Name : Sriwidarti
Grade : XII RPL 3
No.Absences : 20
ASsalamu Wr. Wb,
Writers say Alhamdulillah Praise to Allah SWT has permit and give grace and his gift of making statements Tourism Lecture Practice (PLP) can be completed. PLP activity was held on 19-26 April 2010 in Bali and Yogyakarta.
PLP report was made to meet one of the subjects that were held in London ABA STBA Yapari for Students / I to VI semesters of all courses available at ABA Yapari STBA London with a load of 2 credits.
PLP In writing this report the authors would like to thank some of those who are directly and not directly help solve the PLP writing this, with all sincerity authors would like to thank:
1. Allah Almighty has given a healthy favor and all his Blessed
2. ABA Chairman Yapari STBA Bandung, Drs. H. Mundari Muhada, Dipl. TEFL
3. Maid Chair ABA STBA Yapari Bandung, Dr. H. Hobir Abdullah, M.Pd
4. Supervisor I Drs. H. Moch. Azral and Advisor II, Mrs. Dra. Lina Syawalina who have helped and
ASsalamu Wr. Wb,
Writers say Alhamdulillah Praise to Allah SWT has permit and give grace and his gift of making statements Tourism Lecture Practice (PLP) can be completed. PLP activity was held on 19-26 April 2010 in Bali and Yogyakarta.
PLP report was made to meet one of the subjects that were held in London ABA STBA Yapari for Students / I to VI semesters of all courses available at ABA Yapari STBA London with a load of 2 credits.
PLP In writing this report the authors would like to thank some of those who are directly and not directly help solve the PLP writing this, with all sincerity authors would like to thank:
1. Allah Almighty has given a healthy favor and all his Blessed
2. ABA Chairman Yapari STBA Bandung, Drs. H. Mundari Muhada, Dipl. TEFL
3. Maid Chair ABA STBA Yapari Bandung, Dr. H. Hobir Abdullah, M.Pd
4. Supervisor I Drs. H. Moch. Azral and Advisor II, Mrs. Dra. Lina Syawalina who have helped and
directed me in completing
this report PLP.
5. To the parents of my father and mother always help, support and pray and educate and raise my
5. To the parents of my father and mother always help, support and pray and educate and raise my
endless and priceless so
I could be like this.
6. All of my family who continue to provide care and trust
7. All my friends student in Bandung ABA STBA Yapari who gave the advice given.
The author realizes that the PLP writing is far from perfect but I will keep trying to make it close to perfect. Advice and criticism given invaluable in the completion of this report PLP until be better than all the stages of the writing. Finally, the authors hope that this report PLP can provide benefits to particular authors and readers in general.
6. All of my family who continue to provide care and trust
7. All my friends student in Bandung ABA STBA Yapari who gave the advice given.
The author realizes that the PLP writing is far from perfect but I will keep trying to make it close to perfect. Advice and criticism given invaluable in the completion of this report PLP until be better than all the stages of the writing. Finally, the authors hope that this report PLP can provide benefits to particular authors and readers in general.
1.1 Background Operation PLP
Implementation activities PLP (Practice Field Tourism) is another name for the previous so-called UWF (University Work Field). PLP is intrakulikuler program and is one of the compulsory subjects for all students STBA taken Yapari - ABA Bandung which is equivalent to 2 credits. This year STBA Yapari London ABA held the PLP events were attended by all the students of semester 6. Implementation PLP held back this time to Bali, the island of Bali was chosen as the object of the application subject of tourism that has been gained by students during college.
1.1.1 The purpose PLP Tourism
The island of Bali is a tourist destination mainstay of Indonesian tourism, and this is already known throughout parts of Indonesia and the world famous International. Implementation is expected PLP students STBA Yapari London ABA can benefit from its implementation. PLP is a learning experience for the students, especially in the world of tourism and how to be a tourist guide. Additionally PLP for students to show an increase in the ability of other things, namely:
1. Obtain an overview of information and a clearer idea of how to manage tourism.
2. Can take lessons or benefit from the development of world tourism, especially in Bali,
particularly the role of the
community in supporting and role in tourism.
3. Can see and judge for themselves how the negative and positive impacts of tourism
3. Can see and judge for themselves how the negative and positive impacts of tourism
either from the community, the
environment and others.
1.1.2 obtain Knowledge About Tourism in Bali
1.1.2 obtain Knowledge About Tourism in Bali
Bali Tourism has long been recognized by the public good of the international community and of course the national society. Bali is famous for its natural beauty and diverse culture. Bali has a tourist attraction that is very interesting and certainly unique, unique customs and diverse, religious ceremonies can be witnessed every religious ceremony and it is a great attraction to tourists visiting Bali.
1.1.3 Application of Knowledge Tourism
Application of knowledge of tourism comes after students get their lunch from tourism courses given by the ABA Yapari STBA Bandung. The application of knowledge of tourism in the implementation of the PLP is the knowledge and pembejaran of course the basics of tourism, management, introduction to tourism and others.
1.1.4 Foreign Language Training
For foreign-language
training in activities of PLP this time is to be held with the Tourist Guide.
Implementation is located in the middle or just after visiting the attraction.
For this time the implementation of foreign language training is on the bus
during the trip after visiting the landmark sights and attraction towards
others. For those coming from the department of foreign languages namely English use the English language in the practice of a
tourist guide, those from Japanese majors using Japanese in a tourist guide,
while those majoring in German language course in German and for their that of
the French language to be sure to apply the French language as well as to
foreign language training. Division of attraction has been done and can be
known before they went to Bali and had determined they become tourist guide at
one of the attractions.
2.1 Bali Glance
2.1 Bali Glance
Bali is the name of a province in Indonesia, and also the name of the largest island that is part of the province. Besides consists of the island of Bali, Bali Province region also consists of the islands smaller in the vicinity, namely the island of Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Ceningan, and the island attack.
Bali lies between Java and Lombok. Denpasar is the provincial capital, located in the southern part of the island. The majority of Balinese are Hindu. In the world famous Bali as a tourist destination with a unique variety of art-culture, especially for the Japanese and Australian tourists. Bali is also known as the Island of the Gods and Island of Thousand Temples.
The first inhabitants of the island of Bali is expected to come in 3000-2500 BCE who migrated from Asia. Remains of stone tools were found in the village Cekik located in the western part of the island. Prehistoric times and then ends with the arrival of Hinduism and Sanskrit writings of India in 100 BC. Culture Bali later gained strong influence of Indian culture, the process is faster after the 1st century AD. Name Balidwipa (island) began to be found in various inscriptions, including inscriptions Blanjong issued by Sri Kesari Warmadewa in 913 AD and mentioning the word Walidwipa. Estimated at about this time that Subak irrigation system for rice cultivation was developed. Some religious and cultural traditions also began to develop at that time. Majapahit Empire (1293-1500 AD) who was a Hindu and was centered on the island of Java, had founded the kingdom of subordinates in Bali around the year 1343 AD It was almost across the country are Hindus, but as the advent of Islam stood Islamic kingdoms in the archipelago, among others, led to the collapse of Majapahit. Many nobles, priests, artists, and other Hindu community when it withdrew from Java to Bali.
The Europeans who first discovered Bali is Cornelis de Houtman from the Netherlands in 1597, though a Portuguese ship had previously been stranded near the promontory Bukit, Jimbaran, in 1585. Netherlands through the VOC began implementing land occupation in Bali, but continue to get resistance so until the end of the power of their position in Bali is not as solid as their position in the Java or the Moluccas. Starting from the northern region of Bali, since the 1840s the Netherlands has become a permanent presence, which was originally done by pit-sheep various rulers of Bali that mutual distrust of each other. Dutch major attack by sea and land against the Sanur area, and was followed by the Denpasar area. Bali party who lost in numbers and weaponry do not want to experience embarrassment due to surrender, thus causing the war to the death or bellows, which involves all the people both men and women including the king. An estimated 4,000 people were killed in the incident, although the Netherlands has ordered them to surrender. Furthermore, the Dutch governors who ruled only a few gave its influence on this island, so that local control of religion and culture generally does not change.
Japan occupied Bali during World War II, and it was a military officer named I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali forming forces 'freedom fighters'. Following the Japanese surrender in the Pacific in August 1945, the Dutch promptly returned to Indonesia (including Bali) to re-establish its colonial rule like the situation before the war. It is opposed by resistance forces Bali who was using Japanese weapons.
2.1.1 Geographical Location
Bali Island is part of the Lesser Sunda Islands along the 153 km and 112 km wide approximately 3.2 km from the island of Java. Astronomically, Bali is located at 8 ° 25'23 "south latitude and 115 ° 14'55" East latitude tropical mebuatnya like the rest of Indonesia. Mount Agung is the highest point in Bali as high as 3148 m. The volcano last erupted in March 1963. Mount Batur is also one of the mountains in Bali. Around 30,000 years ago, Mount Batur erupted and produced a terrible disaster on earth. Unlike in the north, the southern part of Bali is irrigated lowland rivers.
Based on the relief and topography, in the middle of the island of Bali lies the mountains that extends from west to east and between these mountains are volcanic cluster is Mount Batur and Mount Agung and the volcanic mountain is not Mt Merbuk, Mount Patas, and Mount Seraya. The existence of these mountains cause by Geographic Area Bali is divided into 2 (two) parts that are not the same, namely North Bali with a narrow lowland and less sloping, and South Bali with a broad lowland and sloping. Bali slope consists of flat land (0-2%) covering 122,652 ha, undulating land (2-15%) covering 118,339 ha, steep land (15-40%) covering 190,486 ha, and the land is very steep (> 40% ) covering an area of 132,189 ha. Province of Bali has 4 (four) lakes located in mountainous areas are: Lake Beratan, Buyan, and Lake Batur Tamblingan. The capital of Bali is Denpasar. Other important places are Ubud as art center located in Gianyar regency, while Kuta, Sanur, Seminyak, Jimbaran and Nusa Dua are some places where tourism, both beach and the resort.
2.1.2. The state Natural
The total area of Bali Province is 5636.66 km2 or 0.29% of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Administratively, Bali is divided into 9 districts / cities, 55 districts and 701 villages / wards.
North : Bali Sea
South : Ocean Indonesia
West : East Java
East : West Nusa Tenggara Province
List of regencies and cities in Bali
1. Badung Regency Badung
2. Bangli Regency Bangli
3. Buleleng Regency Singaraja
4. Gianyar Regency Gianyar
5. Jembrana Regency Negara
6. Karangasem Regency Karangasem
7. Klungkung Regency Klungkung
8. Tabanan Regency Tabanan
9. Denpasar City -
2.1.3 Population
Bali's population of approximately 4 million people, with a majority of 92.3% adhere to Hinduism. Other religions are Buddhism, Islam, Protestantism, and Catholicism. Apart from tourism, the Balinese are also living from farming and fishing. Some also choose to be an artist. The language used in Bali is Indonesian, Balinese, and English, especially for those who work in the tourism sector. Balinese and Indonesian are the most widely used languages in Bali, and Indonesia as well as other residents, most Balinese people are bilingual or even trilingual. Although there are several dialects of the Balinese language, generally using a form of Balinese Balinese language as an option in communicating socially.
Traditionally, the use of the various dialects of the Balinese language is determined by the color of chess system in Hindu Dharma and clan membership (the term Bali: Soroh, gotra), although the implementation of these traditions tend to decrease. English is the third language (and the primary foreign language) of many Balinese, which is influenced by the needs of the tourism industry. The employees who work in the tourist information centers in Bali, often also understand some foreign languages with sufficient competence.
2.2 Bali For Tourism Destination Region
As it is known that Bali is the main aim of the tourists, especially tourists from outside Indonesia or international travelers. The island of Bali has several nicknames diantarannya island, Nirwana Island, and the island of thousand temple. Almost all the buildings in Bali, both houses, nearly all government agencies using Balinese architecture, adding the impression of Bali and keunikannya.usaha thickened with nothing more that to attract the tourists to visit Bali so that more and more tourists visit Bali then revenue will increasing. Central budget revenue comes from the world of Bali kepariwisataannya it can dibayakan if the world is weak then the Bali tourism revenue cash budget will be smaller.
2.2.1 Authorized Bali Tourism
Authorized Bali tourism is wonderful world and uniqueness of its natural and unique and diverse culture that attracts wisatawa visit. Potential is what trying empowered by the government that made Bali as the main goal of tourism in Indonesia walaupn many attractions in Indonesia are no less important, one of the closest neighboring Lombok is currently being developed tourism. Besides Bali and Lombok are still many more exciting attractions and beautiful when visited. The role of good government for local and national governments are expected to help to continue to develop tourism not only in Bali but also throughout Indonesia.
2.2.1 Types Travel Attractions Bali
Bali has a natural
beauty, art and culture as well as a unique community of life that makes one of
Bali's tourist attractions. Almost all houses in Bali have a place to worship,
and it is also a uniqueness owned Bali. Not only the natural beauty of Bali
dimilik but also very attractive traditional culture one that is Kecak dance,
kris barong dance, Pendet, dance trustee, bebali dance, dance Balih-bailhan and
many other dances from Bali. Besides art also attracts tourists to visit Bali.
As for the visual arts in Bali including sculpture, painting and decorative
arts. For Balinese sculpture has a variety of one of the greatest works of
famous works is the GWK (Garuda Wisnu Kencana), but is still in the process of
completion but it attracted the attention of tourists visiting Bali.
2.2.3 Prospects Bali Tourism
Development of tourism in Bali reflects the hegemony of the traditional villages in this area, including the Kuta area which is bound in a sociocultural system inspired by Hinduism were adopted by most of the island community. "Hegemony Kuta tourism on indigenous villages along with critical social theory," Capital base of tourism in Bali, culture and nature as well as a unique art "is what makes the basis for the development of tourism in Bali. Government to implement social authority and leadership to the community, by the community to win the approval of the successful development of tourism. This was done considering a mainstay of tourism in enhancing the acquisition of foreign exchange, revenue and improve the welfare of society toward the better. In the development of tourism in Indonesia, relies on the uniqueness of the cultural capital of each region, so that every tourist destination has its own characteristics, he said. Bali Provincial Government through the Regional Regulation No. 3 of 1991 on Cultural Tourism Balinese cultural setting inspired by the Hindu religion as a capital in the development of tourism. Until now, still emphasizing the development of tourism cultural practices as one of the most dominant appeal encourages domestic and foreign tourists visiting the island.
3.1 Introduction
Visit PLP not only visit some tourist attractions but also visited several institutions that play a role in the world of tourism in Bali. Of course, the role of local government is significant, especially in governance and also for licensing issues and find investors who will and want to invest in Bali.
3.2 Institutional Visits
Institutional visits during PLP conducting ABA STBA Yapari Bandung Diparda held visiting Bali and then proceed to the next day BTDC (Bali Tourism Development Corporation), which continued to visit Bali Struggle Monument society. Purpose of visit to institute is intended that the PLP participants university student get concrete information from the world of tourism under the institutions visited so that the information obtained could be authorized to make representations or PLP participants in the world of tourism.
3.2.1 Visits to Diparda Prov. Bali continues to Bali People Struggle Monument.
Visits to Diparda Prov. Bali was held on the 3rd day is Wednesday, April 21, 2010, located in the village of Renon approximately 2 km from Denpasar. On this occasion we were received by the head of the sub-program Mr. Mahajaya. The number of tourists who come to Bali in 2010 until april is a target of 2.2 million tourists by spending money of 1.5 million per day. During this time, and that will come to Bali plans to cooperate with the government of Lombok, NTB in the development of world tourism. In 2010 Bali become one of the best islands in the world (The Island In The World). In 2009, world tourism in Bali has decreased by 4%, but for the global world of tourism in Indonesia increased significantly even is 14%.
Keep in mind that the most sensitive in the world of tourism is a safety issue, if both the safety of the tourists can be comfortable and safe while visiting Bali. When the Bali bombing Bali bombing both 1 & 2 of tourism in Bali has decreased therefore local governments try to provide the best service and security for tourists visiting Bali. The number of tourists visiting Bali in 2005, which is 1.3 million, a decline of 2006 ratings at 1.2 million, while in 2007 there was an increase that is a pretty good number of 1.6 million in 2008 and an increase in the number of tourists come to Bali of 1.9 million and in 2009 happened rise out of 2.2 million travelers.
Bali tourism world is sustained also in terms of facilities and infrastructure, in Bali has gotel 2175 in 2009, while rooms are available, namely 46 thousand travel agents as much as 617, 1663 and for the restaurants in Bali Guide has been standardized mean well. Besides Bali are also trying to take market share of tourists from Japan, Russia, the Netherlands and Europe is a promising market. Tourism has both positive and negative, for the kondisin negative impact of the environment, tend to be dirty, the behavior of people who have tercampuri because often the entry of foreign cultures. While the positive impact of course as a revenue budget and the surrounding community can generate income.
Bali today many dominated by foreign investors, especially the taste of Singapore by Sir Mahajaya in his speech. But the Balinese are very selective in choosing the investor because in addition be required to invest the investors are also required to empower local communities to go down as well as in development. Social issues is also important, at this time in Bali also broke and homeless beggars certainly can interfere with the comfort of the tourists.
visiting Diparda Bali, PLP participants then proceeded on foot towards Bajra
Sandi or Bali People Struggle Monument that is located not far from Diparda
Bali. Shortly got there we were greeted by Mr. Hidayat M, he Plt. Head of
Administration. After all the participants gathered PLP diruangan already
provided us offered a profile of Bali People Struggle Monument via video. The
initial idea creation Bali People Struggle Monument is by prof. Dr. Ida Bagus
Mantra while buildings consultant is Ida Bagus Turur. Area of Bali People Struggle Monument is
4900 m2 and was built in 1988 and inaugurated in 2003 by President Megawati
Soekarno Putri.
In the barjra password or Bali People Struggle Monument
there are 33 dioramas measuring 2 × 9 m
that symbolizes or relates how Balinese people's
struggle against the invaders.
Monument also symbolizes the struggle of independence of Indonesia
which consists of 17 steps, 8 pole basically reached the great height of 45 m and
there are stairs that rotate red. For women
who are unable or prohibited from being mens
red stairs. The
attraction of Bali People
Struggle Monument besides a
beautiful place, lush and spacious yard.
Not infrequently the
existing multi-purpose room
at the Bali People Struggle Monument
leased to the public.
3.2.2 Visits to BTDC
Nusa Dua Bali
BTDC was established on 12 November 1973 by PP
No 27 knew in
1972, BTDC is also a foundation set up in kindergarten
Government of Bali in 1980. A visit to the BTDC (Bali Tourism
Development Corporation) Two
Island Bali
was held on the 4th day of the PLP this time.
On this occasion we met with Mr. Gede
Suparwata,'s Sub Unit
Cooperatives and Mr. Made Pariwijaya of
Planning Unit. BTDC
is a place that is often used for international events
and national until very well known area
of Two Island, Bali. Location of Bali BTDC
which is 10 km from
Bali's Ngurah Rai international airport. Vision of BTDC is a world-class company in
the world of tourism. BTDC
has a master plan for its development, namely in 1972-1973, 1987-1988, while the final
master plan in 1990. Broad BTDC is 325 acres and has 11 5-star hotels, 5 villas, managed by the BTDC
so everything senatiasa responsible government.
BTDC has 185 permanent employees while the 7676 total employees with details
of foreign employees 1%, 22% specialized personnel from outside Bali 12% and
the rest is the original employees of Bali.
BTDC was ranked the
sixth best in the
world version of the WTO, while also getting the
98th Green Way,
Kalpataru, Green Paradise
2006, SOE Best
2002. The concept of BTDC which refers to Bylaw No. 5
of 2005 on Balinese architecture,
while design refers
to the criteria of Regulation
No. 2 of 1979. BTDC
charge of implementing government policy on the economy in general and in particular in the field of tourism. The task can be formulated BTDC ranging from
land acquisition and infrastructure development, seeking investors
and managing industrial estates.
3.3 Visits to Travel Attractions
A visit to a tourist attraction
during the PLP is
extremely exciting and can
enjoy its natural beauty, culture
and uniqueness of Bali. During the PLP participant
pampered with a variety of attractions which was
very intriguing and certainly immortalize
certain moments in the form of photos or a video.
3.3.1 Lake Bratan
Tabanan has a perfect geographical area, which has mountains and beaches. The soil was fertile average so that all regions can be used as agricultural land. No wonder the district is referred to as barns. It was obtained not only because it has the largest area of rice fields in Bali, but also thanks to the vegetables and fruits to meet the needs of hotels, restaurants and supermarkets in Bali.
Prime tourist area is like
a giant bowl against the backdrop of Mount Chess in the north,
while in the middle of Lake Bratan there
that are excellent this tourist area.
Besides its beauty, there is the uniqueness of this lake. At the edge there is
Masjid Al-Hidayah, while on the other there is Ulun
Danu. This temple is a tribute to Dewi Danu, the symbol of fertility sources in
the vicinity. According to the Chronicle
of Bali, the temple consists of four meru (main
building) was built by King Mengwi in 1633. The
building jutting into the lake
so it looks like sticking
out of the water.
Meanwhile, across the lake
there are three caves Japan. Each has a depth
of 25 meters were excavated by trained romusha
of people around during
the Japanese occupation. If you've
arrived at this place feels Eka Karya Botanical Garden which has an area of 129.2 hectares,
not to be missed. This botanical garden is
located between Lake Beratan,
Lake Tamblingan, Lake
Buyan and protected
forest areas to the west. Bedugul
Botanical Garden is located on
the western side of Lake Bratan
Travel 0byek Tabanan
regency, is a complex of forest preserves. Forests are arranged in such a
way so as to create a beautiful landscape, cool and comfortable.
On the sidelines of the shady trees
lies the verdant
grass and flowers
planted along diverse
paths around the woods
that add air coolness
and silence. Besides
the beautiful and verdant scenery there is also a greenhouse building used
for testing and development of
plants, especially orchids. Also
there are thousands of species of
plants that are well maintained professionally.
3.3.2 Pura Tanah Lot
'Tanah Lot' is a tourist attraction in Bali, Indonesia. Here there are two temples are situated on a large rock. One is located on top of the boulder and the other located on a cliff similar to the Uluwatu Temple. Pura Tanah Lot temple is part of Dang heaven. Pura Tanah Lot sea temple is a place of worship of the gods guard the sea.
According to legend, this temple was built by a Brahmin
who wander from
Java. He is a successful Nirartha Balinese
people will strengthen confidence and build Sad
Hinduism Goda is
in the 16th century. At that time the ruler of Tanah Lot, Bendesa
Beraben, jealous of
him because his followers began to
leave and follow Nirartha. Bendesa
Beraben Nirartha told
to leave Tanah
Lot. He agreed
and before leaving Tanah Lot with its power
to move his stone
boulders into the middle of the beach (not into the sea) and built temples there. She also changed her shawl into
a snake temple guards. This is flat-tailed
snake like fish, striped
yellow and black
poison has 3
times more powerful than cobra snake. End of the
legend states that Bendesa
Beraben 'finally' a follower Danghyang Nirartha.ada
up now and scientifically
snakes including sea
snakes that have the
Sightseeing lot of land situated in the
Village District Beraban Kediri Tabanan, about
13 km west of Tabanan. Pura Tanah
Lot north side there
is a temple situated on a cliff jutting into the sea. This cliff temple
connect with the land
and shaped like a
bridge (curved). Tanah Lot, famous as a beautiful place to watch the sunset (sunset), tourists usually crowded in the
afternoon to see the beauty of
the sunset here.
From the parking lot leading to the temple area met many art
shops and food stalls or just a tavern. Also available toilet cleaner that the
rent is pretty cheap for domestic tourists bag though. Odalan or feast at the
temple is celebrated every 210 days, the same as pretending to others. The fall
close to the celebration of Galungan and Kuningan is precisely on Holy Day
Cemeng Langkir Buda. At that time, people who pray will pray at the temple is
3.3.3 Pura Tirta
Pura Tirta Empul is one of the historical sites peningggalan is still frequently visited by tourists. The second temple is one of the leading tourist attraction Gianyar regency, Bali. Located approximately 40 km north of Denpasar, takes about 1 hour drive from Bali's Ngurah Rai Airport internationally. Located in the district of Gianyar Tampaksiring who has natural beauty and coolness. According to the legend of the Balinese people say during the reign of the ruling Mayadenawa Bali, Mayadenawa ruled by arbitrary action.
This resulted in the gods
became furious and
agreed to destroy Mayadenawa. Lord Indra
sent to fight the forces Mayadenawa. At
the time of the battle many
forces that killed
Mayadenawa Mayadenawa eventually escape. On
the way to escape from the
pursuit of God Indra, Mayadenawa
goes by way tilt
legs to stand on land
that does not vibrate and known by God Indra. From
this story in the Mayadenawa
tilt feet stood a
village named Tampaksiring. Because
Mayadenawa suck and
front overwhelmed Indra finally forces him
to make the water toxic. The water that
is taken by the army of Lord Indra
who made the army
of Lord Indra becomes
limp all. So finally God Indra took
the yellow flag and drove it into the
ground, so the water
comes out clear tersemburlah
steaming that they be called Tirta Empul.
According to the Hindu people of Bali, Tirta
or purified water
can provide relief, and clean up all the
dirt grime either outward or inward,
or by the people of Bali called pengleburan the
scale and abstract.
Tirta Empul is
also one of the main tirta
used on any kegamaan
Hindu ceremonies in
Bali. Located on a side street Tampaksiring -
Bangli, transportation access is very easy to reach. to
the west of Pura Tirta Empul this, President
Sukarno established a presidential palace called
the Presidential Palace Tampaksiring.
3.3.4 Kintamani
Kintamani is a tourist area of natural awe in Bali, Indonesia. Sources said about Batur is Lontar Kesmu Gods. Lontar Papyrus Usana Bali and Raja Purana Batur. Mentioned that Pura Batur has existed since the time of the professor Kuturan X century until the beginning of the XI century. The extent of the area and the many shrines-pelinggih it is predicted that the Pura Batur is Penyiwi kings who ruled in Bali, as well as a heaven Jagat. At Pura Batur diistanakan Dewi Danu is mentioned in the Papyrus Usana Bali which translates as follows:
It is the story, taking place in Marga Sari
(months to V)
time Krishna Forced
(Tilem) tersebutlah Betara Pasupati in
India are transferring the summit of Mount Maha Meru is divided into
two, held with the left hand
and right and then taken to Bali used as Putra
sthana he is
Betara Putrajaya (Exalted
Supreme Deity) and
peaks that brought his left hand became Mt Batur as sthana Betari Danuh, both
as ulunya that
island. Both mountain
is a symbol of Purusa and Pradana element
of Sang Hyang Widhi.
Pura Batur is a
place of worship Hindu Bali in Bali in
particular the Middle East and
North plead safety in the rice fields. Hence,
in the trustee puja falls on Purnamaning to
X (kedasa) of all the people,
especially on all kelian subak, sedahan-sedahan
come to Pura Batur
deliver to "Suwinih". So if disaster strikes
Tourism potential of this area is a scenic mountainous
area that is very unique and
amazing. After approximately 2
hours drive from the city of Denpasar we will arrive in the region, precisely at a place called Penelokan, in accordance with his name in bali which means a
place to look is the most strategic location to enjoy the natural scenery tourist area this. Penelokan
Kedisan located in
the Village area, one of the villages in the district of Kintamani.
From Penelokan
we can see spectacular scenery. combination of Mount Batur
and its expanse of black stones with Lake
Batur a blue
crescent-shaped in a caldera which tourists
said to be the most beautiful caldera in the world.
Penelokan already have adequate infrastructure as tourist attractions, such as lodging and
restaurants. From Penelokan we have two alternatives to continue the journey in Kintamani. First we
can continue north toward the village
of Batur. In this village we can visit one of the celestial universe temple
in Bali called
Pura Batur. This
temple was originally located southwest of
Mount Batur which is then removed along with the displacement
of villagers to the top.
The second alternative we could
come down to the center of the
village for the next Kedisan
crossing across the
lake to an old village called Terunyan. In the
village we could see Terunyan ancient
civilization called Bali Bali aga. in this village of people who are dead are not
buried but placed just beneath a tree. The bodies did
not remove the smell at all.
Sights located in
the village of Batur Region
Batur, Kintamani District The District of Bangli. sea surface temperature air cool air during the
day and cold at night. These attractions can be traversed by vehicles, because it
connects the city of Bangli location and the town
of Singaraja. While the route
objects, connecting objects with Object
Region Tourism Travel Tampaksiring Batur and
In Batur tourist
areas available parking,
restaurants, restaurant, lodging, toilet,
telephone, as well as stalls drinks and snacks. Public
transport facilities and transport crossings are
also available. Batur tourist area visited by
tourists and the archipelago. Visits
are most prominent around August, December, while welcoming and Christmas
Day, often visited by guests
from both the central
and guests from outside negeri.Tahun New and New
Year atmosphere. Similarly, in
the days of Galungan, Eid al-Fitr
3.3.5 Kuta Beach
Kuta Beach is a tourist place located south of Denpasar, capital of Bali, Indonesia. Kuta is located
Kuta Beach is a tourist place located south of Denpasar, capital of Bali, Indonesia. Kuta is located
in Badung. This area is a tourist destination abroad,
and has become a mainstay
tourist island of
Bali since the early 70's. Kuta
Beach is often referred to as
sunset beach (sunset beach) as
opposed to the Sanur beach.
In Kuta there are many
shops, restaurants and places baths and drying
herself. Besides the
beauty of the beach, Kuta beach also
offers various types of entertainment
such as bars and restaurants along the beach to Legian beach. Rosovivo, Ocean Beach
Club, Kamasutra, are
some of the most crowded
clubs along the beach
of Kuta. This beach also has a
pretty good waves for surfing sports (surfing), especially for
novice surfers. Golf I Gusti
Ngurah Rai Airport is located not far from
3.3.6 Pura
Besakih Temple is a temple complex located in Besakih Village, Rendang district of Karangasem
Besakih Temple is a temple complex located in Besakih Village, Rendang district of Karangasem
regency, Bali, Indonesia. Besakih
Temple complex consists of 1 Pura Center (Pura Agung Besakih
Penataran) and 18 Pura Companion (1
Pura Pura Basukian and 17 Others). At Pura Basukian, this
is the first time in the area where
the receipt of God's revelation by Hyang Rsi Markendya,
forerunner of Hindu Dharma in Bali
now, as its center. Pura Besakih is the center of all temples in
Bali. Among all pretend that
included in the complex Pura Besakih, Pura Agung is the temple
Upgrading the largest, most
buildings pelinggihnya, most types upakaranya and is the center and
all existing temples in Besakih
complex. In general Penataran there are 3 main temple statue or
symbol of the nature of God stana
Tri Murti, namely Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva which is
a symbol of God the Creator,
Preserver and Dewa Dewa fuser / Reincarnation.
The physical presence of buildings Pura Besakih,
not merely the abode of God, according to the belief
of Hindu Dharma, the largest on the island, but in
the background it is related to the meaning of Gunung Agung. The
highest mountain on the island of Bali which is believed to be the center of Government Nature Spirits,
The Nature of
Gods, the messenger of God to the island of
Bali and about. So it is fitting that on the
slopes of Mount Agung Southwest created a building for the sanctity of the
human race, Pura Besakih meaningful philosophical.
Terkadung philosophical
meaning in Pura Besakih in its development contains cultural elements which include:
1. Knowledge systems,
2. Life equipment and technology,
3. Social organizations,
4. Livelihood of life,
5. Language system,
6. Religion and ceremonies, and
7. Art.
2. Life equipment and technology,
3. Social organizations,
4. Livelihood of life,
5. Language system,
6. Religion and ceremonies, and
7. Art.
The seven elements of culture is embodied in
the form of cultural ideas, a form of cultural activity, and the form of
material culture. It has appeared both in the pre-Hindu and the Hindu who has
experienced growth through mythic stage, stage ontology and functional stages.
Pura Besakih as the object of research related to the social and cultural life
of the people residing in Karangasem regency of Bali. Based on a study, the
physical building Pura Besakih has evolved from pre-Hindu culture with evidence
of the menhir, punden staircase steps, statues, which grew into the building in
the form of Meru, shrines, ancestral, or Padmasana as a result of the Hindu
Background The presence of physical buildings Pura Besakih on the slopes of Mount Agung is a place of worship to worship the mountain god conceived as a palace of the supreme God. At the stage of human functional Balinese man finds himself as homo religious and have religious culture that is social, the cultural concerns of activity is always associated with the teachings of Hinduism.
In the culture of the Balinese Hindu community, was the meaning of Pura Besakih identified as part of the development of the social culture of the Balinese began pre-Hindu is heavily influenced by changes in the elements of culture that flourished, thus affecting cultural change in the form of ideas, a form of cultural activity and cultural form material. The amendment to relates .
Background The presence of physical buildings Pura Besakih on the slopes of Mount Agung is a place of worship to worship the mountain god conceived as a palace of the supreme God. At the stage of human functional Balinese man finds himself as homo religious and have religious culture that is social, the cultural concerns of activity is always associated with the teachings of Hinduism.
In the culture of the Balinese Hindu community, was the meaning of Pura Besakih identified as part of the development of the social culture of the Balinese began pre-Hindu is heavily influenced by changes in the elements of culture that flourished, thus affecting cultural change in the form of ideas, a form of cultural activity and cultural form material. The amendment to relates .
Tattwa ran concerning the concept of God,
Tata-moral teachings that govern how the Hindus in bertingka behavior, and
teaching is a setting in the ceremony ritual activities of people offering to
her Lord, so that the three teaching is a unity in the teachings of Hindu
Dharma in Bali .
Pura Agung Besakih still holds the previous concept, which consists of 18 temples pakideh (support) which is an integral ritual procession to the central point in the Pura Agung Besakih upgrading. Four of the 18 temples pakideh was designated its status as Lokapala Chess temple depicting the four manifestations of God in the four winds. The four temples are Pura Batu Madeg occupies the north as sthana Lord Vishnu, the temple occupies the south Kiduling Kreteg as Brahma sthana, Dark Temple occupies the east as sthana Icwara Gods and Ulun Kulkul occupies the west as sthana Lord Mahadeva.
Agung Besakih temple region following pakideh temple occupies a fairly wide area within a radius of about 3 kilometers to the downstream side Pasimpangan Pura Pura Pangubengan and on the upstream side. At Purnama Kadasa every year, at a ceremony held Pura Agung Besakih Lord Snow Kabeh, often referred to as Ngusaba Kadasa. The ceremony coincided with the ceremony at the Pura Batur Ngusaba Kadasa occupy both symbols in the concept of purusa and pradana Bhineda RWA.
Pura Agung Besakih still holds the previous concept, which consists of 18 temples pakideh (support) which is an integral ritual procession to the central point in the Pura Agung Besakih upgrading. Four of the 18 temples pakideh was designated its status as Lokapala Chess temple depicting the four manifestations of God in the four winds. The four temples are Pura Batu Madeg occupies the north as sthana Lord Vishnu, the temple occupies the south Kiduling Kreteg as Brahma sthana, Dark Temple occupies the east as sthana Icwara Gods and Ulun Kulkul occupies the west as sthana Lord Mahadeva.
Agung Besakih temple region following pakideh temple occupies a fairly wide area within a radius of about 3 kilometers to the downstream side Pasimpangan Pura Pura Pangubengan and on the upstream side. At Purnama Kadasa every year, at a ceremony held Pura Agung Besakih Lord Snow Kabeh, often referred to as Ngusaba Kadasa. The ceremony coincided with the ceremony at the Pura Batur Ngusaba Kadasa occupy both symbols in the concept of purusa and pradana Bhineda RWA.
As described in Awig-Awig traditional village
Besakih, Lord Snow Kabeh ceremony was the end of a long series of about 120
large and small ceremony that takes place on a regular basis every six months
and one year in the 18 temples that belong in the temple pakideh in the Pura
Agung Besakih. Various shaft and ngusaba pakideh Besakih temple covered with
Tawur Labuh Gentuh in Bancingah Court on Sasih Kasanga. Gentuh Labuh procession
continues with preparations to appropriate the full moon ceremony held Kadasa
Lord Dropped Kabeh offerings. Unlike the Supreme Tawur taking place in
Bancingah General, Lord Snow peak Kabeh only ceremony held at Pura Agung Besakih
Pura Batu Madeg as one of the temples located
in the north Chess Lokapala Penataran Agung Besakih. Called Pura Batu Madeg
because the temple there is a stone upright. "Stone Madeg 'or' rock ngadeg
'(Balinese) means stone or rock standing upright. In the days of megalithic
culture, these standing stones called menhirs anyway. Meru Eleven Overlapping
with Stone Madeg in it is the main shrines in the Pura Batu Madeg. At Pura Batu
Madeg five shrines are Meru, located on the east side temple area viscera,
lined from north to south. On the north side there are two Meru Tumpang Nine.
The most northern is palinggih Ida Manik Angkeran while on the southern
palinggih Ida Ratu Mas Buncing. In the south palinggih Ida Ratu Mas Buncing is
Meru Eleven Overlapping in which there is 'stone Madeg'. Meru is the ultimate
palinggih as stana Batara Sakti worship stones as a manifestation of Vishnu
To the south there Palinggih Meru Eleven Overlapping functions as palinggih Ida Batara Good Bebotoh. In the far south the Meru Eleven Overlapping as Manik Bungkah palinggih Queen Ida.
To the south there Palinggih Meru Eleven Overlapping functions as palinggih Ida Batara Good Bebotoh. In the far south the Meru Eleven Overlapping as Manik Bungkah palinggih Queen Ida.
In front of Meru there Solas Overlapping
palinggih palinggih congregation is rectangular shaped with sixteen poles lined
up two rows. Palinggih this congregation to serve as a down to earth
symbolically uniting all the forces of Vishnu as the maintainer and protector
of the universe of God's creation. On the right side there is a congregation
palinggih palinggih Sedahan Ngerurah with a phallus as pralingga worship of
Lord Shiva. Next to Meru palinggih nice queen Bebotoh are palinggih Pepelik
stana Batara Gana.Di door or offal pamedal palinggih temple there called pegat
Hall Poster eight with two separate halls. In addition to routine ceremony held
once every 6 months, at Temple Batumadeg also held a special ceremony, which
Usabha Flush which for 2009 was held on the full moon Kalima November 2, 2009
and the ceremony Aci shade Bayu Tilem Kalima held on November 17, 2009. Besakih
establishment with diapstikan certainly can not, but based on the record-record
contained an inscription in metal and can lontar disimpulakn that this temple
was originally a small building shrines were then enlarged and expanded
gradually over a long time. From other sources it is known that the record, at
the beginning of the eleventh century that the year 1007 already Besakih, which at
the time of the reign of Airlangga in East Java (1019-1042) and became masters
Kuturan senapati in Bali, located in Silayukti Padangbai karangasem district.
Empu Kuturan enlarge and
expand by building shrines
Besakih-shrines, meru-meru shrines in
Java replicate buildings
as there is today. Another source said that
the Maha Rsi Markandeya moved with his entourage as: 8000 people
from Rawung mountain in East Java to Bali
to settle down and open agricultural lands and establishing Besakih begging for a safety
and livelihoods by planting
Panca Datu as
those expressed above. Then the next period of
the reign of Sri Wira
Kesari Warmadewa until
the reign of Dalem Waturenggong.
Pura Besakih still
get good care in the sense pelinggih-pelinggihnya
repaired, expanded their area even by dhang
Hyang Dwijendra (Rauh
Wawu) coupled with
three shrines bear
is now contained in
Penataran Agung Besakih
on the days around
the 16th century in the reign of Dalem Waturenggong
Bali. Furthermore, to date Pura Besakih
is the largest temple in Bali, is
the central place of worship for Hindus
in Indonesia and in the management of Hindu Dharma Center Parisadha.
Also helped by the foundation Prawartaka Pura Agung
Besakih, with help from the local government level of Bali, local
government level II as Bali and all walks of
Hindu Dharma. Besakih group consists of 18
pieces temple located in the
village of Besakih and one is located in
the village area Sebudhi Strait
district, Karangasem regency. The location
of the temples was a row from south to
north are as follows:
It is in the village of Kedungdung, in the middle of the field about 1.5 km. South side Penataran Pura Agung is small. In this temple terdapay 4 pieces of buildings and shrines. Its function as a crossroads while Bethara Besakih, when held Melasti ceremony (looking toya ning) to Toya Sah, the Holy Tegal or to Batu klotok performed each year.
It is in the village of Kedungdung, in the middle of the field about 1.5 km. South side Penataran Pura Agung is small. In this temple terdapay 4 pieces of buildings and shrines. Its function as a crossroads while Bethara Besakih, when held Melasti ceremony (looking toya ning) to Toya Sah, the Holy Tegal or to Batu klotok performed each year.
2. Pura
Dalem Puri
Teletak the north bend of the last, before arriving at the village of Besakih approximately 1 km South East of Pura Agung Besakih upgrading. In this temple there are 10 buildings including thatched roofed ancestral shrines shaped. Function as Linggih goddess Uma and the Goddess Durga, is also present in the temple shrines Sang Hyang Prajapati as ruler of the spirit of man. To the north there is a field called tegal Penagsar.
Teletak the north bend of the last, before arriving at the village of Besakih approximately 1 km South East of Pura Agung Besakih upgrading. In this temple there are 10 buildings including thatched roofed ancestral shrines shaped. Function as Linggih goddess Uma and the Goddess Durga, is also present in the temple shrines Sang Hyang Prajapati as ruler of the spirit of man. To the north there is a field called tegal Penagsar.
3. Pura
Manik Mas
Located dipinggiran left of the road leading to Penatharan Pura Agung, a distance of approximately 750 meters to the south Penataran Court. There are 6 pieces DiPura banguna and shrines, including the shape of the building principal shrines store, Poster emapt facing west. Function as Linggih Ida Ratu Mas Putting.
Located dipinggiran left of the road leading to Penatharan Pura Agung, a distance of approximately 750 meters to the south Penataran Court. There are 6 pieces DiPura banguna and shrines, including the shape of the building principal shrines store, Poster emapt facing west. Function as Linggih Ida Ratu Mas Putting.
4. Build
Pura Way
Located right next to the road leading to the Court and to the north Penataran Pura Manik Mas. In the temple there were four buildings and shrines. Principal shrines there is gedong Save, as Linggih Sang Hyang Ananthaboga.
Located right next to the road leading to the Court and to the north Penataran Pura Manik Mas. In the temple there were four buildings and shrines. Principal shrines there is gedong Save, as Linggih Sang Hyang Ananthaboga.
5. Ulun Kulkul
Located approximately 350 meters left of the road leading Penataran Court. In this temple there are seven buildings and shrines. The most important shrines there is Gedong Sari thatched roofed, as Linggih god Mahadeva. Pura is one of the Loka Phala Linggih Chess God, the manifestation Sang Hyang Widhi which controls the west. Color or fashion jewelry at Temple, at the time the ceremony, used yellow fabric store
Located approximately 350 meters left of the road leading Penataran Court. In this temple there are seven buildings and shrines. The most important shrines there is Gedong Sari thatched roofed, as Linggih god Mahadeva. Pura is one of the Loka Phala Linggih Chess God, the manifestation Sang Hyang Widhi which controls the west. Color or fashion jewelry at Temple, at the time the ceremony, used yellow fabric store
6. Pura merajan Selonding
located left diseblah Penataran General, there are five buildings and shrines. In the temple was saved and images-images of the inscriptions, and also stored gambelan slonding. According to the temple's history is part of the former royal palace named Sri Wira Dalem Kesari. Now the temple is its function as a repository of objects heirloom.
located left diseblah Penataran General, there are five buildings and shrines. In the temple was saved and images-images of the inscriptions, and also stored gambelan slonding. According to the temple's history is part of the former royal palace named Sri Wira Dalem Kesari. Now the temple is its function as a repository of objects heirloom.
7. Pura Gowa
Located on the right way to deal with Pura merajan Slonding, Gowa dikomplek that there are great, but many parts are collapsed. According to folk belief, it is transparent to the Gowa Gowa Lawah, the east Kusamba, as Gowa to Sang Hyang Basuki. In the temple there were four shrines.
Located on the right way to deal with Pura merajan Slonding, Gowa dikomplek that there are great, but many parts are collapsed. According to folk belief, it is transparent to the Gowa Gowa Lawah, the east Kusamba, as Gowa to Sang Hyang Basuki. In the temple there were four shrines.
8. Pura Banuwa
Located right next to the road in front of Pura Besakih, approximately 50 meters from the Great Penataran. In this temple there were four principal buildings and shrines in the temple worship was directed to Dewi Sri, and every sasih kepitu (sometime in January). There ceremony was held Ngusaba Ngeed and Reed Ngusaba aimed please prosperity in the fields and in the fields.
Located right next to the road in front of Pura Besakih, approximately 50 meters from the Great Penataran. In this temple there were four principal buildings and shrines in the temple worship was directed to Dewi Sri, and every sasih kepitu (sometime in January). There ceremony was held Ngusaba Ngeed and Reed Ngusaba aimed please prosperity in the fields and in the fields.
9. Pura Mrajan Kanginan
Located in the east of Temple Banuwa, in that there are seven bauh Temple buildings and shrines. There is a pelinggih to master Bradah.
Located in the east of Temple Banuwa, in that there are seven bauh Temple buildings and shrines. There is a pelinggih to master Bradah.
10. Pura Hyang Aluh
Located next to the Great West Penataran a distance of approximately two hundred meters. Inside there are seven banguanan and shrines. Principal shrines in this temple-shaped Gedong to Linggih Ida Ratu Ayu.
Located next to the Great West Penataran a distance of approximately two hundred meters. Inside there are seven banguanan and shrines. Principal shrines in this temple-shaped Gedong to Linggih Ida Ratu Ayu.
11. Pura Basukihan
It is located to the right of the stairs leading up Penataran Agung, there are ten buildings and shrines. Pelinggih principally berbenuk meru with nine terraced roof, as Linggih Sang Hyang Naga Basuki.
It is located to the right of the stairs leading up Penataran Agung, there are ten buildings and shrines. Pelinggih principally berbenuk meru with nine terraced roof, as Linggih Sang Hyang Naga Basuki.
12. Pura Agung Besakih Penataran
Located in the middle of the temple, including the Pura Besakih. Penataran complex Pura Besakih, including the largest in the complex Pura Besakih. Consisting of seven levels of pages by the number of buildings and shrines entirely as many as 53 pieces. There are a large meru covered seven levels 11,9,7,5,3. Shrines which are the principal worship there, is Padma Three as Linggih Sang Hyang Widhi manefestasinya Wasa in the Tri Purusa is Ciwa, Sadha and Parama Ciwa Ciwa which constitute axis of the other temples.
Located in the middle of the temple, including the Pura Besakih. Penataran complex Pura Besakih, including the largest in the complex Pura Besakih. Consisting of seven levels of pages by the number of buildings and shrines entirely as many as 53 pieces. There are a large meru covered seven levels 11,9,7,5,3. Shrines which are the principal worship there, is Padma Three as Linggih Sang Hyang Widhi manefestasinya Wasa in the Tri Purusa is Ciwa, Sadha and Parama Ciwa Ciwa which constitute axis of the other temples.
13. Pura Batu Madeg
Located approximately 150 meters on the right (north) Penataran Court. This temple is a large temple complex, and there are 29 pieces of buildings and shrines, the shrines essentially shaped thatched roofed roofed meru eleven. This building is Linggih Lord Vishnu as manefestasi Sang Hyang Widhi, which controls the direction north. Color of clothing in the temple are all in black.
Located approximately 150 meters on the right (north) Penataran Court. This temple is a large temple complex, and there are 29 pieces of buildings and shrines, the shrines essentially shaped thatched roofed roofed meru eleven. This building is Linggih Lord Vishnu as manefestasi Sang Hyang Widhi, which controls the direction north. Color of clothing in the temple are all in black.
14. Pura Kiduling Kreteg
Located approximately 300 meters to the left (south) Penataran General, daitas a hill. Inside there are 21 pieces of buildings and Pelinggih. Pelinggih base the rate of eleven roofed meru big as the Brahma Linggih manefestasi of Sang Hyang Widhi as ruler of the south. Temple complex is a large temple complex is almost as large as the complex Pura Batu Madeg. Color of clothing in the temple Red color.
Located approximately 300 meters to the left (south) Penataran General, daitas a hill. Inside there are 21 pieces of buildings and Pelinggih. Pelinggih base the rate of eleven roofed meru big as the Brahma Linggih manefestasi of Sang Hyang Widhi as ruler of the south. Temple complex is a large temple complex is almost as large as the complex Pura Batu Madeg. Color of clothing in the temple Red color.
15. Pura Dark
Kuranglebih located on a hill 600 meters east Penataran Court. Inside there are six buildings and shrines. Roofed meru shrines are essentially 3 as Linggih god Isawara the manefestasi Sang Hyang Widhi as rulers towards the east. Pura fashion colors are all-white color.
Kuranglebih located on a hill 600 meters east Penataran Court. Inside there are six buildings and shrines. Roofed meru shrines are essentially 3 as Linggih god Isawara the manefestasi Sang Hyang Widhi as rulers towards the east. Pura fashion colors are all-white color.
16. Pura Supplied
Located approximately 1 mile on the right Penataran Court on a hill in which there are twelve pieces of buildings and shrines. Palin principal shrines there shaped roofed meru professor level eleven places Kuturan begged blessing Sang Hyang rqangka Widhi in a ceremony at Mount Agung.
Located approximately 1 mile on the right Penataran Court on a hill in which there are twelve pieces of buildings and shrines. Palin principal shrines there shaped roofed meru professor level eleven places Kuturan begged blessing Sang Hyang rqangka Widhi in a ceremony at Mount Agung.
17. Pura Pengubengan
It is located 1.5 km to the north Penataran Court, in which there are six buildings and shrines. Its function as a "Ngayat or ngubeng" is a proclamation ceremony to Sang Hyang widhi that Penataran Agung ceremony will be held. Pelinggih roofed meru essence there are eleven levels.
It is located 1.5 km to the north Penataran Court, in which there are six buildings and shrines. Its function as a "Ngayat or ngubeng" is a proclamation ceremony to Sang Hyang widhi that Penataran Agung ceremony will be held. Pelinggih roofed meru essence there are eleven levels.
18. Pura Tirtha
It is located approximately 300 meters northeast adjacent to Pura Pengubengan. There were two buildings and shrines and holy water (tirtha). If there is a ceremony in the complex Pura Besakih, Pura is then begged tirtha (holy water).
It is located approximately 300 meters northeast adjacent to Pura Pengubengan. There were two buildings and shrines and holy water (tirtha). If there is a ceremony in the complex Pura Besakih, Pura is then begged tirtha (holy water).
Pura Pasar Agung
It is on the slopes of Mount Agung, through the village to village Sebudi strait, then climbing roughly four-hour hike to the north. Pelinggihnya all destroyed when Mount Agung erupted in 1963, and by the work of Eka Dasa Rudra in Besakih has begun gradually improved until now. Apart from the aforementioned Pura Besakih around, there are many more temples Pedharman, who became penyiwaan citizens but in reality can not be separated by Pura Agung Besakih itself.
It is on the slopes of Mount Agung, through the village to village Sebudi strait, then climbing roughly four-hour hike to the north. Pelinggihnya all destroyed when Mount Agung erupted in 1963, and by the work of Eka Dasa Rudra in Besakih has begun gradually improved until now. Apart from the aforementioned Pura Besakih around, there are many more temples Pedharman, who became penyiwaan citizens but in reality can not be separated by Pura Agung Besakih itself.
3.3.7 Garuda Wisnu Kencana
Garuda Wisnu Kencana, appears to be the largest mega project that is being built in Bali. Imagine, a plan to build 146 meter tall statue with eagle wingspan wide by 66 meters was estimated to have weighed 4000 tons. Made using a mixture of copper and brass in certain parts to be coated with gold mosaic. Currently most of the statue can be seen at the site in the form of half-body statue of the god Vishnu and the head of an eagle. When I visited it to localized, was also stunned at the size of an eagle's head that was really huge. It's hard to imagine forms later this eagle as a whole, which would be very huge. Aja adult body size, apparently still lost big / tall compared to the size of an eagle's ear. Rather strange indeed to see the birds that have ears, but all is possible in the world of puppet.
Around the site, it is clear the rocks rock / reef cut vertically to form the walls of the stands with green grass on the bottom. The middle of a road made of conblock (?) Divides the lawn from the rear to the fore eagle statue. Of the existing broad look at all that this area will be able to accommodate tens of thousands of visitors, very suitable for use as a cultural center of international performances.
Construction of the statue in the form of Lord Vishnu (the god savior for Hindus) who was driving a mythical bird Garuda, inspired by the story of the episode Adi Parwa Garuda with devotion and sacrifice to save his mother from the shackles of slavery to serve the Lord Vishnu is the vehicle. The story of the legend is clearly engraved on the sides of the temple which is in the district Left Malang. Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue is expected to stimulate the dynamics of physical and spiritual values, as well as the balance between scale and noetic (real and unreal) thus harmonizing nature can create. Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue is a symbol of the mission of saving the environment and saving the world.
Unfortunately sculpture artist named Nyoman Nuarta bali is in a phase of development has been the dietetapkan off target. The original plan all parts of the statue will be completed by 2005, but until this article made signs of the completion of the mega project is still far from expectations. Financial difficulties may be a major obstacle to forward this international mega-scale projects. Yes, the funds needed to complete it certainly is not small, while the nation itself is still in need of funds big enough to build our beloved country
Located high above the limestone dataraan padas and stared dipesisir southern tourist areas of Bali, Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park is a window of art and culture that the island has a natural background and a very amazing panorama. With the distance 15 minutes from Airports and less than an hour from major hospitality locations, GWK be one of the main objectives for various art performances, exhibitions and conferences or a relaxing visit even spiritual visit. The statue is the work of the famous sculptor Bali, I Nyoman Nuarta. The monument was developed as a cultural park and become an icon for tourism in Bali and Indonesia.
The statue is a
form of Lord Vishnu in Hinduism is God the Preserver (Sthiti), riding a Garuda
bird. Figures can be seen in the story of Garuda Garuda & empire that tells
the devotion and sacrifice of the bird Garuda to save his mother from slavery
ultimately protected by Lord Vishnu. Area Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park is
located at an altitude of 146 meters above the ground or 263 feet above sea
level. This statue is projected to tie layout with visibility up to 20 km so
that it can be seen from Kuta, Sanur, Nusa Dua to Tanah Lot. Garuda Wisnu
Kencana statue is a symbol of the mission of saving the environment and the
world. The statue was made from a mixture of copper and steel weighing 4,000
tons, with a height of 75 meters and a width of 60 meters. When construction is
completed, the sculpture will be the largest statue in the world and beat the
Statue of Liberty.
An area of 250 hectares summarize the cultural arts events, venues and other culinary services. As the palaces of Bali in antiquity, the visitor will see the splendor of GW K kekhusukan monumental and spiritual which are all enhanced with a touch of modern facilities and services appropriate. Although you come as part of the thousands of visitors to a cultural event or just alone to enjoy light refreshments and drinks while watching the sunset, you will feel the beauty of nature and culture and the hospitality of its people. Vishnu - Hindu symbol that represents the main force that dominates the universe maintainer of this region. Manifested as a giant sculpture made of brass and copper with a height reaching 22 meters, making this figure as the embodiment of a modern culture and ancient traditions. Being attached to them are Garuda - a large bird that became the vehicle of Lord Vishnu as the symbol of freedom as well as unconditional dedication.
Stone Gate - a few pieces of natural rock
pillars as high as 25 feet are standing firm that will be inlaid with a variety
of ornaments taken from the dramatic story of Ramayana inspired the Balinese
performing arts. Carving sculptures background patterned relief sculpture
puppet (Kayon or Mountains) is very typical of Bali and Java. Adjacent to the
statue of Lord Vishnu found Somaka Parahyangan Giri, a sacred spring from which
the water flows to the main content of minerals. The presence of water on top
of a limestone hill padas is indeed a miracle and can not be explained by
science, thus making it a spiritual visit and meditation. The water is believed
to cure various diseases and has been used widely among locals in rain begging
ritual in order to get a good harvest. The presence of highly evocative
Parahyangan Somaka Giri instinct someone in search of enlightenment mind,
physical and spiritual. With a relatively low rainfall but open to enjoy the
tropical breezes, GWK owned facilities be very ideal. Amphitheatre with a
capacity of 800 seats and first-class acoustic arrangements, an unparalleled
place for art and cultural. Lotus Pond surrounded by stone pillars and rock
background Garuda bird statue's head area with a capacity of 7500 people made
it very dramatic for many great event.
the ceremony arena villages in Bali, Street Theatre is the perfect place for a variety
of processions, fashion shows and various performances move. The place for the
ideal social call is Plaza turtle, which has a capacity of up to 200 people. In
addition, open to the public, Exhibition Gallery, which has an area of 200m2
10m2 open courtyard contained therein.
3.4 Visits to Tourist Attractions
In the implementation of the PLP
STBA Yapari ABA Bandung were also invited to meyaksikan tourist attractions in
Bali. Kenjungan tourist attraction adds full PLP visit to Bali. We were treated
to the exciting attractions of both attraction kris barong dance, Kecak dance
and others. What a stunning view of the attractions and interesting to come
back to Bali.
3.4.1 Barong Keris Dance
Staging Barong
and Keris Dance in the Batubulan Gianyar Bali. A Balinese culture and art
performances are very interesting to watch. Barong dance describes the battle
between good against evil. Barong is describing the virtues of ancient animals
and Rangda are ancient animals that portray evil. Barong and the monkey was in
a dense forest three masked men then appeared depicting three people who were
making wine in the middle of the forest where his son had been eaten by a
tiger. The three men were very angry and attacked the tiger (Barong) and in
this fight between the nose of one of the three people were bitten by a monkey
Two dancers
appear and they are the followers of Rangda was looking for followers Dewi
Kunti who was on his way to meet Patihnya. Followers Dewi Kunti arrived. One of
the followers of Rangda transfigured into a sort of Rangda demons and evil
spirits entering the followers of Dewi Kunti that cause them can become angry.
Both meet duke and together facing Dewi Kunti. Munculah Dewi Kunti and her son
Sahadev. Dewi Kunti had promised to give Sahadev Rangda as victims. Actually
Dewi Kunti did not have the heart to sacrifice his son Sahadev Rangda Rangda
but a kind of vicious demon entered her causing Dewi Kunti can be angry and
still intend to sacrifice his son to Patihnya to throw Sadewa into the forest
and even this did not escape the duke possessed by evil spirits demons so that
the governor having no sense of humanity led Sadewa into the woods and tied it
in front of the Palace of the Rangda.
Lord Shiva came
down and gave life to eternity Sahadev and events not known by Rangda. Then
came Rangda for tearing up and kill Sahadev but can not be killed because of
immunity granted by Lord Shiva. Rangda surrendered to Sahadev and begged to be
saved so that he could go to heaven. This request was met by Sahadev. The
Rangda gets heaven.
Kalika one of the followers of Rangda facing the Sadewa to be saved as
well but rejected by Sahadev. This has led to fights and refusal Kalika
transfigure into a boar. In the battle between a boar's Sahadev Sahadev against
the victory. Then Kalika (wild boar) is turned into a bird but still defeated.
And finally Kalika again transfigured into Rangda Rangda because magic is it
can not kill him and Sahadev Sahadev finally transfigured into Barong, the same
magic as the fight between Barong against Rangda is nothing to win and thus the
fight and this fight goes on perennial between virtue against evil. Then comes
the follower followers Barong each with a dagger who want to help in the battle
against Barong and Rangda is they have not
worked their magic paralyze the Rangda.
3.2.2 Kecak Dance
(pronunciation: / 'ke.tʃak /, roughly "KEH-chahk", an alternative spelling: Ketjak,
Ketjack, and armpits), is a typical Balinese performing arts that was created
in the 1930s and played mainly by men. This dance is performed by many (tens or
more) male dancers who sat lined circle and with a certain rhythm called
"cak" and raised both arms,
depicting the story of Ramayana when Rama's line of apes help fight Ravana. However,
Kecak from sanghyang ritual, the dancers dance traditions will be in
unconscious condition, to communicate with God or the spirits of the ancestors
and then convey their expectations to the community.
The dancers were
sitting in a circle is wearing plaid fabric like a chessboard their waist.
Besides the dancers, there were other dancers who portray the characters of
Ramayana as Rama, Shinta, Ravana, Hanuman and Sugriva. Kecak dance songs taken
from the ritual dances sanghyang. In addition, the instrument is not in use.
Only used kincringan imposed on foot of dancers who portray the characters of
Ramayana. Around the 1930's Wayan modulus worked with German painter Walter
Spies to create the Kecak Dance Trance and the tradition of the Ramayana story.
Wayan modulus popularize this dance around the world with his Balinese dance
Kecak Trance ritual comes from, that is the
tradition in which the dancers will be in unconscious condition for having
communication with the gods, or spirits of the ancestors who then convey its
expectations to the community. In the Kecak dance does not use musical
instruments and only use kincringan worn on the feet of the dancers who portray
the characters being the Ramayana. While the dancers were sitting in a circle
wearing a checkered cloth wrapped around their waists. Kecak dance is in
created in the 1930's by Wayan modulus and a German painter Walter Spies. This
dance became popular when Wayan modulus with his Balinese dancers tour around
the world to introduce the Kecak dance. Until now Kecak dance to dance the
famous Balinese art.
In this special interest writer wants to lift the “Corporate Goverance
Besakih Attraction”, this according to
the author during a visit or a sense of PLP activities primarily in Pura
Besakih attraction. The reason for the theme of corporate governance is the
attraction during a visit Besakih Temple or during a visit atthe Pura Besakih
felt the deficiency in governance although according to information from the
tourist guide that governance Besakih temple is managed by the local governance
of Karangasem regency. But the fact is there are still some things lacking from
the management of tourist objects.
It’s no secret that Bali is a tourist destination for both international
tourist and local trevelers. If the object tourist can provide a good service
and statisfying or ayonone who visited the inevitable exixtence of the
attraction would definitely crowded. In the development world, especially in
the tourist attraction Besakih some authors raise issues of particular interest
this time from of the illegal payments, the presence of the disease (Beggars),
need for partnerships and promotions at Pura Besakih.
4.2 Charges
for illegal
Problems encountered or perceived writer diving excursions to attractions
Besakih temple is the illegal payments (Levies Liar) by the local community at
Besakih this can make the discomfort of the tourist who visit. Imagine the
people that make use of the attractive extortion fee Rp. 20,000 (twenty
thousand dollars) one person if you want to visit and get around all of the
area if there are 100 temples Besakih travelers how many illegal payment in a
day. This is certainly not justified, since before the tourist had to pay
admission or free to be able to enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of this
attraction in Besakih. With the illegal payments (extortion) by people around
the government ought to immediately seek solutions and policies that can
benefit all parties be it the government, local residents and tourist visiting
the future. It’s not an easy thing to solve any of the problems faced but there
is need for synergy between the Regional Government with locals so that the
area can become better.
4.3 Disease
society (Beggars)
Regarding begging (begging Children) is also important to be addressed so
that social problems can be resolved. In the laws in indonesia if the parent or
the agency or someone mengeksplolitas children under the age of personal
benefit, certain groups maybe subject to civil and criminal penalties.
Therefore, empowering the community around it must soon be improved and
developed and implementd good policies and mutually benefit from each other.
After this social problem can be overcome, this can lead to comfort and the
arrieval of the tourist who visit Pura Besakih and the more advanced, due to
the many tourist that the file will automatically around the economy can be
helped by selling or selling in the region or area tour Besakih. As it knows
that the problem of cultural heritage tourism is the intergration of cultural
heritage and trourism management in the process that produces an attractive
tourism products/attract tourists while also conserving cultural heritage
value. Cultural heritage travel enthusiasts among others to seek
experience/local knowledge on the history, language , culture, economy,
environment, respect for diversity. Tourism is resources of original cultures
thar are able to foster a good relationship with a local resident or fellow.
Tourism can b a very commercial, but also have a negative impact on the
tourist area. Tourism should be able to develop cultural heritage assets as the
main attraction in tourisme. But there is a need to understand the use of
cultural heritage asset as a tourist attraction that is to understand the context and understand the setting /
environment (socio-cultural and developmental level) of the tourism industry.
Besides the need to understand the character of each asset (place and cultural
spaces) so that the development and progress of the world of tourism can be the
better. Developing partnerships and community participation should also be
developed so that people around and friends can meet each other and work
together so it can be profitable. Know HR and financial stakeholders, the
setting up and local communities.
This is supposed to be invested in the management of Besakih attraction,
if managed properly and avoid problems that come from surrounding communities
can be resolved. Control needs to be done and set up again to over management
can be improved and developed. Like the author’s observation during a visit at
the Pura Besakih it is cleary visibleand that’s why the authors are interested
in the theme of this in order to benefit the general public and can be implemented
in other attractions.
4.4 Partnerships and Promotions
In the developing
world needed tourism partnership or synergy with institutions or public and
private companies to develop tourism certain areas. The criteria of an
effective partnership that has the type of leadership with sufficient
leadership capacity, mutual compromise, mutual respect, compromise on common
goals (common agenda) what do w agree together. Common goal which is the
starting point for the establishment of understanding and agreement in expand
world tourism, mutual understanding towards the situation a “win-win” situation
synergistic partnering on all parties to feel the benefit of the partnership is
the synergy in the field of tourism.
In addition there are several principles of partnership that is a
partnership of mutual trust can never flourish when suspicion arises. While
mutual respect should be cultivated in all the atmosphere and mutual respect,
and the realization that only by cooperating and collaborating is to be
achieved with the agreed objectives. Mutual benefit is that we have to be
mutually beneficial and in all the fields so that neither party feels
aggrieved. If the partnership are the aggrieved parties, the partnership
efforts ineffective and could be said to have failed.
In the
process there is a barrier of partnerships in the synergy of the fundamental
problems is not building effective partnerships among others due to the low
level of confidence in the bureaucratic culture often becomes another limiting
factor for the development of many new and innovative initiatives including the
launch partnership with other stakeholders, the organizational structure Rigid,
funding systems and planning systems are covered. It is to note that every
obstacle in building a partnership or synergy can grow in line with
expectations and the ultimate goal of all parties concerned.
Development does not stop at building a partnership or synergy but need
marketing help travelers access; providing information assistance; provide
promotional assistance, develop a network of tourism helps identify tourist and
can help to improve the service and comfort in visiting attractions. In this
case the main beam writer is Besakih attractions that need to be fixed and
still developed. With more advanced technology should assist in correcting or
improving tourists to visit attractions such as the Pura Besakih. Innovation
and the use of technology can help promote and introduce the tourism certain
areas which can be web there are various attractions and can be a starting
point for tourists who want to visit.
5.1 Conclusion
On the visit of the PLP activity this time we got a wide range of
information about the world of tourism. This is not apart of the experience
gained during the last PLP activities. A lot of useful experience one of which
is the experience of being a tourist guide not only to master foreign languages
but must be able to understand the history of the place attraction. Besides,
we get an interesting experience while traveling and implementation of PLP this
time, it is interesting and full of beauty clearly presented throughout the
trip and our visit in Bali and Yogyakarta.
As we know that Bali is the main magnetic field of tourism in Indonesia.
The appeal of the advanced world that Bali tourism as well as its natural
beauty and unique culture that attracts tourists to visit Bali. The
government's role to promote Bali to the world both in the international and
domestic. Bali's main income is derived from the tourist sector so that if the
world is good and advanced Bali tourism Bali's economy will be developed as
well, while if the world of tourism retreat then of course the economy was
going backwards too. For the future of Bali should not have to always rely on
from the tourism sector but also other sectors should be developed so that Bali
could stand not only of taourism alone but also from other sectors.
Bali Island is one of the most
famous islands in the world.
we have to maintain and preserve it.
In order for the cultures that we have not claimed
by other countries.
because the cultures that exist in Indonesia is an asset to our country.
because the cultures that exist in Indonesia is an asset to our country.
Leadership and Museums Struggle Diparda Bali
Community empowerment and also it
is necessary synergies to be developed so that it can keep moving forward from
time to time. If the economic situation better then poverty will automatically
be resolved properly. Quality improvement of the quality of infrastructure
services such as advice and tourist should remain encouraged so that the
tourists can be more comfortable and able to enjoy the trip well and in line
with expectations. Improvement and resolution of existing problems should be
resolved and addressed properly so there is no buildup of the greater problem.
Leader-ABA STBA YAPARI Bandung
This program should be maintained
and should be increased both attractions are varied and certainly more
interesting. PLP program or can be said to be equal to HSE especially the goal
of Bali are characteristic or one good program STBA Yapari ABA Bandung. For the
purpose of attraction and also the main purpose eg Yogyakarta Bali-this time
for the implementation of the PLP and the PLP for the coming year can be varied
again as Bali-Lombok-Semarang, but not that easy to make it happen and it
certainly needs the cooperation of all parties so that from year the year of
implementation, the better the PLP.
Executive, Chairman and Advisor LP3M
For the executive (committee
PLP), Chairman and Advisor LP3M I say thank you for his efforts and the need
for successful execution this time PLP and mentors who have provided input and
knowledge of tourism that will be very useful for us to be engaged in the world
tourism . For the implementation of the upcoming PLP is expected to remain
filled from the experience and also the lack of implementation of the PLP ago
so for the future implementation of the PLP will get better and be better than
the running PLP ago.
5.2.4 Leadership
Transportation, Accommodation, Catering, Attractions and Tourist Attractions.
There is a term "customer
happy we were happy", it should be noted by the leaders transportation,
accommodation, catering, attraction and tourist attractions in providing
services so that customers can be satisfied for all services provided.
Regarding attractions and tourist attraction to continue to provide quality and
also the presentation of the attraction of each performance so that it can make
the audience and the audience has to settle so they can make the tourists come
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Pesan Anda telah dikirim kepada Sriwidati Rahayu
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