Asked to complete the task subjects BahasaInggris
In discussing a report
Academic Year 2012/2013

Prepared by :
Name          :         Della Lucky R.F
Kelas / NIP  :            XII RPL / 1507
Jl.Soekarno – Hatta Bartngsong Kendal  51371
Telp.( 0294 )5790761 Fax. ( 0294)

With utter grace the presence of God, who has mercy, and his guidance, that I as a student of SMK N 4 KENDAL school year 2012/2013, the successful completion of a report on how to make tempeh
The report is expected to be an example of how to make tempeh with hasi lpengembangan are bright ideas so as to produce a work that would be a bad idea for housewives and businessmen tempe in Indonesia her special central Java.
            Besides it is also proposed to complement the English language on the subject of the reporting, this report would not exist without his help from various parties, for that occasion, the author would like to thank:
1. Mr. Drs. Suroyo, as head of
2. Mr. Hero Sultoni Comara, S.Pd. As a teacher of English pengampu has provided guidance and clarification in making this report.
3. Dwi Mrs. Hanny, S.Pd. as the guardian class XII RPL 1
Report penenlitian way of making tempeh is still far from perfect, for that criticism and constructive suggestions and help develop ideas sipenulis.Semoga this report can be useful for readers in general and for education.
compiled By
INTRODUCTION ................................................ ........................................................ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................ ................................................ ii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................... ............................ ........1
A. BACKGROUND ................................................ ................. ......................................1
B. PURPOSE ................................................. ................................................................ 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION .............................. .......................................................... 2
A. MAKING WAY TEMPE ......................................................................................... 2 .......
1. SIMPLE WAY ................................................ ......................................................... 2
2. TOOLS AND MATERIALS ............................................... .................................. 3
3. HOW TO WORK ................................................ ................................................... 4
CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION ............................................... .................................. 4
Conclusion ................................................. ....................................... ..........................4
Suggestions ................................................. ................................................. ................4

      Tempe is one of the foods that are often consumed by masyarakat.Tempe is one bioteknologi.Bioteknologi-based processed products is a vital area of ​​science and technology related to its pertanian.Metode in isebenar has been done since time immemorial, but this has not been recognized by public
2.      PURPOSE

     The scientific work is made to fulfill the task of biological subjects, and in order for the reader to understand the nutrients contained in processed into soybean after soybean, and the reader can understand how making soy tempeh properly.
Do not forget also that the students understand how to set up their own home-based factory, because amid the current economic difficulties require everyone to create a whole self employment is not only dependent on the work of others is given to us.
A simple way is the way of making tempeh is usually done by the craftsmen of tempe in Indonesia. Soybean after sorting (to choose a good and clean soy) washed thoroughly, then boil the boiling time was different depending on its many regular soy and is between 60-90 minutes.
Soybeans that have been boiled and then soaked semalam.Setelah before soaking, soy skin peeled and washed his next stage bersih.Untuk soybeans can be boiled or steamed again for 45-60 minutes, but in general his second boiling is rarely done by the craftsmen of tempe . Soybean after ditiris chill and it was given late Tempe, mixed flat then wrap and done curing for 36-48 hours (Figure 20).
The vegetarian in many worldwide who have used tempeh as a meat substitute. Due to its current tempe produced in many parts of the world, not just in Indonesia.berbagai research in a number of countries, such as Germany, Japan, and the United States.
The technique of making tempeh Indonesia has done its dedicated community stems from the Java community for a couple of centuries ago with his creation procedure is very simple. A variety of raw materials that can be used in the manufacture of tempeh, but most populerdan most in use is soy tempeh.
To treat the tempeh are good quality, it should also be used soy are good quality and not too mixed with other grains, such as corn, green beans and other grains nya.Selain, the processing procedure must be done carefully. The process of making tempeh at its base is a process of cultivating the tempeh mold spores, namely Rhizopus sp., On soybean seed.
In its growth, Rhizopus sp. Forming threads called hyphae threads hifa.Benang-thread binds the beans kedalai kedelailain one with seeds in it, so soy beans form a compact mass. Soy Massa who his next called tempeh.
During its infancy, the fungus Rhizopus sp. Also produces an enzyme that can break down the protein contained in soybean seeds, so that proteins in soybean seeds is easy dicernakan.Selama infancy fungus Rhizopus sp. Besides Rhizopus, predicted many other possible types mkiroorganisme intervene, but did not show significant activity.
However, the real activity that might interfere darimikroorganisme will look after the activities of the growth of Rhizopus sp. Beyond the optimum, ie, after forming his new spores are white-black. It can be seen, especially on the left tempeh or stored at room temperature, with its smell wafted
Ammonia. Presence of ammonia odor in Tempe tempe ter pointed out that call started having pembusukan.Bau ammonia is still felt even tempeh was cooked, so as to decrease the consumer's tastes.Olehkarenaitu, agar diperoleh tempe yang berkualitas baik dan tahan agak lama, maka during the process of making tempeh note mengenaisanitasi dankemurnian seed (inoculum) to be used.
2. Tools And Materials
• Tool
1. Basin
2. Sieve
3. Cormorant
4. Fan / Fan
5. Sotel wood
6. Tampah
7. Stove
8. Other necessary equipment
• Materials
1. Soybeans
2. Ragitempe (inoculum RAPRIMA) or let the pure Rhizopus sp.
3. Plastic bags or banana leaves, or leaves of teak.
3. How it Works
1. Wash winnowing tray, sieve, fans and cukil to be used, then dried.
2. Clean the soybeans from other ingredients mixed in, then wash thoroughly.
3. Soak the soy beans were washed for 12-18 hours with plain cold water (hydration process that soybeans absorb water as much as possible).
4. Remove the skin of soybean seed that has been soft, then wash or rinse with clean water.
5. Steamed / boiled soy beans until tender.
6. After soybean seed feels soft, pour the seeds in the winnowing tray that has been cleaned, then diangin-wind with a fan / fan anginsambil stirred until the beans are warm.
7. Sprinkle yeast tempeh (RAPRIMA) were prepared little by little, stirring, stirring so evenly (1.5 grams of yeast to 2 kg of soybean tempeh). 8. Prepare a plastic bag or daunpisang, or daunjati for wrapping. If plastic bags are used for packaging, give small holes in the bag using a stick or fork.
8. Put soy that has been given yeast tempeh (RAPRIMA) into the wrapper, set its thickness according to taste
9. Process fermentasi63256
10. Soy beans at room temperature for a day or two or until the entire surface covered with mushroom soy.
• Conclusion
By the uraiandarimakalah this, it can be concluded that the plant itself is home or business support to improve the economy, society, and can also create a human being creative, intelligent, and trying to move forward, and can also provide input to the reader if only to be able to create their own jobs.
Bagimasyarakat at large and the students in particular, that Indonesia's natural wealth is abundant, to educate the youth of the nation and the most adequate nutrition, soy is beneficial.
For that expected in ways that have given the writer may be useful to all dear reader.
Mohammed Amin, General Biotechnology Handbook 3. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture, 1985.
Maggy Themawidjaja, Biotechnology, Jakarta: grants, 1990