SMK N 4 KENDAL vocational school with standard Nasional
Angga Nafis Akmal
Submitted to english assignment in partial fulfillment of the requirements for complement value assignment
Pegandon, Kendal October, 2012
At Kendal, sharing a greeting card or give birthdays cards is not to popular than send message’s via SMS. Everyone think that outdated and they think why must send a card to give congratulations or greeting if we can send message via phone or sosial network ?. But if they know how fun and special if our can make a card with a little touch of art. I think they cant say’s like that again hehehehe.
Oke in this report I will show to you how to make a very beautiful pop-up card, where is so unique than most other card. And it is so simple just 23 steps. By utilizing existing materials around the house and easy to made with hands we can make it.
if we can develop and increase creativity. not impossible if it could be a potential new business. Especialy at Kendal still rarely make pop-up cards. So I think it’s a good idea for taking your time to read this article to the end.
TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................................................... i
PREFACE .......................................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENS ........................................................................................................ iii
CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................... 1
1. INTRODUCTION AND ABOUT POP-UP CARDS ............................................... 1
2. Materials You Will Need ............................................................................... 2
3. Steps By Steps ............................................................................................... 2
4. Picture for Sample......................................................................................... 9
5. Tips ................................................................................................................ 9
6. Closing ........................................................................................................... 10
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................ 12
Hallo, my name is Angga Nafis A, was born on 13 November 1994. I live in Pegandon – Kendal. It’s not important but if you want to know, my home and school is so far away. Need 30 minutes sometimes up to 1 hour because of traffic jam. I always late because that.
Oke, First before we start and make a Pop-Up Card I will tell you about Pop-Up Card. Maybe our not to familiar about this card, especially at Kendal. But in this contents I will tell you about definition of pop-up card.
Pop-Up Cards are normally cards that, once openend, have a picture coming outward, that then giving a surprise to the reader, giving it a pop out effect. They are the most sophisticated cards that can be easily made at home.
Now I will show to you how to make a simple Pop-Up Card with Chrimas tree style. So dont miss it. For the final result, see the picture below :
Construction paper, heavy paper or cardstock paper
Paper clip or ballpoint pen without ink in it
Glue (not PVA glue)
Art supplies of choice to decorate when finished
1. Create a pattern like the image below. Or you can tore the picture in the back that I provide for sample.
2. Lay the card that has the outline of the tree on a flat surface. Take a ruler and line the edge of it up against the center fold line of the card.
3. Use the rounded end of a paper clip (or a ball point pen that has run out of ink) and press it along the dotted line, carefully scoring the card all the way from top to bottom. Score all the other dotted lines on the card as well.
4. Cut the card out carefully following the solid, black lines around the edges.
5. Begin to fold the card in half. Keep the outline of the tree on the outside so that you can see it.
6. Fold the card completely in half with the outline of the tree still visible.
7. Carefully cut along the solid black line of the first segment at the top of the tree
8. Fold the first segment at the top to the tree back against the card, along the dotted line, and crease with your thumb or finger.
9. Put the first segment back in its original position.
10. Open the card like a tent, and push the first segment through to the other side
*Turn over the card. It should look like this.
11. Turn the card over again and carefully cut along the solid black line of the second segment at the top of the tree
12. Fold the second segment at the top to the tree back against the card, along the dotted line, and crease with your thumb or finger.
13. Put the second segment back in its original position.
14. Open the card like a tent, and push the second segment through to the other side.
15. Turn the card back over again and repeat the same process of cutting along the solid black lines, folding the segments and pushing them through to the other side. When you have done all five segments the card will look like this.
16. Set the Christmas tree card aside and lay the second print out, the backing card, on a flat surface. Take a ruler and line the edge of it up against the center fold line of the backing card and score down the center with your paper clip.
17. Cut the backing card out carefully following the solid, black lines around the edges.
18. Fold the backing card in half with the dotted line on the INSIDE. Set this card aside.
19. Turn over the Christmas Tree card so the dotted outline is visible. Put a thin line of glue along the right side of the card from top to bottom.
20. Put a thin line of glue along the left side of the card from top to bottom.
21. Carefully position the backing card, with the dotted line facing down, on top of the Christmas tree card. Take your time, making sure the edges of both cards match up.
22. Press the cards together, flattening them completely.
23. Last Step Turn the card over, carefully close and open it. Your pop-up Christmas Tree card is ready to be decorated!
4. TIPS Try to use a strong glue or rubber cement, as it will hold better.
turned out to make a Pop-Up card is not difficult. So as I said at the beginning of the page, we can make it with easy and by utilizing existing materials around the house and easy to made with hands. Hey if we luck we can sell it.
So that I can say, I realize that there are still many shortcomings but hey readers may be able to give criticism and advice. I am very happy to receive feedback from readers especially the criticism and constructive suggestions.
Readers can can send criticisms and suggestions directly to me by sending an email to exanavie@gmail.com or visit my blog www.coretanexa.blogspot.com. The last word I say Thank You.
Make a Christmas Tree pop-Up Card http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Christmas-Tree-Pop-up-Card-%28Robert-Sabuda-Method%29 Definition of Pop-up Card www.mashpedia.com/Greeting_card
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