013 rencananya akan ada sidang kembali. Tapi kami semakin yakin dengan pencabutan oleh salah satu pemohon ini bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan bahwa UU ini sudah pada jalur yang benar," katanya.
Sejumlah pasal yang diajukan untuk diuji materi di antaranya pasal tentang definisi koperasi, pasal tentang pengurus yang diperbolehkan berasal dari non-anggota koperasi, sertifikat modal koperasi, peran pengawas, hingga jenis usaha koperasi.(tp)

12 Trik Membeli Motor Bekas

12 Trik Membeli Motor Bekas Ala Polisi

Oleh Yahoo! News | Yahoo! News – 5 jam yang lalu
Siapa yang tidak tertarik memiliki motor baru? Namun, gara-gara keterbatasan dana, sebagian orang berpaling ke membeli motor bekas.

Jika Anda termasuk salah satunya, berhati-hatilah. Saat ini banyak kondisi motor bekas tidak sesuai harapan. Ada-ada saja kerusakan yang ditimbulkan. Walhasil para pembeli motor bekas jadi kesal karena sering keluar uang buat perbaikan dan membeli suku cadang.

Nah, untuk menghindari kejadian seperti itu, Divisi Humas Kepolisian Republik Indonesia punya tip dan trik menarik dalam membeli motor bekas. Apa itu? Yuk kita simak.

1. Cek harga pasar
Sebelum mencari motor bekas, sebaiknya cek harga motor di pasaran terlebih dahulu baik dari koran, majalah atau internet, misalnya

2. Cek nomor rangka dan mesin motor
Periksalah nomor rangka dan mesin motor. Sesuaikan dengan STNK dan BPKB.

Pastikan tidak ada bekas ketokan di nomor rangka dan mesin. Jika ada, besar kemungkinan itu motor curian. Penadah biasa mengubah nomor rangka (agar sesuai STNK/BPKB) dengan cara mengetoknya.

Cara lain untuk yakin, cek nomor polisi melalui SMS. Caranya, ketik Metro[spasi]nomor polisi

Contoh: Metro B8118HJ — kirim ke 1717 (Jakarta).
Atau: JATIM L4444LY — kirim ke 1717 (Jawa Timur).

Catatan: Ketika kami coba, kami mendapat balasan bahwa sistem sedang ada gangguan sehingga kami disarankan cek ke SAMSAT terdekat.

3. Cek kondisi fisikPeriksa kondisi bodi, spion, baut, dan lain sebagainya. Apakah terlihat banyak goresan, kondisi retak atau pecah? Akan lebih baik jika semua yang menempel pada motor adalah suku cadang asli.

4. Cek kondisi oliBuka dan ukur oli yang ada di dalam mesin. Pastikan ukuran oli tidak berlebihan, karena oli yang berlebih akan membuat suara mesin menjadi lebih halus, sehingga dapat menyembunyikan suara asli motor yang mungkin berbunyi kasar atau berisik.

5. Cek speedometerPastikan agar tidak ada retak atau adanya bekas pembongkaran. Lihat jumlah berapa kilometer yang telah ditempuh. Jika di atas 20.000, maka dapat dipastikan akan banyak sekali komponen mesin yang akan segera Anda diganti. Tentunya dengan anggaran yang tidak sedikit.

6. Hidupkan mesinCoba hidupkan mesin motor, apakah bisa stasioner atau langsam. Karena kondisi pada mesin yang tidak bermasalah dapat langsam pada putaran kurang lebih 1500 rpm. Serta pastikan juga bahwa tidak ada bunyi-bunyian yang kasar di dalam mesin.

7. Cek perpindahan gigiJalankan kendaraan, dan perhatikan posisi perpindahan gigi apakah terasa sulit atau tidak. Apabila terasa sulit berarti menandakan kampas kopling motor tersebut akan segera habis. Satu lagi yang perlu diperhatikan juga adalah, jika terdengar suara mendesir pada saat motor berjalan. Kemungkinan besar gigi primer dari motor tersebut akan segera habis.

8. Cek rangka atau sasisPerhatikan kelurusan roda motor depan dan belakang, dan pastikan bahwa rangka atau sasis motor tersebut tidak bengkok. Jalankan sekitar 40 km/jam dan tekan rem sedikit mendadak untuk pastikan motor tidak sulit dikendalikan. Hal ini berguna untuk mendeteksi lurusnya sasis dan poros setang atau setir.

9. Cek kebocoranUsahakan Anda dapat mencoba jalankan motor lebih lama, dan setelah motor dijalankan kurang lebih sekitar 500 meter, perhatikan apakah terlihat adanya oli yang bocor melalui sela-sela mesin. Atau air radiator bocor bagi motor yang menggunakan radiator.

10. Cek kelistrikanPeriksa juga kelistrikan dan lampu-lampu seperti lampu motor depan, lampu sein, lampu rem belakang, klakson, lampu speedometer, atau starter elektrik motor. Apabila semua berfungsi atau hidup, berarti tidak ada kerusakan pada komponen dan kondisi aki motor tidak ada masalah.

11. Cek kondisi rodaLakukan pengecekan terhadap roda. Bagaimana kelurusan antara roda depan dengan roda belakang, hal ini untuk meyakinkan bahwa sasis atau rangka tidak membengkok, motor yang mengalami jatuh atau benturan keras bisa menyebabkan kebengkokan pada sasis.

12. Kalau bisa cobalah test-driveMintalah kepada si penjual agar Anda bisa menjajal mengendarai motor tersebut lebih lama. Anda tentu akan bisa merasakan apakah motor tersebut ada kelainan. Apakah setangnya lurus, apakah akselerasinya bagus, dll.

Kini setelah Anda tahu persis kondisi motor yang Anda beli, Anda tinggal memikirkan harga yang ditawarkan. Apakah cocok?

Atasi Pegal Melalui Makanan

Atasi Pegal Melalui Makanan - Tubuh kerap mengalami linu dan kaku ketika sehabis bekerja atau olahraga?

Konsumsi beberapa makanan berikut untuk memperbaiki otot-otot tubuh Anda, seperti dilansir dari Body and Soul (10/6).

Nutrisi: vitamin B, C, E, K, kalsium, zat besi, kalium dan seng.
Manfaat: makanan yang kaya air membantu merehidrasi tubuh akibat olahraga. Vitamin B mengembalikan tingkat energi dan vitamin C menenangkan otot-otot yang bekerja terlalu keras. Antioksidan likopen juga membantu mengurangi kerusakan sel dan jaringan setelah olahraga.
Kacang mete

Nutrisi: lemak tak jenuh tunggal, tembaga, magnesium dan fosfor.
Manfaat: magnesium menjaga tulang kuat dan melawan kelelahan otot. Tembaga membantu meningkatkan energi dan melindungi sendi, sedangkan lemak tak jenuh tunggal mengurangi peradangan.

Nutrisi: antioksidan, khususnya anthocyanidins, vitamin C, kalium, kalsium
Manfaat: Anthocyanidin membantu mencegah atau memperbaiki kerusakan akibat radikal bebas, mengurangi peradangan dan membantu pemulihan otot. Ceri juga menurunkan risiko tendonitis, bursitis, arhritis dan goout, serta mengisi elektrolit dan kalisum untuk membantu pemulihan.

Monday, 10 June 2013

The power of prayer and Granted

 the power of prayer and Granted When a person is no desire, then he prayed. But when the prayer was then not materialize, Is God broke his promise and did not grant the prayer? Definitely not! There is one thing missing from his prayer. Ie the people who pray just to pray and ask for, but was not sure whether the prayer will be granted or not. If not sure of the power of God, then God according to his servants prejudice.
The power of prayer to Very Confident will Granted This story is about a young man who went Umrah with no charge. How do I? He develops the dubious advice of his teacher for not being spoken prayer. Let's look at the power of prayer that accompanied the high level of confidence of this young man named Kinta Mahadji. Umrah Gak Pake Pay Alhamdulillah, I have 21 months to work in CCT, many stories here, one of the things that make me jealous with Ust. Lutfi (Leadership PKH), Ust that go together Hajj Umrah not ever pay, annual leave definitely one Umrah and Hajj once, not use pay as Ust leaders Umrah and Hajj travel in the distended one, hmmm.
If you want to kayak Ust ngikutin step, seems heavy (read: not likely), my education path and select Ust different, really different jauuuhhh, ahhh yes but time others are not there lines I had thought.
Before you sit at Ust Mansur, I think I'll be leaving for Hajj Umrah every year ya same kudu saving a lot, a lot of hard work, etc., just that there is no word as much weight dah, that might Umrah every year, the Hajj, ya know its own pan , very limited quota, if the list now, maybe 10 years from now can only go on the pilgrimage.
Inquired have inquired, it turns out there is one prayer that Ust often panjatin after prayer, and it is also performed Umrah and Hajj fitting, Ust frequent prayer, "O Allah let slaves visit Mecca every year", continued nich dilakonin prayer every day, more fervent prayer mo or longer buru2x, nich not ever loose prayers, and thank God the results can be seen.
As a student, of course donk diikutin stride, finished praying every prayer dipanjatin nich, time after time, day after day, week after week, month turned into months, until a year tuch signs go to Mecca also not there. Until resignation and despair, ahhh yes the future like I can get there.
* A few days later
Jeng-jeng ... like a flash of lightning, Ust says this: "Kin, how many people believe that prayer ama do'anya but nope, he's mah abis prayer prayer but he kagak sure, what God Iye ngabulin, kudunya mah, we Hakk ul confident, Allah is Hearing, each do 'a, hopes, complaints will be heard in the same God, just wait aje, when ngabulin Allah, Allah knows when our prayer pasnya dikabulin " Jlebbbbbbbb!, Bener also, every prayer I kagak sure, past ah yeah, ah yeah time, it was a small squeak in the heart, from that day, that moment, my prayer nope nope never sure, there God is God.
* A few weeks later Ust: "Kin, nt dah got passport?" Kin: "Uda, Ust?" Ust: "Next week join me yes", Kin: "Where Ust?" Ust: "ngunjungin equal to house the tomb of the prophet of God", Kin: miringin head while thinking, it's where ya, Allah akbar!, Had brain hangs a few seconds, "To Mecca Ust?, Real nich" Ust: "Iye, right, siap2x dah" Kin: "Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allah akbar", Hear news like that whole body directly lemes, dah mo coding can not go, it was so shoknya, direct contact orang2x dah my house for you know, senengnya amazing, Alhamdulillah.
Ahhhh, weve Bener, if God already love the mo Pagimana also no way, not use pay Umrah, bismilllahi tawwaqqaltu ...
May 2012 ~ Kinta Mahadji
Source: facebook note of Kinta Mahadji
Message author: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII adapi Issues Life As A glass of water Life As A glass face Water Problems Of a glass of water, we can take inspiration about facing life's problems. Glass of water? After yesterday there was inspiration from a bottle of ketchup, this time the problems of life analogous to a glass of water. . Let's look at these inspiring stories that we know how we should be faced with the difficulties of life better.
Problems facing Living Like a Glass of Water At the time of giving a lecture on Stress Management, Steven Covey, 7 Habits Leadership expert, raised a glass of water and asked the students: how heavy do you think this glass of water? The students' answers ranged from 200 gr to 500 gr. "It's not a matter of absolute weight, but depending on how long you hold it," said Covey.
"If I hold it for 1 minute, no problem. If I hold it for 1 hour, my right arm would be sore. And if I hold it for 1 full day, maybe you should call an ambulance for me. It weighs exactly the same, but the longer I hold it, then the burden will be heavier. " "If we carry our burdens constantly, sooner or later we will not be able to take it again. It will increase the burden of weight, "said Covey. "All we have to do is put the glass down, rest for a while before holding it up again."
I would like to invite you so that we do not continue to feel miserable all day and think of the difficulties that we are responsible. Try leaving the burden periodically so that we can feel fresher, stronger, and able to carry on. For example, before the first load it was left off. Whatever burden is on our shoulders, let it down for a moment if you can. After the rest later can be taken again, to think about too way out.
I'm sure everyone has their own life problems. Do not think that rich and successful people do not have a problem. Yes, they have! You just do not know their personal affairs. Problems of our own, for we are so heavy, complicated and confusing, as there is no way out. But if you try to look at other people, more serious problems of his life, you will feel fortunate turns your life is not as heavy as you think so far. Have a glass of water analogy dizziness can enlighten your mind in the face of life's problems :) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Charity benefits from Yusuf Mansur 2 Charity benefits from Yusuf Mansur 2 Yusuf Mansur tells the benefits of charity and alms which he personally experienced miracles. Alms Ustadz Yusuf Mansur magically make the pilgrimage. After the first story about the wonders of Yusuf Mansur alms, let us refer to the benefits that can be up haji alms of Ustadz Yusuf.
Charity benefits from Yusuf Mansur 2 Founder Daarul Qurían International School, Ustadz Yusuf Mansur, claimed to have forgotten that human beings can not insure something that has not happened. Joseph recounts, in 1990 and, he believes, and has prepared everything to perform the pilgrimage. However, before the day of departure he memliliki problem so off to the Land of Haram. Similarly, in 2003. At that time, Joseph again had all the preparations to leave for Saudi Arabia. But because of all the family problems, he again fail to perform the pilgrimage.
"Astaghfirullah. I've forgotten already felt confident and make sure it is not happening. He Haula wala Kuwata illa billah, "he said. In 2005, the mass media often used the title of it on her pilgrimage. "And this time I have not been on pilgrimage. Alhamdulillah, I consider it a prayer, "he said. He deliberately did not clarify the matter because the title hajj motivates him to continue to ask God to allow her pilgrimage.
A year later, a leading travel offers himself for the pilgrimage for free. He was mandated to be the leader of the group. Because he had never refused to go for Hajj. But the parties continue to urge preachers who travel once the motor racing craze. Finally, he agreed and was on display ads urge people to Hajj with him. Registration of pilgrims flowed. Enthusiastic people who want to go with him so high.
But God still other wills. Ahead of departure, the travel if you do not cancel the pilgrimage reason not allowed to lead the group. Finally, the pilgrims travel offers himself to be first, and the following year became the leader of the group. But the offer is no longer free but got a discount of almost half the price. Men born in Jakarta, December 19, 1976 was admitted was crying. Not because of the canceled free of charge. She feels lied to the people concerned and upset many pilgrims.
But he is sad because God was nevertheless called him to the Holy Land. The father of four sons almost mistake and scolding travel leaders. But he continued to be patient and put their trust. Cultivators also a movie player Kun Fa Yakuun this was pessimistic he will never hajj. Joseph was traumatized to talk about the pilgrimage, but then rose again. He was later handed over to the noble desire of the Creator.
In the midst of a less awkward, suddenly a friend from out of town come and borrow money amounting to Rp 40 million. The money will be used companions dispatched his brother to the Holy Land. His best was a guarantee that if the old car sold highest price around Rp 30 million.
"Good Heavens our Allah, as I often tell people to give alms, I tested a barrage," he said. With patience and sincerity, he gave the money to his friend. While the old car that he let it go. Yusuf was asked about the wisdom of what God is behind all exams pilgrimage failure. After registration closed pilgrimage in 2006, he resigned. But unexpectedly, he met an Arab Habib who took her to lunch.
At the end of the meeting, the Habib asked when leaving for Hajj. "I just say, not so departed. Do not have money, "he said. God then showed His power. At the time of registration pilgrimage was closed, he and his wife actually went to Tanah Haram. Joseph became more aware of what is in the human perception is not entirely true. He also felt the greatness of the extraordinary charity. "God has a best-case scenario,"
That's a personal story that Yusuf Mansur charity and replaced with better. God's reply to someone's charity with no half-hearted. Author: Rony Wijaya • Simple Up KRL officials and public transportation • Benefits Tahajud Prayers and Alms • Alms Wonders of Yusuf Mansur 1 • The Power of Prayer and sure will Granted • Problems Facing Life As A glass of water • Want 250juta Salary Per Month? (Billy Boen) • Benefit Charity of Yusuf Mansur 2
Prayer and Charity Benefit Tahajud Prayer and Charity Benefit Tahajud Prayers and Alms Tahajud benefits. This true story is about a family who has been waiting a very long descent. Eventually they get well over tahajud prayers and blessings shodaqoh. Please disharing true story of friends in the comments ya :)
Prayer and Charity Benefit Tahajud Very good story of a man who tells how trying to get offspring. Attempt to obtain offspring with efforts and prayers Tahajud shodaqoh, a very beautiful lesson. For once teman2 hoping to get offspring never hurts to try. The following story told, please take ibrohnya. 2 months of age at the time of our marriage Alhamdulillah Allah SWT memberikah hamilnya grace with my wife, at that time we were both very happy, but when my wife's pregnancy even 3 months, my wife Allah mentaqdirkan another miscarriage, I am feeling very upset all the time, which is the time that I personally crave a child as my successor propaganda struggle.
But I realize that we have the desire but the desire of Allah who will run, besides that I remembered the word of Allah 'Perhaps you hate something, but he is very good for you, and maybe you like something, but it is very bad for you; God knows, Whereas you do not know '
Finally I tried to forget the incident, said the doctor who handled my wife, that someone who miscarried and dikuret then it should not have a child for about a year, my wife finally KB, after waiting approximately one year was off KB's wife, and not so Thank God my wife's old tested positive for pregnancy again, how happy we were both at that time, we were more careful - careful keeping the baby is in my wife's belly, with a booster pill fetus, motorcycle riding slowly - slowly, do not be too tired wife and other - other.
Wife pregnant when I step on my third month do not worry - not the first incident first happens again, it is true my wife miscarried again, immediately I as a man - men cry without shame he had buried the baby fetus that is already visible even in small sizes . Finally my wife was in the curettage again, like the first message before doctors declared pregnant should not be less than one year. I was devastated, I continue to have children anytime ...! On the advice of a friend, he did not have to wait one year, four months already be pregnant. Finally, I was somewhat relieved, and after four months my wife was off KB.
Thank God the next month pregnant wife and I tested positive again, for my third pregnancy trauma should not - do when it's Myspace age 3 months miscarriage again, it was not even my wife gestational age of one month, my wife was bleeding, I was getting stes.
Finally on the third incident, the more I realized we did not have anything, no power anything, I surrender, surrender in the midst of it I was reminded of the hadith which states that the charity can as a starting reinforcements "and charity can quell the anger of Allah, finally after my wife tested positive for pregnancy again, since then I multiply the charity in addition to Amalia children, also people who are not capable of that was around my house, in addition do not miss tahajjud prayers I do every night, prayed 'a charity every time when doing anything (good deeds - good), I intend in my heart that Allah gives descent.
Alhamdulillah on wasilah alms and prayers of my wife tahajud miscarriage usually every step of the third month, finally survived to give birth to a child who is beautiful, intelligent, and agile. from the alms fadhilah I came to believe in the power of charity and donation to date to the grandmother - my grandmother kampong still running, and Alhamdulillah both born again child of a child - boy - man without the slightest hindrance. Subhanallah .. How bloggers after reading the true story Tahajud Prayer and Charity Benefit this? Hopefully be an inspiration and motivation for charity sincerely expect the pleasure of Allah. will definitely rewarded with amazing. Please disharing true story you experience :) Author: Rony Wijaya IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Prayer benefits Tahajud 3 True Story Prayer benefits Tahajud 3 True Story Benefits of Salat Tahajud True Story 3 This is a true story that is different from the previous story Benefit 1 and Benefit Tahajud Prayer Prayer Tahajud 2. Please read and be learned for yourself. :) Do not forget to comment and let us istiqamah night prayer.
Prayer benefits Tahajud 3 True Story There is an important secret that I want to convey in this paper. A terrifying secret when you regularly praying sunnah Tahajud. Third of the night prayers performed in total silence, because at that time many people were fast asleep. That's when you should wake up from sleep. Ablutions and praying sunnah Tahajud. You should execute 2 cycles covered by Witr 1 cycles. Should also 8 cycles and closed cycles with 3 witr. If you can, optionally up to 23 cycles.
However, the most important is consistency in implementation. Better pray tahajjud with a slight but regular cycles every night, rather than many rakaatnya but not routine. You need to be consistent and have a high commitment in itself.
The most important thing is the night of prayer you contemplating this life, do introspection in the day yesterday and begged forgiveness to God with forgiveness while the full-to-late solemn. Begged given the ease in performing activities tomorrow, and more importantly, pray to God for sustenance dilapangkan.
I want to be remembered when they wanted to get married in London in 1998. On the night before the wedding, I got confused because the money to transport the prince and also base not in the bag. I discussed with my late father to find a solution. Then I say trouble I was to him. When I say it's difficult, my father just smiled and told me to pray tahajjud.
Later that night, I pray tahajjud with full humility that tomorrow should be eased of all affairs. I submit to God while praying that given sustenance for getting married the day after tomorrow. I was praying and crying for mercy sesunggukan him. Every effort has been accomplished, it is time I pray to the Almighty. May God grant my requests to be married the day after tomorrow.
The next morning, after the dawn prayer in congregation, there was a knock on the fence outside the home. So I look out, there Yono pack, one of Al-Iman mosque came to our house.
Once the gate was opened, then I invite him into the living room. Once he is in the living room, then we have a nice chat for a while, then suddenly gave me an envelope containing money. The numbers really fit with what I need. Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, I give thanks to God. It turns out in the morning that day, God gives sustenance through the pack Yono and his friends mosque officials who could not be present in my marriage in the city of Bandung.
Secrets tahajud prayers may have been what you get. He came different way. There are fast and some are slow. Depending on the blessing of God, and how we pray. Sometimes we often forgot that prayer is the petition and demand that His surrender himself to have his sins forgiven, given the ease of living in this world and the hereafter. Humble ourselves before the lord of heaven and earth.
May God grant the prayers of His servants who have surrendered in moments of silence with a third of the night praying Sunnah tahajjud. Therefore, do not forget also to always self-conscious that there will be life after death. In this world we are just a wanderer who stopped briefly, then went back.
Have you regularly pray tahajjud and discover its secrets? Monggo be shared personal experiences about secret prayer teman2 all tahajud
Prayer benefits Tahajud 2 (True Story) Prayer benefits Tahajud 2 (True Story) Benefits of Prayer Tahajud 2 story (True Story) I repost this from Kaskus trit I read. many benefits and wonders of Salah Salat tahajud or night. One story is the story of a newbie. Good work!
Prayer benefits Tahajud 2 (True Story) Benefits of Prayer Tahajud story is ane own experience. Here Ane ane not want to admit more taught or learned from agan. But ane just like sharing about the great Gan tahajjud prayer. ORIGINAL Gan!!! Ane not lying.
The tahajjud prayer is Sunnah Prayers Mu'akad, the Sunna is Highly recommended. Worked night between the time Jesus until dawn. Then do after we fall asleep gan (Kudu sleep first, if not sleep ya Prayer Ordinary ... They say do not need to sleep first .... Insha Allah all right Gan).
If Agan ask anything (positive), Gan granted SURE .... SURE!!!. Of course there are conditions Gan - Routine done, not just overnight doang - Istiqomah in trying, do not give up Gan - Be patient, it does not mean the night we asked for, tomorrow morning there
Remember Gan
"Make Patience and Prayer as helpers"]

Ane Sharing some REAL STORY is a life history Gan ane .. :
1. Desire Study in PTN Favorite
In high school, ane had 2 goals into state university in Negri's Favorite Gan. If viewed from the rank in high school ... He He, most bagusrangking 8. Most ancur rank 34 out of 36 Gan, almost Failing Grades because no one can ane Lesson 5 ...
Due to an overwhelming desire, ane gan learning, and also do not forget, fitted alarm clock struck 3:00, to pray tahajjud every night.
The result, at the time TRY OUT SENAYAN to, there are thousands of participants tuh Gan. Eeeh suddenly there ane name in rank to 4 Gan. Ane school bully who like the The Best of the Best in School ane at rank 11.
Since then Gan, new deh ane those 2 schools may have to be wondering "Why?" .... What the hell can not in this world??? In short, the announcement UMPTN (At that time) .. Kucluk-kucluk-kucluk, Ane Pass UMPTN First Choice Gan!!!! Ringaaaaan body feels when it really, How nice to .. Parents Of Gan ane happy too right? Parents Worship Nyenegin right, anyway ane Parents do not need to pay greater right?
2. Out of Life Full of Sin ....
Alhamdulillah Lecture 5 years after graduation as well ... Continue to work ane-2 kayak jumping frog, up stranded in the middle of the Borneo jungle all but not at home and back again to Jakarta (Let me close at Parent)
Finally now working on a Firm's ane in jakarta until now. Early check-in time, ane acquaintance with a girl (co-workers) who had first entered ... Beautiful Gan, White, Slim, nice cool anyway .... Because the girl kos-kosannya direction of my path to the house, ya would not want my daily commute nganterin he gan.
Eventually finally yes we often walk together gan (Though she already has a boyfriend but outside the city, ane then again have not got a girl)
Well ..... This is where the sin began to bombard me Gan ... Initially eating, watching, the streets, but eventually ... Every day ane definitely get a great sin in that moment, Gan SURE!!! ... Gan's true the saying goes, if both of us, the third absolute evil .... Initially, the heart and passion really fight. But over time, eventually losing too Gan ane heart. And it menjadikebutuhan we both every day ....
After about 2 3 years, my little heart began to rebel Gan .... Ane actually did not want to like it, but it seems difficult to separate the two of us ... VERY HARD ONCE!!!
Finally ane pasrahkan THE ABOVE all the same ... Ane pray every night and ask for ane tahajud immediately turned away from him and immediately found someone much better than him, especially for the WORLD and HEREAFTER, and get married and get a cute baby ...
Eeeh Gan unexpectedly, it turns out he's a boyfriend outside the city wanted to ask for her hand (Coercion both her parents and her boyfriend parents), so inevitably he had left the company and moved out of town ...
Ane gan really grateful, let alone about 2 2 months after he left, ane be ane future wife (girlfriend). Like not aware how quickly time goes, 4 months after the Gan ane married Alhamdulillah to date, and ane now have 2 boys 2 funny .... Of information in the can ..... The girl who once, apparently until now (about 6 years old 2) have not been blessed with a baby ... Ane was sure of that first time, because once upon a time he used to consume drugs (not drugs) and he also drank beer Amendment ... Try kalo ane once married to him, may not have a baby now ane gan ....
3. Want to Have a Side Business
Ane worked long enough in place now ... Alhamdulillah, all needs fulfilled. But his name certainly we humans strive want to get something right Gan?
An Employee, of money earned each month, right? Whether 25, 30 or January 1 .... Mean, I get the money only once a month ... That's not actually to get the hell could have their Right, but is committed ane not to do that ..
At a time when not working (Saturday Sunday), I had a family ... refreshinglah well, the streets ..... I think there
"Why are Saturday and Sunday I just Unleashes Money alone?" Why Not Trying to Get Paid? ".... Someone else can, why can not I?
One my intention .... Getting Additional Income ... Effort ... Business ...
But I'm confused, how? What business? How to invest?
Back, ane THE ABOVE submit all the same ..... I install an alarm clock every hour 3:00, Prayer requested for ane Tahajud and opened minds to have a side business ....
Buanyak business-2 / Business-2 I am trying to Gan .... of MLM, Fish, Plants, Advertising, Franchise etc. .... But there is not the last Gan ...
Continue to Pray Every Night .... and ..... Never Give Up Effort
Eeeehh .... Not taunya, the idea occurred to gan, slip by .... In short, Ane was given the same instructions for Trading THE POWER .... Yes I have ... Ane elaborated .... Alhamdulillah, not a lot of capital, only 5 jeti ..... Ane finally had a sideline Gan ... All done from home, after work ane, ane work and earn extra income ... Although Saturday Sunday, even though the same-2 family, Alhamdulillah income remains Gan ...
4. Want to Increase Large Enterprises
Gan Alhamdulillah ..... Ane no effort (So dipikiran ane first) .... All done from home Gan, in the crowded deh ....
Ane then had another dream .... He wanted to have an office / shop, so it can grow bigger and can also help those who need a second job ...
Gan back again ... Ane Ask RICH THE ALMIGHTY same every night ... Ane terusss trying ....
Not unexpectedly, it's called the door of sustenance, adaaaa gan ... Initial intention was just messing around, eh meet people, chat-2 continued-continued, so partner .... His intention fun clay-2 news, there eehhh wrote 2 new ideas that emerge ....
Alhamdulillah Gan .... Ane businesses thrive .... Of the initial capital of only 5 million, now I can get penghasilanmenyamai even exceed income in the company now ane ane work .... Gan ane have a shop now .... From there ane can also nyeneng-Family nyenengin streets to Foreign Affairs Years Ago ... This year Insha Allah also want the road to the Foreign Affairs again and also to Bali with a large family, father, mother, sister-in-law and sister family Gan ane .... Give thanks Gan ane Banget ....
Quote: Maybe there Agan who say "Why use land all the way out? Ngabis-splurging money aja ...
Instead ane-2in ngabis money Gan, ane tu really love my wife and kids ... Ane child at any time if really want to see aircraft up to the holiday and where so. You see the same ane family vacation very rare, most stuck-2 to the Safari Park ... Well while there is little sustenance, it nyenengin want children ... Ane wife happened to also have never been to the Foreign ... So so gan ... Now is also a lot of cheap air and also Non Fiscal really Gan ...
Prayer benefits Tahajud 1 (True Story) Prayer benefits Tahajud 1 (True Story) Prayer benefits Tahajud 1 is the true story of a newbie who was applying for a job. Not unexpectedly, the tahajjud prayers which he did on the night fruiting ease job interview the next day.
Prayer benefits Tahajud 1 (True Story) there is a young boy who wanted an interview tomorrow at a private company in the archipelago homestead. ama grandmother says she "tahajjud prayers there, later facilitated ama God". The young man finally had the intention to install an alarm harinya.dia night praying and woke at 3:30 am. He ablution and pray tahajjud until dawn comes. he went to the mosque for prayers subuh.tapi unlucky, after coming home he felt very sleepy sangat.dia who fell asleep to sleep.
gan oh yeah, he gan interview 9am. but he woke up at 8. surprised .. clay clock hours are 8. he immediately rush to wear clothes (not bath gan ..) directly set up a mini metro. up on the block M, already 8:45 gan. Jakarta gan .. finally he continues it.
unluckly, he fell asleep again in the mini metro gan to Monas. the more frantic he wrote gan. her clay already at 9:20. finally he was down and intend to go home. the story here is not until gan. fitting him naek bus. there are fathers who stand as well (he also stood gan). asked the fathers ama
"Going where de, ko face creased really?"
"I had an interview mao bis.jadi pak.tapi I overslept in place continues to oversleep too dah".
"Weve place where?"
"Tuh deket.wisma archipelago xxxxx company (sensor gan). Usually do not usually pray tahajjud pack, one-time prayers even oversleep".
"Yaudah we wrote together father also wanted over there"
"Oversleep already late pack .. dah"
"'ve Not nothing".
finally they were together toward keperusahaan it. many of the applicants who have been waiting the whole time. but the young man was immediately invited into the same gentlemen who had gan. she was confused.
"Loh, ko I immediately invited into the pack. Should know if you are?"
(With a smile he said) "I am the owner of the company ini.tadi my car got a flat so I naek metromini wrote." finally he accepted unconditionally to be hard work gan.sedangkan else who waited from before, Keith certainly gan.sambil smile and talk to the young man's heart when the father was out of the office, looking at other reply said "why tahajud, rich, nih gw .. "
source of this story from kaskus, forgot the link where: shakehand
cool right now experience the benefits of praying the night a true story? tahajud story of 2 and 3 story tahajud please read well :) Author: Rony Wijaya
Seller Grandpa story strap Shoes Seller Grandpa story strap Shoes Inspiring story about a grandfather seller shoelaces will not complain how difficult it is to live a facebook posts of note that direpost in kaskus. Original author is a student of Padjadjaran named Andre Daryanto. Marik's look at the spiritual experience of Andre met with Grandpa Sellers Rope Shoes.
Seller Grandpa story strap Shoes My name is Andre, I am student of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Padjadjaran, sitting on a bench 3rd semester, every morning my foot with certainty to the campus which is located not so far from my rented house, a morning full of burning passion little fighter who dreams dreams to change the world, yes dream little pal is not impossible right?
One and a half years, I have browse through every day the same way to the campus, every morning, full of ambition faces of students passing as if stepping without load, even without melengok to the surrounding environment, so there may be one or two people realize, that in along the road that passed through, so many heart-wrenching sight, yes, heart-wrenching for those who still have a heart, sits sluggish mothers carrying children who are hungry for milk, you old man, paralyzed without being able to complain, grandfather grandfather bergolek in the heat of the sun Jatinangor in this, but it seemed to have become a common sight, "normal?"
I began to doubt the existence of my friends who called students, which they proudly call themselves as agents of change, respectively, but the response to it that every day they, you, in fact I see it, even called a common sight, sad indeed, but this is CRUEL world.
One person who really I highlight, every morning, every day, as if nothing ever bored, sat an old man, whose age was more than middle-aged, sat pensively staring out over daganganya behavior that does not sell, it's every day menjajalkan father shoelaces, and once all selling newspaper in the morning newspaper. It's heart-wrenching sight. The presence of the old man who did not sell his wares-behavior that creates a feeling of pity. Who would want to buy the shoe laces? friends friend students not only passing attention, even just bid the old man merchandise, masyaallah, And passing people who rushed to the campus as the presence kakektua ignore it.
Yesterday after coming home from college, I saw the old man sitting pensively staring daganganya, I had intended to buy a shoelace that although I am not so membutuhkanya, my grandfather was approached, asking what price shoelaces he offers "five thousand cep" would buy what color? oh thank goodness there are still fathers who want to buy merchandise "she said softly full, oh god, the price of a pair of shoelaces he sold only at a price of 5 thousand, just a thousand dollars profiting from people who sell to him, my blood suddenly rippled quickly, as grain tears could not bear to blaspheme out, how not, a thousand dollars, it could only buy a "Gehu" jajalkan spicy at the side of the street, with a heart as strong as I hold compassion, "I bought 2 pairs of yes kek"
The grandfather looks very happy, because finally, after menjajalkan daganganya of dawn, new at 2 pm I was the first to buy his merchandise, I spend 20 thousand, he said, "there kembalianya ga mah boy's grandfather," Grandpa said. "Oh alright ga kek, just take kembalianya, from my" So I ask again, why is he with her old age, and should have been sitting idle at home enjoying the rest of the rest of his life, even still working hard toil, from morning until evening, menjajalkan shoelaces in newspaper and unpad the environment? I said to him, in a voice he trudged wearily replied "Well, how else would my son, this is the world, may god have meridoi me if I was a lazy lazy, I have kids at home in the arrowroot 12 people, 5 people have a family and go far left-paced life they need, there are 7 people again my son who was sitting on the bench and smp sma, it's impossible for me just sitting still, while my foot is still running strong. "
Hearing this, I suddenly shrieked withstand such attacks to the deepest heart, I could not see the pain and rigidity of a grandfather who is still fighting for his future for his family .. "So, here's grandfather lived where?, And return how many weeks arrowroot to Grandpa?" I asked softly, "Grandpa stay in the mosque next secretary student, passengers grandfather lived there, as well as helping washed, because there's nothing ngerawatnya, by ubuntu g grandfather accepted as an employee, because life is already too old grandfather, but grandpa hope all get money from being an employee to clean the mosque "he added," ga grandpa home usually uncertain time, as long as the grandparents can already buy 20 kg of rice, a new grandfather home, it is usually about 2 weeks to raise money to buy the rice to be brought home for arrowroot "he said
Allah akbar,, for the sake of his beloved family, he was willing to sleep in a cold mosque itself, accompanied by a very deep loneliness, and longing to spend a quiet life, in search of a bite of rice, defend self-esteem, not to be a beggar with no effort at all, he really so noble, and may God be with those who take such an angel that God sent to earth deliberately so that people can learn, eliminate greed and twiddle idly.
For my friend's friend, who in the name of the students themselves, especially those who enrolled in college Jatinangor this, I hope, is just one of my forms of sharing, mutual mengingetkan, that are out there, there are many brothers sisters who need attention , be a full student, because I was not able to do much, I need you guys, you guys with big hearts, who are willing to spend a little time to pay attention to the people around,
Start with yourself, ranging from small, start now!!! Sources:
That's valuable experience Andre getting inspiration from a seller grandfather shoelaces. Hopefully we can take a lesson. Author: Rony Wijaya
Many Happy Life with Gratitude Many Happy Life with Gratitude Gratitude makes life a lot happier. Writing about gratitude helps us to achieve a happy life and a peaceful heart. With much gratitude, a way of life so easy and not complicated by stress. Thankful for what is, life is a gift! So why sing? Please read the article with Many Happy Life Thankful following
Many Happy Life with Gratitude Busyness and pressures of life often makes us forget to be grateful, thankful for the gift of God Almighty. The truth is there are many ways a remarkable ease and grace of the Creator that we receive every day. When we are most grateful for all the grace it will give immense benefits and make life very unpleasant.
Benefits of gratitude will return to the people who are grateful, and one of them is to make it more peaceful heart. Because the same grateful to remember the virtues given by God. The happiest people are those who are good grateful.
In this regard I quote from a media release regarding Michael Inzlicht, from the University of Toronto, who has conducted several studies that remembering the Lord will give you a sense of peace. "Think about the things that will make us more religious calm when we are faced with the stressful things like making mistakes," he said. People are always thankful was the one who felt the outpouring of grace and mercy. Therefore, people are always grateful that can always think that everything must have a positive benefit in the future. Even if overwritten trials or have flaws, a sense of gratitude that will help him regain his passion for produce inspiring work, beat challenges, success, achievement, and achieve all dreams. Grateful for whatever the reality of life that we have received this can be overcome despair. Imperfection, loss or damages of any kind it can be discouraging, disappointment, and despair. But by continuing to appreciate any gift that we receive, it would help us escape from feelings of despair.
"The seeds of discouragement can not take root in a grateful heart. - The seeds of discouragement can not take root in the hearts will be full of gratitude, "said Oel Olsteen, author of Living Your Best Life Now.
In this life we ​​receive a lot of gifts, in the form of healthy, successful, smart, limbs, and so forth. Gratitude that will help us to appreciate everything we have. With gratitude, all things being blessed and benefits.
Thankful or grateful to God for the gifts he is a key component to achieve happiness and success. The ability of each person to be grateful can be developed from time to time. As with any other skill, the ability to always be thankful if trained and socialized evolving continuously.
A way that you can use to increase gratitude is to write down or remember some of the things that you are grateful for every day. This gratitude journal is a good way to start a greater sense of gratitude in your life. Examples of small things, but be thankful for is enjoying the good weather so they can walk or activities smoothly, had no trouble getting food and drinks, no trouble breathing, and so forth. If it continues to be collected, one day we will be amazed because of the gift of the Creator so that we have received and enjoyed. Confidence and work as possible is a form of gratitude for the gift of God Almighty. Additionally, realize gratitude in prayer and worship. Gratitude can also be done by sharing with others, in the form of knowledge, wealth, ability, and so forth.
Strive to adorn the mind and attitude with gratitude whenever and wherever. It can affect a more positive mental attitude. That way you slowly begin to attract positive things into your life. Behind everything that we are complaining about there must be one thing you can be grateful. Be thankful because in the end you will be able to see more positive things in you. Some inspiring words that I quoted from an online media following can hopefully continue to remind us all to always be thankful. Today before you think of saying an unkind word - Think of someone who can not speak.
Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who does not have anything to eat.
Before you complain about your boyfriend, husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion.
Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who passed away so quickly.
Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who so expect the presence of a child, but did not get it.
Before you argue about your dirty house, and someone did not clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living on the streets.
Before whining because they have to menyopir too much - Think of someone who had to walk the same distance.
And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who want a job.
Before you accuse or blame anyone else - Remember that no one is without sin and we must face the judgment of God.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and thank God you're alive and still in this world. Life is a gift, live your, enjoy, celebrate and fill it with good and full of gratitude.
Iri the official story Pedicab Builders Iri the official story Pedicab Builders State officials we usually prosper with sufficient assets and income. Go anywhere by car is quite luxurious and upscale specialty officials will always be accompanied by the police. But why is there an official who envy the pedicab driver who is an ordinary citizen? Let's look at the story of an officer who envy the life of a rickshaw driver.
Iri the official story Pedicab Builders One afternoon in Malioboro ..... A middle-aged man, his thin, dark brown skin. His hair was thin and white, his eyes sunken, look at the lines and wrinkles on the forehead skin, indicating it is loaded with the burden of life. Sitting pensively on a rickshaw old, where he hung the daily livelihood in Malioboro, Yogyakarta city middle. Stroke the fragile feet, the rickshaw has thirty years of his travel companion that will give a little hope to the family.
Sitting waiting from the morning, hoping soon there passengers. As of late morning, none of the passengers came. As usual, he also remained calm and waited patiently for passengers.
From a distance it looked a shiny black sedan. Looked very posh in her view. Surely the car belonged to a wealthy man, with all the luxuries of life. He imagined how nice to be rich. Her house is spacious and beautiful, luxury car, beautiful wife and manicured, dressed her children are beautiful. He was dreaming of the decrepit condition of his own house, no furniture in it, emaciated wife suffered the burden of life, the children dressed potluck.
Her eyes filled with tears ... I wish he could be happy family as the owners of luxury cars .....
His mind drifting away into the sky, took himself off to dreamland. Sleepy, slowly she began to fall asleep in the pedicab. The officials who Galau Once, in a shiny black luxury car, it sat a well-dressed man. Wearing a suit and tie, he signifies an official. He sat in the back seat alone. In the front seat, there is a driver who dressed and behaved decently. Car runs quietly in the middle of traffic density Malioboro, Yogyakarta city center.
Days of the official thinking of a project which it is responsible. There are too many problems in the implementation of the project. Funds that do not fit the budget, the project implementers working carelessly, not to mention the number of payments that must be given to the various parties. One-one he was threatened with jail and lost his job. Some of last night he could not sleep well. Tired, tired, and did not calm his mind and heart.
From inside the car the officer saw a row of rickshaws on the edge of the sidewalk of Malioboro. Her eyes are a middle-aged man, dark brown skinned, dressed in sober. He looked fast asleep on the pedicab, such as not having the burden of nothing.
He imagined how peaceful heart that pedicab drivers. Although living in villages with simple conditions, but can enjoy life. Maybe his wife and his children live a very simple, yet they can be happy with what is there. Compared with his condition that has a variety of luxury amenities, but all of which raises the burden of thinking and feeling the pressure. He was not able to enjoy the freedom and happiness.
His eyes glazed glass officials .... If only he could sense a feeling of serenity and peace as a pedicab driver who experienced it .... How restful sleep. Skinny body pedicab driver who seemed bent on the seat rickshaw, and see how soundly sleeping .... How happy if I could sleep like that .... Seeking True Happiness That's how life goes. Someone will always see the condition of the other person. Compare, suppose, imagine, fantasize ..... "I wish I could be like him, how happy ...." The Javanese call, live it "sawang sinawang", each looking at the other. That is why people are not happy. Because he does not expect anything real. He imagined something that is not him. He imagined a position that is not right. He continued to pursue that desire never accomplished. He pursue happiness as he saw it in others. He is looking for happiness as she saw the man many circles.
That is why people are not happy. Because he was looking for from others. He did not get into her own, and find happiness within himself. Should he always enjoyed everything. Feel the love of God in every event that happened to him. Living the life of all God's gifts are obtained every day. A little or a lot, it's staying the way we calculate it. Rickshaw or a luxury car, it's just the objects, together with other objects. People get tired of every day luxury car ride, he will feel happy when riding a rickshaw in Jogjakarta. People get bored every day by rickshaw, he will feel happy in a car one day. Because luxury cars and rickshaws are just objects. There is not a happy position.
Position, position, position it just attributes of life, together with other attributes. People think it's a position above him happy. Though it is desirable position attribute of life. Accessories of life, together with other accessories. There is not a happy position.
Happy that it is in the soul. Not on the objects. Not on life attributes and accessories. Then seek happiness by diving into our own souls. Not to fantasize about other people's rights that we do not have. If you are constantly looking for happiness to things, forever you will never be able to feel happy. If you continue to find happiness to the attributes, forever you will never be able to feel happy.
Happy that it is in the soul. Objects, attributes, accessories-accessories, it's just a decoration. Same with the other decorations.
Find happiness in your life. Good morning, happy holidays with family, survivors find happiness.
(Source: Cahyadi Takariawan,
This story is similar to the story of farmers and riders Mercy Thanksgiving ever posted before. Bro can read his story here
Confront Exam Life with Ketchup Bottle Confront Exam Life with Ketchup Bottle Bottle of ketchup can be an inspiration for people who have difficulty surviving. What does a bottle of ketchup with life? Well this story is an inspiration to friends who feel life is full of trials and tribulations. Often we feel that God is not fair to us, we feel we are doing good things in life and like to help others, but why life is always a misfortune befalls and no sign of help from God. Let's look at these inspiring stories that we know how we should be facing the difficulties of life.
Philosophy Ketchup Bottle (Inspirational Story) It is said there is a wealthy businessman who seemed happy. Money is not a problem for him. Advanced his business, he rarely lose, almost all businesses bring multiple benefits. As if, the money was chasing him.
She also has a beautiful wife, healthy children and funny. However, behind the success there is a lot of bad behavior that he did. The entrepreneur likes to do immoral.
Because deep pockets, he could easily bergonta alias pair womanizing, cheating in business, eating unclean food and beverages, and a variety of other vices. Until one day, he experienced a life-changing event. Three-year-old son died in an accident caused by her negligence. The event brought a change in him.
He repented and was determined to leave the bad habits he used to do. He also began to learn to pray, go to the mosque, perform fasting Ramadan, and so forth.
In the midst of that self-improvement efforts, the financial crisis that struck in 1998 has brought a drastic change in his business. Slowly, but surely, he went bankrupt. One by one his company went bankrupt and changed hands. Debt to swell so that savings and deposits in banks and property and vehicles out to cover the debts. If before the word "fail" and "loss" as if away from him, now both said it seemed to him intently.
If previously immersed in dollars so easily he can get, now coins also seemed reluctant to approach him. It has been many times, he tried to get up, go back to pioneer the business, but he also repeatedly failed. Pile of negative emotions as if poured in his brain.
In the pinching hardship, he questioned the justice of God. When immersed in immorality, so easily obtained sustenance, but after leaving disobedience, leaving her fortune, too. "Is something wrong? Where prayers during this time he prayed? Did God not hear or was not going to answer my prayer? Was not God the Compassionate and Merciful, and will grant the prayers of all His servants?"
Once he complains. Indeed, in the midst of adversity, the quantity multiplied worship. However, it all seemed to have enough to return to "normal life". Many times, he came preachers and scholars to ask for prayer and counsel. When given a certain prayers or good deeds, he will do it heartily. However, again it all ended in disappointment. She began to doubt that the scholars and preachers who said only good at theorizing. Where's the proof?
On the verge of despair, God's help came through one of his acquaintances. He is a professor of religion at a major universities. The lecturer does not bring money, offering business cooperation, or anything else that is material.
However, he took the advice that is able to change the paradigms of the wealthy former businessman. Not much proof that he expressed. He's just giving an analogy and metaphor alone. He said, "One can not fill water bottles filled with white soy sauce, soy sauce prior removed first. Only then, we can enter the water. Was even still exist remnants of ketchup that has not wasted so we enter the water will still be mixed and black . water must be removed again so it is really clean bottle of ketchup. Only after that, we enter the water really clear because no longer mixed with soy sauce. Analogues, soy sauce it is a treasure that we have and the water is prayer and deeds we do. Between vice and virtue can never be united. Therefore, when someone wants to purify himself, all the impurities that exist within and property must be removed and cleaned.
There are many scenarios Lord to 'clean up' dirty one's possessions so that its treasures are completely drained, may dibangkrutkan business, cheated, and so on. Even if everything is drained, there may still remaining impurities in the self and possessions. Allah Ta'ala. will meinbersihkannya by disease, accident, or other, while he held the sustenance of man. Well, when he is completely clean, Allah SWT. will open the way to her lawful sustenance. The problem is, do we wait or not in the process of cleaning it up? "
This advice has been able to answer the question about God's justice, about ijabah prayer, about the meaning of his conversion. Allah Ta'ala. took most of his riches not because God hates, but God is very affectionate and love to His slaves who repent.
Why, how could fill a delicious rice and soup into bowls blepotan with dirt. Certainly very wise if the bowl was cleaned first. Similarly Qada God, before pouring an abundance of grace and His forgiveness, He will cleanse the person from soot immorality which still rested in himself and his property.
Several years passed, the wealthy former businessman was back on track business success. Although not as successful as the first, the signs in the direction it was already starting to look at him. It was as if she was filling water bottles with the success of his fate after he spilled black water disobedience.
The series of failures in business has brought positive changes in the entrepreneur's self even before she almost fell in despair.
Philosophy presented her ketchup bottle has opened a new perspective on the meaning of a test and the meaning of life really is.
In the language of management, this entrepreneur has been reinventing or rediscovering his purpose in life.
Sources: Muslim Stories of Inspiration
Disturbance story Jin Tahajud 40 Consecutive Days Disturbance story Jin Tahajud 40 Consecutive Days Disturbance story Jin Tahajud 40 Consecutive Days This is the experience of a young man who wants istiqamah schools in tahajud working for 40 days without a break. His efforts during the 40 days it was not surfing imaginable. there is even a genie just annoying that it does not perform the night prayer. We see the story of the struggle of the students
Salat Tahajud 40 Consecutive Days Disturbance story Jin Tahajud 40 Consecutive Days was written a newbie on a trit, forgot the link where.
kenalin gan,,, ane Muslim, and ane dlu prnah one boarding school to school d d cal-cells,,
jd gini gan story,,, d ane schools there are some people who religiously devout benar2 gan,,, tahajudnya every night,,, pas ane ama ngobrol2 dy,, he said, praying tahajjud every night was not easy loh ... other than sleepy, lazy, mosquitoes and so on,,, it's still easy tp dilewatin he said, dr is a difficult disorder mahkluk2 subtle, such as jinn and devils ...
what else if tahajudnya performed 40 consecutive days, usually said,, in the evening there will be 36 to 40 kejadian2 odd,, nih gan story Spoiler for 36 nights: fitting him sdah ablution, and would go to the mosque (krna msjid and dormitories near gan) fitting kira2 stay 10 yards away,, ilang mosque gan, are seen as essentially empty so wrote her ama,,, tp ttp he developed, while baca2 verses of quran,, uh trnyta fit her clay around him sdah no d in mosques gan horror level: 60% results: successful dilewatin

Spoiler for 37 nights: almost the same story gan ama yg d above, the difference tp mw fitting him to the mosque, he saw a girl cantiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkk bgt,,, and seduce the friend ane gan so doing (sensor) him,, almost hit ane aja gan tman, ,, krna was so beautiful she was) tp fortunately he knew, and read verses chair, finally the beautiful girl in a heartbeat ilang horror level: 80% results: successfully passed

Spoiler for 38 nights: fitting tonight he hit a very heavy drowsiness gan, until tahajudnya late an hour,,, tp still wrote her opponents, and even prayer was fitting,, bnyak mosquitoes that usually mngigitinya lbih bnyak dr,, and many strange suara2 mahkul smooth, , tp ttp mlanjutkan he tahajudnya horror level: 50% results: successful

Spoiler for 39 nights:

disni horror stories bgt gan,,, fitting him pray tahajud d last prostration, and mndengar voices laughing, and fitting him sitting mw tahayat end,,, in front of him, fitting right in front of the mat,,, falls fragment that bloody hand gan,, suddenly she was shocked,, tp ttp he mlanjutkan prayers,, fit greeting,, lg clay hand he was gone gan sdah
horror level: 99% results: successful

Spoiler for 40 nights: spya not late her prayers,,, FINALLY ane friend's dump bed d mosque for about 10 hours late,, fitting stgh two hours he woke up, he sdag not d mosque again gan,, tp sdah tmpat to move outside the mosque, and swaktu he was praying, the percussions, some blow blow d neck,,, tp with courage and sincerity of God krna SWT.akhirnya he got past that smua gan horror level: 90% results: successful
The dr narasumbernya lgsg gan, not matter what bner,,, ane not know,, tp keknya he does not mngkiun boong deh gan ... thanx
cendol plis
Quote: Originally Posted by celeng.galap want nambahin gan .. Bener ngalamin ane once was when I was in the shelter, just not used to that pretty girl teased. but this gan

immediately wrote deh ane ran into the mosque. yg bener gan,, aje gile,, scary jg yah
Quote: Originally Posted by bhulux Ane dah also never heard of a child ponpes gan .. wallahu nature, hopefully it all even increase our faith in God .... it bener tuh
Quote: Originally Posted by andi_mastrak Whew, ssering tuh gan ane heard crita ganguin orang2 in tahajjud prayer time again, from in tampkain pocin prayer was fit again (which is often really, start lying, standing, follow bowing, macem2 dah), aer die alone, the door in gerrak fit again ablution, ane he ampe tetanga Seeing a naked guy standing in front of him fit again pray: unfortunately not yah gan yg nude girl
Quote: Originally Posted by Opapatica more precisely (for the title of the thread) instead of 'danger' bang, but 'heavy temptation'. klo use the title 'danger' religious impressed TSB (which there tahajudnya) was endangering his followers.
sharenya good too, let faith grow stronger before doing tahajud thanks gan, udah ane change
Quote: Originally Posted by sayurhaseum nge rate ntu the horrors of a percentage rate sapa Gan? Self ane gan
Quote: Originally Posted by kadal2 maybe it's already part of the test dr gan ..
dngr2 tp ane yg stories of temen2 tahajud, tp g until 40 days ..
No weird aja .. ky abis no knife in his prostration ato no sightings of foot ablution fitting doang.
ato fitting greeting someone apparently joined in prayer (if that's still not a nuisance).
may be tested for how strong our faith kl ya??
CMIIW wiihh,,, which is scary jg neh
Quote: Originally Posted by computer_geex Ane fit again ill father, days 1-3 in datengin delicate creature, but good all ... Fitting day 4 tahajud asked, he said there was Genesis apa2 kaga ... , Pas Malem again to 5 tahajjud ... Ornag through kaga no front head Sajadah father gw iiiiiiiiiii
Quote: Originally Posted by bayilucu since working outside the city, ane lg ga bs tahajud ... temptation really heavy ... dah so real anyway
ane wake up, you want to pray ... anak2 who ngenet on 1. klo playing games on tereak2 2. loud music server
bs why so? ane sleep in cafe
why not in the mosque? ane new residents, in the mosque prnah missed keropak, jd ane mistaken fear that engg2
so ... ane dh ni ga bs tahajjud prayer (ah little vent) Jiah,, dr temptation hell tuh gan man Quote: Originally Posted by dhanQ Ko gan ... it's really ... Quote: Originally Posted by ulic.icic
Our family tahajud prayers in congregation since 2007!!! This news lie!!! yes eyalah congregation,, try ente own talaga,,, prayer tahajud also dr well some scholars mngtakan LBH sndiri gan,, cmiiw Quote: Originally Posted by viichacha79
1 Malem also no temptation anyway ^ ^ Cave ever pray tahajjud, 3 hr berturut2 time like the UN, like no sound objects that fell down in the kitchen, the sound of the tap water flame itself. The reality ... gan sereemm Quote: Originally Posted by prabusatria nyokap temptation tmn more severe ane gan .. kek temptation ape gan? Quote: Originally Posted by instupidity wish oke gan had tu org strong faith, should circumstances gt d exemplar gan ane kasi rate yes
gan nah that's the true story of a students who seek istiqamah Tahajud 40 Consecutive Days. Hopefully there are lessons to be drawn. Author: Rony Wijaya


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1.BANK SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS SATU (KLIK DI SINI) 2.CONDITIONAL SENTENCE (klik di sini) 3. SIMPLE GRAMMAR =UKG(KLIK DI SINI) 4. DAFTAR KATA KERJA TDK BERATURAN (klik di sini) 5. TENSES (klik di sini) 6. LATIHAN SOAL DAN JAWABANNYA (Kik di sini) 7. SOAL CONDITIONAL SENTENCE (klik di sini) 8. MATERI TAMBAHAN KELAS XII SYNONYM DLL (klik di sini) 9. LATIHAN SOAL UJIAN 2011 ( klik di sini) 10. Kiat menjawab soal Ujian(klik di sini) 11.PRESENTASI (klik di sini) 12. MEMBUAT REPORT ( klik di sini) 13. PREDIKSI SOAL UN DAN PEMECAHANNYA (KLIK DI SINI) 14 contoh CURRICULUM FITAE (klik di sini) 15. CONTOH SURAT LAMARAN (klik di sini) 16 CONTOH INTERVIEW/WAWANCARA (klik di sini) 17. RINGKASAN GRAMMAR ALL (klik di sini) 18. CONTOH SOAL KLS 2 (KLIK DI SINI) 19. EXPRESSION RESPONSES (klik di sini) 20. BAHAN MENGAJAR BING (klik di sini ) 21 KISI-KISIS SOAL UN 2013 (KLIK DI SINI) 22. PREDIKSI UN SMK B INGG 2013 (Klik di sini) 23. BEDAH UN/SKL 2013 (KLIK DI SINI) 24. LATIHAN SOAL UN 2013 ( KLIK DI SINI) 25. JADWAL UJIAN NASIONAL 2012/2013 (klik di sibi) 26 FOKUS KISI UN 2013 (klik di sini) 27. GRAMMAR KOMPLIT MUDAH DIINGAT (klik di sini) 28. SILABUS BING SMK (klik di sini) 28. PRESENT LINGKUNGAN 3 RPL 3 TA 2013 (klik di sini) 29. BHN PRESENTASI LINGKUNGAN 3 RPL 2 TA 2013 (KLIK DI SINI) 30. BHN PRESENTASI LINGKUNGAN 3 RPL 1 TA 2013 (klik di sini) 31 DOA HUT PGRI 2013 (KLIK DI SINI) 32. SOAL UAS GANJIL KLS 3 2013 (klik di sini) 33.kunci UAS GANJIL 2013 (klik di sini) 34.ENGLISH LESSON (KLIK DI SINI) 2.KAMUS (klik di sini) 3.KAMUS TANAMAN LATIN (klik di sini ) 4.KAMUS INGGRIS (klik di sini) 5.kamus jawa (klik di sini) 6 Info Guru (Klikl di sioni ) 7.INFO KERJA SE INDONESIA (klik di sini) 8. INNOVASI BARU (klik di sini) 9. PASSIVE INCOME (klik di sini) 10.emas tweeter (KLIK DI SINI) 11. HOTEL MURAH DI SINGAPURA (KLIK DI SINI) 12. PESAN TIKET PESAWAT (KLIK DI SINI)