
                          CLASS: XII.RPL3
                          SMKN 4 KENDAL



Praise allah swt writers turning presence. Because the will's his report can be resolved.
By this report, and i would like to thanks to:
1.       DRS SUROYO, as the principal of smk 4 kendal.
2.       MR. SULTONI COMARA   as English teachers and tutors.
3.       My parents, friend, and who help on both of competence exam of final task report.
I belive that this report is still away from perfect, so i accept suggestion and constructive criticism from all readers. And i hope that this report can be useful for all.
The author's purpose in writing this report is hiv / aids and directions prevention of hiv / aids.
Hopefully, with this
report  we can increase knowledge and insights on hiv / aids. So that we can avoid all these malignancies.

Kendal, 1th of sept 2012
silvia sari

Title page.................................................................................i
Preface ..........................................................................................ii
Table of contents ......................................................................................... iii
                                        CHAPTER 1
Introduction ........................................................................................... 1
                                        CHAPTER 2
Contents................................................................................... 2
                                        CHAPTER 3
Closing.................................................................................... 3

Bibliography............................................................................... 3
Chapter 1
A.    Introduction
We all have probably heard many scary stories about HIV / AIDS. AIDS crossing took place rapidly and may sekrang already exist around us. Until now there is no cure for AIDS, a disease that even now could not be prevented by vaccines. But we all have nothing to fear. If we behave in a healthy and responsible and always adhere to religious teachings, then we will be free from HIV / AIDS.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS abbreviated) is a collection of symptoms and infections (or: syndrome) is caused by damage to the human immune system caused by HIV infection
Self virus called Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV for short) is the virus that weakens the immunity of the human body. People who are exposed to the virus will become vulnerable to opportunistic infections or tumors susceptible. Although there has been handling can slow the spread of the virus, but the disease is not completely curable.

Chapter 2
B.      Contents
In this report I will discuss about:
1. Symptoms and causes of HIV / AIDS
. How to prevent HIV / AIDS
3. The public view and 5 religions on HIV / AIDS

Description 1

1. Early symptoms of HIV are asymptomatic or chronic HIV can last from about 15thn.

2. In addition, they often have systemic symptoms such as persistent fever, sweats (particularly at night), swollen lymph nodes, chills, weakness, and weight loss. Diarrhea is a common symptom in about 90% of AIDS patients.

3. During the latent phase, all the symptoms disappear for weeks or even years before it eventually evolved into Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
The HIV virus
will not be transmitted through animal bites, use the bathroom or toilet, use utensils, living with a home, daily life, the use of a towel, a handshake and a kiss on the outside of the mouth.
One can not become infected through casual contact such as hugging, kissing, dancing or shaking hands with someone who has HIV or AIDS. HIV can not be transmitted through air, water or through insect bites. In general, the causes of HIV disease
AIDS infected through:
During sex. You can become infected if you have sex vaginal, anal or oral sex with an infected partner whose blood, semen or vaginal fluids entering your body. The virus can enter the body through the mouth or tear a small wound that sometimes develops in the rectum or vagina during sexual activity.
Blood transfusion.
In some cases, the virus can be transmitted through blood transfusion.
Sharing needles. HIV virus can be transmitted through contaminated needles with infected blood. Sharing intravenous drug paraphernalia puts you at high risk of HIV and other infectious diseases such as hepatitis.
From mother to child. infected mother can infect the baby during pregnancy or delivery, or through breastfeeding. But if women receive treatment for HIV infection during pregnancy, the risk to their babies is significantly reduced.
Description 2

How to prevent hiv aids
How HIV AIDS Prevention:
1. Prevention of transmission through sexual intercourse. Be sure to not have sex with someone infected with the HIV virus. Multiple sexual partners is very high risk of contracting the HIV virus easily.

2. Prevention of transmission through blood transfusion. Make sure that the blood will be sterile transfusion of HIV contamination.

3. Prevention of transmission through pregnancy. Mothers infected with HIV should not become pregnant.

4. Prevention of transmission through drug misuse. Misuse of drugs by needle, very easy to transmit the HIV virus.

5. Prevention of transmission through unsterile equipment. Any tool used for people who are at risk of carrying the HIV virus must be sterilized prior to use lisol, detol, or alcohol.

6. Prevention through a healthy lifestyle. People who have a habit of free sex, tattooed, drug use with needles, including those at high risk of AIDS. For that we need to change habits for healthier and safer lives.

7. Prevention of transmission through marriage. Marriage with people who have a history of work or living habits are at high risk of contracting HIV should be tested for HIV AIDS.
Description 3

Hiv aids in the view of the public and 5 religions in Indonesia
HIV / AIDS has a great impact on society, both as a disease and as a source of discrimination. The disease also has a significant economic impact. There are many misconceptions about HIV / AIDS such as the belief that it can be transmitted through non-sexual casual contact. This disease has also become subject to controversy involving religion.
One factor that has become an obstacle to the creation of a comprehensive AIDS prevention program, refer to the explanation above, is the stigma that still attaches communities affected by HIV is a community of religious interpretations is the sinner so invite the implications of the government's lack of attention to seriously tackle this problem. Promotion of condom use is always opposition because it is always with the promotion dikontaasikan sex.
The public view and 5 religions about hiv aids:
In the view of five religions in Indonesia, views on AIDS are the same. Because AIDS is a disease worse. Because HIV / AIDS itself is through the way that religion is prohibited.
And medical aspects of secured dangerous diseases and viruses are among the perpetrators of sex, from Hepatitis, HIV, Lion King (Lion King / Syphilis) and many more.
Chapter 3

a.     Conclusion

So hiv aids virus is it is a very dangerous virus do not get us exposed to the virus and try not approach things that can cause us to contracting the virus.
b.      Suggestion
That we all avoid AIDS, then we must be careful to choose a life partner, do not let us marry partner mengicap HIV / AIDS, because in addition to convey to us sendirim can also be transmitted to the fetus in the womb us. We must also be careful in the use of syringes and blood transfusion alternately with the blood that has been exposed to HIV. And what if there are neighbors or friends affected then do mendeskriminasinya. Remember: stay away from the virus and not the person!!!


1. Reference sources of internet articles.