A skin mangosteen juice PRECEPT
SMK N 4 Kendal
Kendal Regency
A skin mangosteen juice PRECEPT
SMK N 4 Kendal
Kendal Regency
Thanks to the presence of the author prayed Almighty God for blessing overflow of His grace and guidance of the author can finish writing this well.
This report will not be realized without the assistance of various parties. For it was on this occasion the author would like to thank:
1. Mr. Sultani Comara Hero, as english tutor
2. All those who have helped the completion of this report.
This report is far from perfect, for that criticism and constructive suggestions are always expected to perbaikkan authors writing in the future. Hopefully this report can be useful for readers in general and for education.
Kendal, 04 October 2012
Thanks to the presence of the author prayed Almighty God for blessing overflow of His grace and guidance of the author can finish writing this well.
This report will not be realized without the assistance of various parties. For it was on this occasion the author would like to thank:
1. Mr. Sultani Comara Hero, as english tutor
2. All those who have helped the completion of this report.
This report is far from perfect, for that criticism and constructive suggestions are always expected to perbaikkan authors writing in the future. Hopefully this report can be useful for readers in general and for education.
Kendal, 04 October 2012
Title page.................................................................................i
Table of Contents..................................................................................iii
I. Introduction..............................................................................1
II. Contents..................................................................................2
III. Closing....................................................................................3
IV. Bibliography..............................................................................4
Title page.................................................................................i
Table of Contents..................................................................................iii
I. Introduction..............................................................................1
II. Contents..................................................................................2
III. Closing....................................................................................3
IV. Bibliography..............................................................................4
> background
You all must not too familiar with this one fruit, yes fruit mangosteen always enjoy doing in the community. Besides the content of this fruit is that much beneficial for our body turns the skin of the fruit can also be made in the juice and can treat coronary heart disease.
> destination
Purpose of the report is the value of an English assignment with teacher Mr. Hero Sultoni Comara maple.
> benefit
The benefits of this reporting is to add greater insight and knowledge about the various kinds of processing skins of fruits that can be made as a medicine.
> background
You all must not too familiar with this one fruit, yes fruit mangosteen always enjoy doing in the community. Besides the content of this fruit is that much beneficial for our body turns the skin of the fruit can also be made in the juice and can treat coronary heart disease.
> destination
Purpose of the report is the value of an English assignment with teacher Mr. Hero Sultoni Comara maple.
> benefit
The benefits of this reporting is to add greater insight and knowledge about the various kinds of processing skins of fruits that can be made as a medicine.
HOW TO MAKE A skin mangosteen juice
Materials :
1 fruit mangosteen.
2 Honey
3 Low-calorie sugar or palm sugar
4 1 cup of boiled water.
Equipment :
1. glass
2. blender
3. spoon
4. knife
Step :
1. Prepare a good first mangosteen fruit, ripe, medium to large size
2. Choose the best skin clean, and free from the typical yellow getah2 mangosteen.
3. Throw petals mangosteen (the green) situated at the base of the stem where the mangosteen fruit mangosteen page.
4. Rinse mangosteen TSB, to remove dirt and noda2 a reply against the skin mangosteen.
5. If you want, you can peel (a thin layer only) mangosteen tough outer skin and discard it.
6. Prepare a blender, or a juice maker.
7. Open mangosteen by hand so broke broke.
8. Although this manggoesteen skin, but not just that in just skin deep, but everything, INCLUDING seeds. So, put all the meat mangosteen (which is white all mangosteen seeds in it) into a blender container.
9. Cut-cut mangosteen peel (skin flesh), may be with a knife, or perhaps with menyobek2nya, and also enter into blender container.
10. Add 4-5 tablespoons of honey and 1 cup lukewarm water (350-400 cc). Later if less sweet, add honey to taste or may brown sugar or low-calorie sugar (Tropicana Slim) according to taste.
11. Blend a mangosteen and its skin (skin flesh), and seeds they will until completely smooth (about 3-4 minutes).
12. Pour a Skin mangosteen juice into the glass .
Presentation :
This juice taste awful. To change the taste to be more palatable, please improvise by adding 1 teaspoon of vinegar Rosella, or apple cider, or half apple, or 8 pieces of fruit wine, or lemon juice, etc..
Skin mangosteen juice is ready
Materials :
1 fruit mangosteen.
2 Honey
3 Low-calorie sugar or palm sugar
4 1 cup of boiled water.
Equipment :
1. glass
2. blender
3. spoon
4. knife
Step :
1. Prepare a good first mangosteen fruit, ripe, medium to large size
2. Choose the best skin clean, and free from the typical yellow getah2 mangosteen.
3. Throw petals mangosteen (the green) situated at the base of the stem where the mangosteen fruit mangosteen page.
4. Rinse mangosteen TSB, to remove dirt and noda2 a reply against the skin mangosteen.
5. If you want, you can peel (a thin layer only) mangosteen tough outer skin and discard it.
6. Prepare a blender, or a juice maker.
7. Open mangosteen by hand so broke broke.
8. Although this manggoesteen skin, but not just that in just skin deep, but everything, INCLUDING seeds. So, put all the meat mangosteen (which is white all mangosteen seeds in it) into a blender container.
9. Cut-cut mangosteen peel (skin flesh), may be with a knife, or perhaps with menyobek2nya, and also enter into blender container.
10. Add 4-5 tablespoons of honey and 1 cup lukewarm water (350-400 cc). Later if less sweet, add honey to taste or may brown sugar or low-calorie sugar (Tropicana Slim) according to taste.
11. Blend a mangosteen and its skin (skin flesh), and seeds they will until completely smooth (about 3-4 minutes).
12. Pour a Skin mangosteen juice into the glass .
Presentation :
This juice taste awful. To change the taste to be more palatable, please improvise by adding 1 teaspoon of vinegar Rosella, or apple cider, or half apple, or 8 pieces of fruit wine, or lemon juice, etc..
Skin mangosteen juice is ready
1. turns out not only the mangosteen fruit that can be helpful, but, the skin can also be used as a drug.
2. way of making fairly easy and does not require a lot of expense
1. Store in a container that can be tightly closed, get a bottle, or a Tupperware container and store in the refrigerator.
2. ManggaDi skin juice drink 3 times a day, 3-4 tablespoons (40cc) after eating.
3. recommended to be consumed on an empty stomach.
4. In early usage, the stomach does not feel good. So do not worry. This is unusual, because no reaction follow-back for the first time of the body against substances in the juice.
Praise be to Allah the owner of an endless wellspring of love never runs dry due to the flow of his love writers can complete observation with patience and happiness.
Hopefully with these observations could give vivid clear picture on how to make skin mangosteen juice.
In the preparation of the report on these observations, the authors recognize that much more mistakes and shortcomings. Thus the suggestions and constructive criticism from our readers is the main capital to reach the ladder of success
Finally, none of the most beautiful words but praise alkhamdulillah the owner of the perfect love that poured millions favors.
1. turns out not only the mangosteen fruit that can be helpful, but, the skin can also be used as a drug.
2. way of making fairly easy and does not require a lot of expense
1. Store in a container that can be tightly closed, get a bottle, or a Tupperware container and store in the refrigerator.
2. ManggaDi skin juice drink 3 times a day, 3-4 tablespoons (40cc) after eating.
3. recommended to be consumed on an empty stomach.
4. In early usage, the stomach does not feel good. So do not worry. This is unusual, because no reaction follow-back for the first time of the body against substances in the juice.
Praise be to Allah the owner of an endless wellspring of love never runs dry due to the flow of his love writers can complete observation with patience and happiness.
Hopefully with these observations could give vivid clear picture on how to make skin mangosteen juice.
In the preparation of the report on these observations, the authors recognize that much more mistakes and shortcomings. Thus the suggestions and constructive criticism from our readers is the main capital to reach the ladder of success
Finally, none of the most beautiful words but praise alkhamdulillah the owner of the perfect love that poured millions favors.
1. This report is taken from
2. User manual report generation
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