By ;
Kurniawan S
12st RPL 2
Kendal,.......................... 2012
The Counselor Teacher ;
Heru Sultoni Comara
NIP. The Headmaster of
Vocational Highschool 04 Kendal ;
Drs. Suroyo
NIP : 19620310 198703 1 013
Assalamukum Wr. Wb.
Praise to Allah SWT have mercy, so on this occasion I can complete practice report with a title How to make Facebook.
Internship report entitled to how to make Facebook from squid ink is structured to complete the task and to obtain a certificate of work practices. However, authors recognize that there are a lot of mistakes and shortcomings, therefore, to Mr / Mrs Teacher, friend - friend, brother - sister and the reader is expected to be criticism and advice in the preparation of the working practices of the how to make facebook titles making squid ink will better in the coming period.
By this report, i would like to thank to:
1. Drs. Suroyo, as the Principal of SMK Negeri 04 Kendal.
2. Mr. Heru Sultoni Comara, as the counselor teacher.
3. My parents, friends, classmates, and all who help on both of competence exam of final task report.
I hope that this report can be useful by giving information for the readers.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Kendal, 4th of September 2012
Facebook is the most popular social networking since the last few years. So people who do not have facebook in particular young people will be less sociable, less force, or even worse, would seem dead style.
For those of you who are still confused how to make a facebook, here is a guide how to create or sign up facebook, which inshaAllah this guide easier to understand.
1. The first to do is visit the website address facebook or Type the address in the address bar of your browser
2. if it appears fill in the registration page is already available,
In the column "name": enter your full name,
in the "Name": enter your last name
in the "Your Email": enter email address
In the column re-enter email: enter the same email address above
in the "new password": enter the password to login later (for your convenience, you write code that is easy to remember)
in the "I": choose your gender
In the column "date of birth": specify your birth date, month, and year
If you have filled all, please click the register button.
3. After you click on button you will be taken to the sign the next page, you are prompted to enter the letters that appear on it.
4. Look at the picture. Fill in the drawing, uppercase or lowercase letters should be the same, enter the text in the column box.jika you have trouble reading the code word shown that, you can replace it with any other code. try by clicking Try different words or different words. if it is filled click Sign Up or Sign up. oh yeah, sometimes separated by a space if the code is considered to be one, you could try writing without spaces, or two words written nempel
5. After you click to register or sign up, view the next page, just skip this one step, by clicking on the [skip this step]
6. in the second step, the page will appear simple profile information. insert the name of your school, universitasmu, and place of employment. but if you do not want to fill up too it's okay. if it is filled in click on the [Save and continue], but if you do not want to fill click the [Skip]
7. in the third step, there is a page for upload photos. please uplod by click Upload photo. so on this third step you simply click the save button and lanjutukan
8. after going through several steps above, you will be asked to confirm your email account. then you have to check the inbox of the email you used to sign up for facebook earlier. If you yahoo email users, please login to, if you are using gmail, please login to
9. Please check your email inbox, the email inbox you will receive two emails from facebook. The first form of speech, and the second contains a confirmation email. open the confirmation email.
10. Fill a confirmation email from facebook like the picture below. Click on the confirmation link facebook. shortly after you click the link, you will be taken on a facebook page that has been active.
11. That means you have successfully verified your facebook email.
12. Congratulations, your account has been active facebookmu, now you use facebook stayed.
Kurniawan S
12st RPL 2
Kendal,.......................... 2012
The Counselor Teacher ;
Heru Sultoni Comara
NIP. The Headmaster of
Vocational Highschool 04 Kendal ;
Drs. Suroyo
NIP : 19620310 198703 1 013
Assalamukum Wr. Wb.
Praise to Allah SWT have mercy, so on this occasion I can complete practice report with a title How to make Facebook.
Internship report entitled to how to make Facebook from squid ink is structured to complete the task and to obtain a certificate of work practices. However, authors recognize that there are a lot of mistakes and shortcomings, therefore, to Mr / Mrs Teacher, friend - friend, brother - sister and the reader is expected to be criticism and advice in the preparation of the working practices of the how to make facebook titles making squid ink will better in the coming period.
By this report, i would like to thank to:
1. Drs. Suroyo, as the Principal of SMK Negeri 04 Kendal.
2. Mr. Heru Sultoni Comara, as the counselor teacher.
3. My parents, friends, classmates, and all who help on both of competence exam of final task report.
I hope that this report can be useful by giving information for the readers.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Kendal, 4th of September 2012
Facebook is the most popular social networking since the last few years. So people who do not have facebook in particular young people will be less sociable, less force, or even worse, would seem dead style.
For those of you who are still confused how to make a facebook, here is a guide how to create or sign up facebook, which inshaAllah this guide easier to understand.
1. The first to do is visit the website address facebook or Type the address in the address bar of your browser
2. if it appears fill in the registration page is already available,
In the column "name": enter your full name,
in the "Name": enter your last name
in the "Your Email": enter email address
In the column re-enter email: enter the same email address above
in the "new password": enter the password to login later (for your convenience, you write code that is easy to remember)
in the "I": choose your gender
In the column "date of birth": specify your birth date, month, and year
If you have filled all, please click the register button.
3. After you click on button you will be taken to the sign the next page, you are prompted to enter the letters that appear on it.
4. Look at the picture. Fill in the drawing, uppercase or lowercase letters should be the same, enter the text in the column box.jika you have trouble reading the code word shown that, you can replace it with any other code. try by clicking Try different words or different words. if it is filled click Sign Up or Sign up. oh yeah, sometimes separated by a space if the code is considered to be one, you could try writing without spaces, or two words written nempel
5. After you click to register or sign up, view the next page, just skip this one step, by clicking on the [skip this step]
6. in the second step, the page will appear simple profile information. insert the name of your school, universitasmu, and place of employment. but if you do not want to fill up too it's okay. if it is filled in click on the [Save and continue], but if you do not want to fill click the [Skip]
7. in the third step, there is a page for upload photos. please uplod by click Upload photo. so on this third step you simply click the save button and lanjutukan
8. after going through several steps above, you will be asked to confirm your email account. then you have to check the inbox of the email you used to sign up for facebook earlier. If you yahoo email users, please login to, if you are using gmail, please login to
9. Please check your email inbox, the email inbox you will receive two emails from facebook. The first form of speech, and the second contains a confirmation email. open the confirmation email.
10. Fill a confirmation email from facebook like the picture below. Click on the confirmation link facebook. shortly after you click the link, you will be taken on a facebook page that has been active.
11. That means you have successfully verified your facebook email.
12. Congratulations, your account has been active facebookmu, now you use facebook stayed.
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