Mulch Soil conservation Easy Way
Mulch is the rest of the plant, plastic sheet, or stone structure that is spread on the ground. Mulching helps to protect the soil surface from the rain, erosion and retain moisture, structure, soil fertility, as well as inhibiting the growth of weeds (weeds).Types of mulch1. Crop residue mulchMulch is composed of organic material crop residue (rice straw, corn stalks), clipping of a hedge plant, the leaves and twigs of the plant. Materials are distributed evenly over the soil surface 2-5 cm thick so that the soil surface completely covered.mulsa_2Crop residue mulch can improve fertility, structure, and groundwater reserves. Mulch also inhibits weed growth, and support (buffer) so that the soil temperature is not too hot and not too cold. In addition, crop residues dapatmenarik land animals (such as worms), because of high soil moisture and availability of organic material as worm food. The presence of worms and organic matter will help improve soil structure.Crop residue mulch will decay and rot. Because it is necessary to add mulch every year or season, depending on the speed of decay.The rest of herbaceous plants, such as rice straw, much longer than the decay of organic material such as plant leguminose surly, Arachis, and so on.2. Vertical Mulchmulsa_3Mulch is generally distributed evenly on the soil surface. But vertical mulch mulch of crop residues is embedded into the ground vertically to fill the cracks and cleavage in cross land. Suitable for vertical mulching soils often have cracked in the dry season, such as land Vertisols (Grumusol) are often found in drier climates.Grumusol clay is generally difficult and heavily processed. In the rainy season the soil is a clay and sticky, and during the dry season becoming hard and cracked.How do vertical mulching?mulsa_4In the dry season merengkah clay to a depth of 1 m and a width of up to 5 cm. Rengkahan stuffed with straw or other crop residues. After the rain came rengkahan will close, but the gap held by vertical mulch will help increase water infiltration into the soil so that the flowsurface and reduced erosion.Another way for vertical mulching is to dig a trench by contour lines and buried straw or crop residue in it.The advantages of vertical mulch
Improving soil fertility because it adds organic matter
Improving water infiltration
Reducing erosion
Improving the lives of micro and macro bodies in the ground
Increasing soil moisture
2. Plastic sheet mulchmulsa_5In the agribusiness system intensive, with high economic value crops, often used plastic mulch to reduce evaporation of water from the soil and suppress pests and diseases and weeds. Plastic sheets spread over the soil surface to protect the plants.Tent-shaped plastic mulch for perennial crops trees the plastic mulch can be installed as a tent to block weed growth, retain soil moisture and keep the soil temperature remains high.3. Rock mulchmulsa_6In the mountains the rocks pretty much available that can be used as mulch to plant trees. Ground surface covered with stones arranged meeting to look no further.The size of the stones ranged between 2-10 cm. Thick layer of mulch is not certain, clear the ground to be covered. The benefits of stone mulch is:
Facilitate rainwater infiltration Reduce water evaporation from the soil surface
Protect the soil surface from rain blows items
Suppress weeds (wild grass)
Mulch is the rest of the plant, plastic sheet, or stone structure that is spread on the ground. Mulching helps to protect the soil surface from the rain, erosion and retain moisture, structure, soil fertility, as well as inhibiting the growth of weeds (weeds).Types of mulch1. Crop residue mulchMulch is composed of organic material crop residue (rice straw, corn stalks), clipping of a hedge plant, the leaves and twigs of the plant. Materials are distributed evenly over the soil surface 2-5 cm thick so that the soil surface completely covered.mulsa_2Crop residue mulch can improve fertility, structure, and groundwater reserves. Mulch also inhibits weed growth, and support (buffer) so that the soil temperature is not too hot and not too cold. In addition, crop residues dapatmenarik land animals (such as worms), because of high soil moisture and availability of organic material as worm food. The presence of worms and organic matter will help improve soil structure.Crop residue mulch will decay and rot. Because it is necessary to add mulch every year or season, depending on the speed of decay.The rest of herbaceous plants, such as rice straw, much longer than the decay of organic material such as plant leguminose surly, Arachis, and so on.2. Vertical Mulchmulsa_3Mulch is generally distributed evenly on the soil surface. But vertical mulch mulch of crop residues is embedded into the ground vertically to fill the cracks and cleavage in cross land. Suitable for vertical mulching soils often have cracked in the dry season, such as land Vertisols (Grumusol) are often found in drier climates.Grumusol clay is generally difficult and heavily processed. In the rainy season the soil is a clay and sticky, and during the dry season becoming hard and cracked.How do vertical mulching?mulsa_4In the dry season merengkah clay to a depth of 1 m and a width of up to 5 cm. Rengkahan stuffed with straw or other crop residues. After the rain came rengkahan will close, but the gap held by vertical mulch will help increase water infiltration into the soil so that the flowsurface and reduced erosion.Another way for vertical mulching is to dig a trench by contour lines and buried straw or crop residue in it.The advantages of vertical mulch
Improving soil fertility because it adds organic matter
Improving water infiltration
Reducing erosion
Improving the lives of micro and macro bodies in the ground
Increasing soil moisture
2. Plastic sheet mulchmulsa_5In the agribusiness system intensive, with high economic value crops, often used plastic mulch to reduce evaporation of water from the soil and suppress pests and diseases and weeds. Plastic sheets spread over the soil surface to protect the plants.Tent-shaped plastic mulch for perennial crops trees the plastic mulch can be installed as a tent to block weed growth, retain soil moisture and keep the soil temperature remains high.3. Rock mulchmulsa_6In the mountains the rocks pretty much available that can be used as mulch to plant trees. Ground surface covered with stones arranged meeting to look no further.The size of the stones ranged between 2-10 cm. Thick layer of mulch is not certain, clear the ground to be covered. The benefits of stone mulch is:
Facilitate rainwater infiltration Reduce water evaporation from the soil surface
Protect the soil surface from rain blows items
Suppress weeds (wild grass)
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