Regards, hamdallah
blessings and peace be upon Muhammad ......
The scholars and elders that we glorify,
The father, mother and the audience that we respect .....
And a happy bride ...
On this occasion, we as representatives sahibul intent, father ...... and gentlemen, let us first say a puja, and give thanks to Allah SWT. Its always bestow His mercy and blessings to us, so that in the morning / tonight what the intent sahibul plans to marry his daughter ........ with a son named ..... son ..... from ..... can be accomplished without a hitch. As a form of gratitude, then on this happy occasion, sohibul intent pleaded presence at the father, and the audience in the show walimatul 'currents.
Secondly, on behalf sahibul intent, we would like to welcome and thank you for the outpouring of time and effort the father, and the audience who have deigned to attend the majlis shahibul intent in walimatul 'arusy this, hopefully the presence of the father, and the audience always gets Ridla God, being the good deeds are accepted at his side, Amin.
The father, mother and the audience that we respect.
Third, for the good of the audience, shahibul intent can not reply anything, just pray shahibul intent, good deeds hopefully the audience will get a better response from God "Jazaakumullaahu Khairan Katsira, Jazaakumullah Ahsanal Jaza". Similarly, perhaps there is a lack of intent sahibul anything, whether in welcoming the presence of the father, nor in providing places and just dish there, the intent shahibul apologize sincerely.
There is also the whole family as well as relatives and neighbors who have helped us in the form of material and spiritual, who has put energy, time and his thoughts once again we thank you and apologize.
The father, mother, and everyone is happy.
With the presence of the father, mother and the audience in this walimah event, attendees have implemented bararti word Muhammad SAW :
If any one of you are all invited to walimah, then let it come.
Finally, shahibul intent pleading prayer blessing the audience, hopefully both families can later be harmonious couples, reassurance, and love, so that they can build a home and family appropriate guidance prosperous Islamic law, and soon blessed with pious offspring, and salihah, dutiful to his parents, is useful for the community, nation, and state, and religion, amen yes Muujibas saa-iliin.
Similarly, we welcome the name sahibul intent, namely Mr. ...... gentlemen, more or less apologize and thank you. Akhirul kalam wabillaahit taufiq guidance wal wal inayah - Wassalamu'alaikum war.wab.
The scholars and elders that we glorify,
The father, mother and the audience that we respect .....
And a happy bride ...
On this occasion, we as representatives sahibul intent, father ...... and gentlemen, let us first say a puja, and give thanks to Allah SWT. Its always bestow His mercy and blessings to us, so that in the morning / tonight what the intent sahibul plans to marry his daughter ........ with a son named ..... son ..... from ..... can be accomplished without a hitch. As a form of gratitude, then on this happy occasion, sohibul intent pleaded presence at the father, and the audience in the show walimatul 'currents.
Secondly, on behalf sahibul intent, we would like to welcome and thank you for the outpouring of time and effort the father, and the audience who have deigned to attend the majlis shahibul intent in walimatul 'arusy this, hopefully the presence of the father, and the audience always gets Ridla God, being the good deeds are accepted at his side, Amin.
The father, mother and the audience that we respect.
Third, for the good of the audience, shahibul intent can not reply anything, just pray shahibul intent, good deeds hopefully the audience will get a better response from God "Jazaakumullaahu Khairan Katsira, Jazaakumullah Ahsanal Jaza". Similarly, perhaps there is a lack of intent sahibul anything, whether in welcoming the presence of the father, nor in providing places and just dish there, the intent shahibul apologize sincerely.
There is also the whole family as well as relatives and neighbors who have helped us in the form of material and spiritual, who has put energy, time and his thoughts once again we thank you and apologize.
The father, mother, and everyone is happy.
With the presence of the father, mother and the audience in this walimah event, attendees have implemented bararti word Muhammad SAW :
If any one of you are all invited to walimah, then let it come.
Finally, shahibul intent pleading prayer blessing the audience, hopefully both families can later be harmonious couples, reassurance, and love, so that they can build a home and family appropriate guidance prosperous Islamic law, and soon blessed with pious offspring, and salihah, dutiful to his parents, is useful for the community, nation, and state, and religion, amen yes Muujibas saa-iliin.
Similarly, we welcome the name sahibul intent, namely Mr. ...... gentlemen, more or less apologize and thank you. Akhirul kalam wabillaahit taufiq guidance wal wal inayah - Wassalamu'alaikum war.wab.
hamdallah shalawat, dan salam atas rosulullah……
alim ulama dan sesepuh yang kami muliakan,
bapak, Ibu dan hadirin yang kami hormati…..
mempelai yang berbahagia…
kesempatan ini, kami sebagai wakil
sahibul hajat, bapak……sekalian, perkenankanlah pertama kali kami
memanjatkan puja, dan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT. Yang senantiasa
melimpahkan rahmat dan nikmat-Nya kepada kita, sehingga pada pagi/ malam ini
apa yang menjadi rencana sahibul hajat menikahkan putrinya yang bernama……..
dengan seorang putra bernama…..bin…..dari…..dapat terlaksana tanpa suatu
halangan apapun. Sebagai wujud rasa syukur itu, maka pada kesempatan yang
berbahagia ini, sohibul hajat memohon kehadian para bapak, dan hadirin dalam
acara walimatul ‘arus ini.
atas nama sahibul hajat, kami mengucapkan selamat datang dan terimakasih atas
curahan waktu, dan tenaga para bapak, dan hadirin yang telah berkenan
menghadiri undangan shahibul hajat dalam majlis walimatul ‘arusy ini,
mudah-mudahan kehadiran para bapak, dan hadirin senantiasa mendapat ridla
Allah, dan menjadi amal saleh yang diterima di sisi-Nya,Amin.
Bapak, ibu dan hadirin yang kami hormati.
atas segala kebaikan para hadirin, shahibul hajat tidak dapat membalas suatu
apapun, shahibul hajat hanya berdo’a, mudah-mudahan amal kebaikan para hadirin
akan mendapat balasan yang lebih baik dari Allah “Jazaakumullaahu Khairan
Katsira, Jazaakumullah Ahsanal Jaza”. Demikian pula barang kali dari sahibul
hajat terdapat kekurangan apa saja, baik dalam menyambut kehadiran para bapak,
maupun dalam menyediakan tempat dan sekedar hidangan yang ada, maka shahibul
hajat mohon maaf yang setulus-tulusnya.
lupa pula kepada seluruh kerabat dan famili serta tetangga yang telah membantu
kami baik berupa material, maupun spiritual, yang telah mencurahkan tenaga,
waktu dan fikirannya sekali lagi kami ucapkan terima kasih dan mohon maaf.
bapak, ibu, dan hadirin yang berbahagia.
kehadiran para bapak, ibu dan hadirin dalam acara walimah ini, bararti para
hadirin telah melaksanakan sabda Rosulullah s.a.w. :
salah seorang di antara kamu semua diundang untuk walimah, maka hendaklah ia
shahibul hajat memohon do’a restu para hadirin, mudah-mudahan kedua mempelai
nanti dapat menjadi pasangan suami istri yang harmonis, penuh ketentraman, dan
kasih sayang, sehingga dapat membangun rumah tangga dan keluarga sejahtera
sesuai tuntunan syari’at Islam, serta lekas dikaruniai keturunan yang salih,
dan salihah, berbakti kepada orang tuanya, berguna bagi masyarakat, bangsa, dan
negara, serta agamanya, amin ya Muujibas saa-iliin.
sambutan kami atas nama sahibul hajat, yaitu Bapak……sekalian, kurang lebihnya
mohon maaf dan terimakasih. Akhirul kalam wabillaahit taufiq wal hidayah wal
inayah – wassalamu’alaikum war.wab.
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