Asked to complete the task subjects English
In discussing a report
Academic Year 2012/2013
In discussing a report
Academic Year 2012/2013
Prepared By:
Nama: Dwi Yunita Saputri
Class / NIP: XII RPL / 1516
Jl.Soekarno – Hatta Bartngsong Kendal
0294 )5790761 Fax. ( 0294)
With utter
grace the presence of God, who has mercy, and
hidayahnya, so I as
a student of SMK N 4 KENDAL school year 2012/2013,
the successful completion of a report
on how the maximum waste.
The report is expected
to be an example of how to waste with the
results of the development of ideas
are bright so as to produce a work that would be a bad idea for housewives
in Indonesia, especially Central Java.
Besides it is
also proposed to complement the English language on the subject of making the report.
This report will not be realized without the assistance of the parties, to that this opportunity to thank the authors say:
1. Mr. Drs. Suroyo, selaku Kepala SMK N 4 KENDAL
2. Mr. HeroSultoniComara, S.Pd. As a teacher of English pengampu has provided guidance
This report will not be realized without the assistance of the parties, to that this opportunity to thank the authors say:
1. Mr. Drs. Suroyo, selaku Kepala SMK N 4 KENDAL
2. Mr. HeroSultoniComara, S.Pd. As a teacher of English pengampu has provided guidance
and clarification in making this report.
3. IbuDwiHanny,
S.Pd. selakuwalikelas XII RPL 1
Report waste treatment method is far from perfect, for that criticism and constructive suggestions and help develop ideas sipenulis. Hopefully this report can be useful for readers in general and for education.
Report waste treatment method is far from perfect, for that criticism and constructive suggestions and help develop ideas sipenulis. Hopefully this report can be useful for readers in general and for education.
Compiled By
INTRODUCTION ................................................ ...................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ ii
INTRODUCTION ................................................ ...................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ ii
............................................... ................ 1
A. Background ................................................ ........................................... 1
B. The purpose ................................................. .......................................... 1
C. Benefits ................................................. ................................. .............. 1
A. Background ................................................ ........................................... 1
B. The purpose ................................................. .......................................... 1
C. Benefits ................................................. ................................. .............. 1
AND intricacies .......................................... .......... 2
A. What is Waste .................... .................................................. ...... ......... 2
B. Form - the form of Waste .............................................. ........................ 2
C. Household Waste and Benefits ........................ ...................................... 2
A. What is Waste .................... .................................................. ...... ......... 2
B. Form - the form of Waste .............................................. ........................ 2
C. Household Waste and Benefits ........................ ...................................... 2
TREATMENT ...................................................... 3
A. Waste ................................................ ...................................................... 3
B. RT Waste water reuse (reuse house waste) TGS method ..... ................... 3
C. Utilization as reuse House Wrap Cigarette Waste ................................... 4
A. Waste ................................................ ...................................................... 3
B. RT Waste water reuse (reuse house waste) TGS method ..... ................... 3
C. Utilization as reuse House Wrap Cigarette Waste ................................... 4
............................................... .................... 4
Conclusion ................................................. ....................................... .......... 4
Suggestions ................................................. ................................................. 4
Conclusion ................................................. ....................................... .......... 4
Suggestions ................................................. ................................................. 4
REFERENCES ................................................
............................................ iii
A. Background
Along with the increasing human needs, many are also made of gratification / fulfillment of human needs. For that emerged industry as factories for processing raw materials and processed in such a way as to be semi-finished goods and goods, ready-made, to then be consumed by the public. In a large number of production sagat each day will produce results from the remnants of unused processing. The remains of this (waste) when accumulated in a long time can contaminate the environment when there is no special handling.
Later, as a society actors consumption will be "unleashed" wastes as a result the use of the results of the production of goods. This waste is called house waste . Although little more "safe" does not mean to let the waste carelessly discarded waste .Karena slightest when large amounts can contribute in terms of the destruction of that required handling environment. For appropriate in the processing industry wastes and household wastes.
B. Destination
Making scientific paper aims to:
1. Reduce environmental damage by household wastes
2. Give one intelligent solution of household waste is expressly
3. To process household waste into useful items
C. Benefit
Ilmiahini papers prepared, is expected to provide one solution to the handling of household waste that minimize environmental damage by household wastes.
Waste and
A. What is waste?
In general, the so-called waste is waste material resulting from the activities and production processes, both at household, industry, mining, etc.. The presence of waste at any one time and tempattertentu environmentally undesirable because it has no economic value
Therefore, people pay attention to the coming waste. There is a study that suggests that the location of the septic tank, cubluk (pond), and disposal of waste ground near water sources,
will lead to declining water quality. Of 636 samples, 285 samples of point source groundwater contaminated coli bacteria. In chemistry, 75% of these do not suit source drinking water quality standard parameters assessed from the elements nitrates, nitrites, iron, and manganese. (Source: waste management industry - Prof. Tjandra Setiadi, Wikipedia)
B. Waste Forms
Basically waste is waste generated from the production process both industrial and domestic (household, more commonly known as junk). Waste is waste in the form of liquid, gas, and padat.Limbah contain chemicals that are difficult to remove and can be members berbahaya.Bahan chemistry of life for germ-kumannpenyebab dysentery, typhoid, cholera, dsb.Dengan concentration and a certain quantity, the presence of sewage may impact negatively on the environment, especially to human health, so we need to limbah.Tingkat handling hazards posed by the waste poisoning depend on the type and characteristics of the waste.
The following are the characteristics of the waste:
1. Characteristics of waste:
• micro-and macro-sized
• Dynamic
• high impact (spread)
• affect the generation length (between generations)
2. Factors affecting the quality of the waste
• Volume of waste
• pollutant content
• Frequency of waste disposal
• Volume of waste
• pollutant content
• Frequency of waste disposal
3. Based on the characteristics of the waste industry
can be classified into 4 types:
• waste water
• Solid waste
• Waste gases and particles
• B3 waste (hazardous and toxic materials)
• waste water
• Solid waste
• Waste gases and particles
• B3 waste (hazardous and toxic materials)
Among the various wastes above, type B3 waste is waste that is toxic .A classified as B3 waste if it contains hazardous or toxic nature and concentration, either directly or indirectly could damage or pollute the environment or endanger human health. Waste materials including, among others is material B3 hazardous raw is not used anymore because of damage, waste packaging, spill, residual process and ship used oil that require special handling and processing. These materials include B3 if has one or more characteristics of explosive, flammable, reactive, toxic, infectious, corrosive, etc., which when tested with known toxicology can include B3 waste.
While the toxic waste can be classified into:
a. Explosive Waste
b. combustible waste
c. reactive wastes (causing fires)
d. infectious waste because they contain bacteria
e. waste is corrosive (causing irritation)
a. Explosive Waste
b. combustible waste
c. reactive wastes (causing fires)
d. infectious waste because they contain bacteria
e. waste is corrosive (causing irritation)
C. Household Waste and Utilization
In addition to industrial waste, mining, dsb.Limbah households have contributed to damage the environment. Household waste can come from the kitchen, the bathroom, the former household waste, trash and human waste. Placement of drainage and sewer adjacent to water sources and contaminated water can seep. So the water quality has become unfit to drink, and if it still consumed will cause dangerous diseases. To that required serious treatment of the waste.
Household waste consists of organic waste and organic
anorganik.Limbah more easily decomposed by bacteria and decompose, so that the
handling is quite mudah.Pemanfaatannya is quite a lot, including the loading of
compost from the rest of the banana skin, making ice cream from extracts of fish,
recycled paper, etc. . While inorganic waste is very difficult to be described
as plastic take> 100 years to decompose. Inorganic wastes containing dangerous
chemical compounds that can actually members of life for the germs causing dysentery,
typhoid, koler, dll.Oleh hence if not taken seriously, it can disrupt the
stability of ecosystems. For that reason, if the waste must be in a variety of
ways. For example, by recycling plastic and tin cans. It can also be a way kreaif
TGS method for people who wish to gain economic value from waste. Examples of waste
utilization will be discussed in the next chapter.
Waste Treatment
Waste Treatment
A.Pengolahan waste
Several factors affect the quality of the
volume of waste is waste, pollutant content, and frequency of waste disposal is
necessary limbah.Untuk address the processing and handling of waste. Basically,
this waste can be distinguished:
1. processing according to the level of treatment
2. processing according to the characteristics of the waste
To address the waste and water runoff (rain), then a residential area requires different types of sanitation services. Sanitation services can not always be interpreted as a form of services provided by other parties. There are also sanitation services to be provided by the community, especially the owner or occupant of the house, such as latrines.
1. Domestic waste water service: service to handle waste water sanitation latrines.
2. Proper latrines should have access to sufficient clean water and air handling units connected to the proper latrines. If there is no private toilet, then the public needs to have access to a shared latrine or toilet.
3. Garbage service. This service begins with pewadahan trash and garbage collection. The collection is done by using a cart or a garbage truck. Services must also be equipped with a garbage disposal while (TPS), landfills (landfill), or other waste treatment facilities. In some residential areas, services to address the waste developed collectively by the community. Some are more collective efforts to include composting and collection efforts worthy material recycling.
4. Service is handling the drainage of rainwater runoff using drainage channels (ditches) that will hold the runoff water and running it into the receiving water bodies. Drainage channel dimensions should be large enough to accommodate rainwater runoff from the area it serves. Drainage must have adequate slope and free from rubbish.
5. The provision of clean water should be available in a sustainable settlement in sufficient quantities. Clean water is not only to meet the needs of eating, drinking, bathing, and toilet facilities only, but also for washing and cleaning the environment.
1. processing according to the level of treatment
2. processing according to the characteristics of the waste
To address the waste and water runoff (rain), then a residential area requires different types of sanitation services. Sanitation services can not always be interpreted as a form of services provided by other parties. There are also sanitation services to be provided by the community, especially the owner or occupant of the house, such as latrines.
1. Domestic waste water service: service to handle waste water sanitation latrines.
2. Proper latrines should have access to sufficient clean water and air handling units connected to the proper latrines. If there is no private toilet, then the public needs to have access to a shared latrine or toilet.
3. Garbage service. This service begins with pewadahan trash and garbage collection. The collection is done by using a cart or a garbage truck. Services must also be equipped with a garbage disposal while (TPS), landfills (landfill), or other waste treatment facilities. In some residential areas, services to address the waste developed collectively by the community. Some are more collective efforts to include composting and collection efforts worthy material recycling.
4. Service is handling the drainage of rainwater runoff using drainage channels (ditches) that will hold the runoff water and running it into the receiving water bodies. Drainage channel dimensions should be large enough to accommodate rainwater runoff from the area it serves. Drainage must have adequate slope and free from rubbish.
5. The provision of clean water should be available in a sustainable settlement in sufficient quantities. Clean water is not only to meet the needs of eating, drinking, bathing, and toilet facilities only, but also for washing and cleaning the environment.
B. RT Wastewater reuse (reuse house waste) by the method of TGS
It has been mentioned in the previous section
on the utilization of waste RT RT that waste from inorganic wastes, when mixed
with creative TGS method will produce valuable to waste. These
wastes such as tin cans, wooden boxes used, until the former pipe can be used
as building material waste kerajinan.Bila TGS implements the method, the method
of the Right, To, Simple is able to obtain the proper new stuff, useful and
helpful although they will be very simple stuff .
the presence of inorganic waste reuse RT, can reduce the side effects of the
The use of inorganic waste is highly recommended as a treatment for pollution problems .Karena waste must be treated so as not to pollute and harm the environment. In this paper, re-use will be made of the cigarette pack to serve as an ashtray. TGS processing method.
The use of inorganic waste is highly recommended as a treatment for pollution problems .Karena waste must be treated so as not to pollute and harm the environment. In this paper, re-use will be made of the cigarette pack to serve as an ashtray. TGS processing method.
C. Utilization as reuse House Wrap Cigarette Waste
Pack of cigarettes is easy to be recycled goods by following the following steps:
a. Materials and Tools:
1. cigarette pack 4 pieces (each)
2. insulation (adhesive)
3. scissors
4. carton
b. How to manufacture:
1. Prepare tools and materials on
2. Open the lid cigarette packs and cigarette packs combine with the other perpendicular.
3. Repeat step 2 packs of cigarettes no.2 with other
4. Reinforced with adhesive / insulation
5. At the base be backed with cardboard
Cigarette pack on the right is processed into useful ashtrays to accommodate the ashes, although the shape is very simple. Even though simple, at least to minimize the impact the loss of waste.
1. cigarette pack 4 pieces (each)
2. insulation (adhesive)
3. scissors
4. carton
b. How to manufacture:
1. Prepare tools and materials on
2. Open the lid cigarette packs and cigarette packs combine with the other perpendicular.
3. Repeat step 2 packs of cigarettes no.2 with other
4. Reinforced with adhesive / insulation
5. At the base be backed with cardboard
Cigarette pack on the right is processed into useful ashtrays to accommodate the ashes, although the shape is very simple. Even though simple, at least to minimize the impact the loss of waste.
Waste as a result of an activity and the production process, both on the industrial, mining and domestic scale, capable of undermining the stability of ecosystems, pollute the environment, and giving life to the germs that cause disease. Household waste that in fact a lot of people contributed to the negative effects of the disposal of waste disposed sembarangan.Senyawa-chemical compounds contained in it is very dangerous for human health. To that required treatment or recycling of waste as a way to mangurangi risk of environmental pollution.
The main objective is to reduce the waste contains pollutants, especially organic compounds in water, suspended solids, microbial pathogens and organic compounds that can not be broken down by microorganisms present in nature. With advanced electronic technology advances like this, it seems not too difficult for us to pursue waste RT alone.
Household waste type expected to be able to be re-processed inorganic, although with sederhana.Serta applying penempata waste (garbage) to the appropriate type, whether organic or inorganic waste, more recycling.
Bibliography toxic
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